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Global Standards Symposium

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​​Global Standards Symposium
Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, 24 October 2016
Organized by the
Telecommunication Standardization Sector of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T)
and hosted by the Government of Tunisia

​Security, Privacy and Trust in Standardization

Ammar Alkassar Bio PictureAmmar Alkassar CEO, Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity

Since 2015, Ammar Alkassar is CEO of Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity – Germany’s major supplier for Cybersecurity. Before, he was 10 years CEO of Sirrix AG security technologies. He has a M.Sc. from Saarland University and a B.Sc. in both Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Before joining Sirrix, Alkassar was senior researcher at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, and before that he was researcher at Stevens Tech, NJ and HUT, Helsinki. 

He is a member of the Federal Industry/Government Commission on IT-Security and a board member in Germany’s IT-Security association TeleTrusT. Alkassar is Director of the European Competence Center for IT-Security. Moreover, he is author of numerous publications on communications, cryptography and security and regularly invited speaker at military communications and security conference, e.g. IEEE MILCOM, RSA and others. Ammar Alkassar serves as a reserve officer within the German Armed Forces
Jaya Baloo Bio PictureJaya Baloo, Chief Information Security Officer, KPN

Ms Jaya Baloo is the CISO of KPN Telecom in the Netherlands. She won the Cyber Security Executive of the year award in 2015. Jaya works with an amazing information security team of highly driven specialists. Working in the information security arena for the past 18 years, she has worked mostly for global telecommunications companies such as Verizon and France Telecom. Jaya is also a frequent speaker at security conferences on subjects around lawful interception, mass surveillance, and cryptography.
David Francis Bio PictureDavid Francis, European Cyber Security Officer, Huawei Technologies

David Francis was appointed Huawei’s European Cyber Security Officer in August 2015, having previously been the CSO for Huawei in the UK&I since 2013. David started his career with British Telecom as an engineer and has held senior positions in the IT sector in the UK and the US since. Prior to joining Huawei, David was a Chief Operating Officer with an eCommerce platform. Also, he has worked for Symantec for over 9 years, of which the last 5 as Vice President of Operations. At Symantec, David was responsible for the SaaS / cloud operations unit, consisting of over 300 staff globally. Working closely with government and local authority customers, he has a vast experience with cyber security challenges and requirements for both the public and the private sector.
Frans Vreeswijk Bio PictureFrans Vreeswijk, General Secretary & CEO, IEC

Frans Vreeswijk took over the function of IEC General Secretary and CEO on 1 October 2012.
Prior to joining the IEC he worked for almost 30 years for Philips in the Netherlands, Austria and the USA, notably in research, healthcare and consumer electronics. Vreeswijk was President of the IEC Dutch National Committee (NEC) and a board member to the Dutch National Committee (NEN) to ISO (International Organization for Standardization). He served on the IEC Council Board and SMB (Standardization Management Board) and represented the Netherlands in CENELEC (the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization).
James Snow Bio PictureJames Snow, Security & Compliance Product Strategist, Google Cloud

James Snow is the Global Product Strategist focusing on Security, Privacy, and Legal Compliance for Google Cloud. James engages frequently with Customers, Regulators and Partners on Security and Compliance topics and has authored several versions the G Suite
Security and Compliance Whitepaper.

In previous roles, James Snow was responsible for Security and Compliance in EMEA for Google Enterprise. James has deep product knowledge in G Suite (formerly Google Apps for Work), Google Cloud Platform and Enterprise Search. James has been the lead engineer on some of the largest Apps, Search, and Security deals in the globally to date including Ahold, Randstad, KLM, among many others. James has worked for Google for over 8 years and held previous positions including Program Manager at Microsoft (Redmond) in the Connected Systems Division (SQL Server, BizTalk, Host Integration Server) and at Accenture in their Global Integration Practice implementing systems integration and BI solutions for Fortune 500 clients in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. James has lived internationally for over a decade (London, Amsterdam, and Manila) but has recently relocated to Mountain View California. James studied Computer Science and Business at James Madison University. When not lobbying for Trust at Google, James is an
avid scuba diver and snowboarder.
Thomas Kremer Bio PictureThomas Kremer, Member of the Board of Management for Data Privacy, Legal Affairs and Compliance, Deutsche Telekom AG

Dr. Thomas Kremer, has been the Board of Management member responsible for Data Privacy, Legal Affairs and Compliance at Deutsche Telekom AG since June 2012. He was the interim Chief Human Resources Officer from January 2014 to March 2015.
Karen McCabe Bio Picture ​Karen McCabe, Senior Director, Technology Policy and International Affairs, IEEE Standards Association

Karen McCabe is a Senior Director of Technology Policy and International Affairs at IEEE, where she leads efforts to build and connect communities working in the technology policy ecosystem and where her focus is on the development and promotion of collaborative strategies that produce impactful outcomes among mulit-stakeholders to help advance technology for society and humanity benefit. Karen has over 20 years experience working at the nexus of mission-driven organizations, industry, NGO and government bodies to raise awareness, to educate and build capacity among stakeholders in the technology sphere. Karen is engaged in efforts in internet governance, ethics and technology and global standards in trade and policy. She leads the organization’s engagement with the UN (SDGs, WSIS etc.) and other international bodies with a focus on engagement of technical community and a focus on the intersection of policy and technology in ICTs. Karen is a member of the OECD Internet Technical Advisory and works with an array of organizations and bodies to connect technologists, industry leaders and policy makers where she develops partnerships and builds alliances across stakeholder communities.
Yuejin Du Bio PictureYuejin Du, Chief Security Expert and VP of technology, Alibaba Group

Yuejin Du, Ph.D. is currently working as Chief Security Expert and VP of technology at Alibaba Group, focus on Data Security, IoT security, Threat Intelligence, Standard and outside cooperation on Cyber security. Before he join Alibaba, he was the founder and director of National Engineering Laboratory for Cybersecurity Emergency Response Technology, Director of National Institute of National Institute of Network and Information Security, and one of the founders of Chinese national response center of computer network security (CNCERT/CC), one of the founders and deputy chair of Asia-Pacific cooperation group of CSIRTS (APCERT).

Dr. Du has more than 16 years of experience on Internet security, contributed a lot on national Internet security capacity building, played key role on building the national Internet security infrastructure and national incident response cooperation framework. He did a lot of work on public-awareness-raising. Dr. Du was one of the several top level network security experts during many important event, including Olympic Game in 2008, the World Expo and the Asian Games in 2010, the Summer Universiade in 2011, and the G20 in Hongzhou in 2016. Dr. Du earned many very high level awards because of his contributions.

Dr. Du also played active role on international cooperation. He proposed China-ASEAN cooperation framework on network security, leaded an APEC-TEL project on botnet countermeasure, made many presentations on various international conferences
Toni Eid Bio PictureToni G. Eid, Chief Executive Officer, TRACE MEDIA & International Editor in Chief of Telecom Review global editions

Toni Started his career in Media & Publishing in 1985and holds over 3 years’ experience in Media, with over 1 year specialized in Telecom Media Business He is involved in International Business in Gulf, Europe & North America since 1886. He is a very active member of the Telecom Industry and participates at most industry events and forums around the world which include playing the role of the Judge in many prestigious committee AWARDS.

In addition, Toni is also speaking & moderating at many events globally as he has a large knowledge of the Telecom & ICT Business. Toni is the founder of one of the most successful Telecom media brand Telecom REVIEW; this is the world’s largest multi-language media with electronic, print & App editions, which covers North America, Asia Pacific, Africa, Middle East and Europe. As well as Toni holding a HNC in Business Administration, he is also fluent in French, Arabic and English.
Sophie Clivio Bio PictureSophie Clivio, Director Standardization and Technical Policy, ISO

Since September 2015, Sophie Clivio has been the Director, Standardization and Technical Policy and TMB Secretary of the Technical Management Board (TMB) of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Prior to joining ISO (in 1992), Sophie Clivio started her career with IBM in 1987 as a Software Telecommunication Engineer, progressing as Network Marketing Engineer and eventually Sales Representative until 1992. Of French nationality, Sophie Clivio obtained a master of Mathematics in 1985 from the University of Paris VII (France) and a diploma in Engineering in Telecommunication (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications) in 1987 (France).
Ashok Ganesh Bio PictureAshok Ganesh, Director Innovation at CEN CENELEC

Ashok Ganesh is Director Innovation at CEN CENELEC and has worked in standardization for 20 years. His current responsibilities include developing new standardization opportunities, deeper integration of standards and research, supporting stakeholders to benefit from standards and Education about Standardization.
Ilias Chantzos Bio Picture ​Ilias Chantzos, Senior Director, Government Affairs, EMEA, Global CIP and Privacy Advisor, Symantec

Ilias Chantzos is Senior Director of Symantec’s Government Affairs programmes for Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) and Asia Pacific Japan. He is also the Global Advisor for Critical Infrastructure and Data Protection. Chantzos represents Symantec before government bodies, national authorities and international organisations advising on public policy issues with particular regard to IT security and privacy.

Before joining Symantec in 2004, Chantzos worked as legal and policy officer in the Directorate General Information Society of the European Commission focusing on information security policy. He covered the council of Europe Cybercrime Convention and the Framework Decision on Attacks against Information Systems. In addition, he worked on a number of EU legislative initiatives relevant to information society and security, including directives on Privacy on Electronic Communications, the Data Retention Directive and the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA). He also represented the European Commission in various international debates and conferences.

Chantzos holds a law degree from the University of Thessaloniki, a Masters degree in Computers and Communication Law from the University of London and a Master degree in Business Administration from Solvay Business School. He is also member of the Athens Bar Association. He served as Chairman of the Executive Board of TechAmerica Europe. He also served for four terms as Chairman of the European Policy Council of Business Software Alliance (BSA). He is appointed member of the Permanent Stakeholders Group of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) and at Europol’s European Cybercrime Center (EC3) Advisory Board. Chantzos is a member of the Young Global Leaders 2014 class of the World Economic Forum. He speaks Greek, English, Dutch and German.
Mohamed Anouar Maarouf Bio PictureH.E. Dr Mohamed Anouar Maarouf - Minister of Communication Technologies and Digital Economy, Republic of Tunisia

H.E. Dr Mohamed Anouar Maarouf is Tunisia’s Minister of Technology and the Digital Economy. He is a graduate of the l'Institut National des Télécommunication à Paris. He holds a Master of Change Management from l'Université Paris-Dauphine and a PhD in Mathematics from the University Joseph Fourier in Grenoble (France). He began his career as a consultant to numerous prominent companies including France Telecom, Bouygues Telecom, SFR and Nokia on topics such as network architecture and engineering, before eventually directing several projects in these domains. He joined the Department of Information Technology and Communication as Adviser to the Minister in charge, among others, the steering of the National Strategy "Tunisia Numérique 2018". He also participates in the work of the Intelligence Unit and Strategic Foresight of the Presidency of the Government.
James Kilaba Bio PictureMr James Kilaba - Director General, Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA)

Mr. James M. Kilaba is currently working with Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) as Director General.

Mr. Kilaba has been working in the communications sector regulation for more than 20 years. Over this period he has been a pioneer in many ICT development initiatives as well as active participant in the ITU Standardization and Development activities.

He has also been serving the ITU as ITU-T Study Group 2 Vice Chairman for two Study periods (2009–2016) and was the motivator behind the establishment of the EACO Standardization Group in East Africa.

James Kilaba is a Senior Member of the Institution of Engineers in Tanzania. He has also been a Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for more than 15 years.
Mongi Marzoug Bio PictureDr Mongi Marzoug - Former ICT Minister, Tunisia
From January to August 2016, Dr Marzoug served as the Tunisian Minister of Energy and Mines. He has also served as Tunisian ICT minister, where he oversaw important reforms regarding governance, legal framework, regulation, and digital economy (digital strategy plan, cyber-security law and plan, frequency plan, global telecommunication licenses, universal service, market competition, virtual networks, ISP, IXP, broadcasting reforms, e-Government projects). Dr Marzoug has extensive management experience within the telecommunications industry, with a strong expertise on communication networks: technologies, services, costs and business. He holds a patent in the mobile radio network technology, and he has published several scientific and technical papers in this domain. Between 1999-2011, he held various leadership positions at Orange Group specializing in mobile network architecture, performance, roaming and cost. He was also the company's Deputy Director of studies, engineering and products. More recently, he was Orange Group’s VP of Internet and Governance and Digital Development between 2014-2016.

Houlin Zhao Bio PictureMr Houlin Zhao - Secretary-General, ITU

Mr Houlin Zhao is the 19th Secretary-General of the ITU. His four-year mandate started on 1 January 2015. From 2007 to 2014, he served as ITU Deputy Secretary-General, supporting the work of the Secretary-General, principally in terms of day-to-day management, including human resources, financial administration, improving efficiency, and working to help broaden ITU's membership, particularly in terms of academic institutions. Mr Zhao has also served in the elected role of Director of ITU's Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB) from 1999 to 2006. During his two terms of office he spearheaded the introduction of new efficiency measures to improve ITU's standards-making environment through fostering even closer cooperation with industry members, while strengthening the promotion of ITU's leadership in global ICT standards development.  

Chaesub Lee Bio PictureDr Chaesub Lee - Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB), ITU
Dr Chaesub Lee is the Director of ITU’s Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, following his election at the 2014 Plenipotentiary Conference in Busan, Republic of Korea. He took office on 1st January 2015. Dr Lee has been involved in the telecommunication and ICT standardization field for 27 years, specializing in areas such as integrated services digital networks (ISDN), global information infrastructure (GII), Internet protocol, next-generation networks (NGN), Internet protocol television (IPTV) and cloud computing. He acted as Vice-Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 13 from 2001 until 2008, becoming Chairman in 2009. 

​​John Edwards Bio PictureMr John Edwards - Privacy Commissioner of New Zealand; and Chair, Executive Committee of the International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners

Mr John Edwards was appointed New Zealand Privacy Commissioner in February 2014. Prior to this, John practiced law for over 20 years with a specialty in inform​ation law, representing a wide range of public and private sector clients.  For 15 years John held a warrant as a district inspector for mental health and has also been a district inspector for intellectual disability services. NZ was elected to the Committee in 2013 and re-elected for a further 2 year term in 2015. John was elected Chair of the Executive Committee in 2014 and re-elected as Chair in 2015.

Bilel Jamoussi Bio PictureDr Bilel Jamoussi – Chief of Study Groups Department, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU
Tunisian born, Dr. Bilel Jamoussi is Chief of the Study Groups Department of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB), ITU, in Geneva Switzerland. Since 2010, he has been leading the bureau’s standards making activities into a new era characterized by rapid convergence and the need for increased collaboration with vertical sectors and partnership between developed and developing countries. Prior to 2010, Jamoussi worked for a Telecommunication equipment and solutions provider for 15 years in Canada and then in the United States where he held several leadership positions and was granted 22 US patents in diverse areas including packet, optical, wireless, and quality of service. He holds a BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University, USA. He is fluent in Arabic, French, and English and speaks some Spanish and German.

Victor Vanegas Bio PictureMr Victor Manuel Martinez Vanegas - Director of International Policy, Federal Telecommunications Institute, Mexico

Mr. Victor Martínez, has been the Director of International Policy in the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) of Mexico since October, 2014. He is responsible for elaborating and promoting the international policy of IFT in telecommunications, broadcasting and competition. Previously, he served in the Ministry of Communications and Transports for more than six years. He has led the Mexican delegation in many world assemblies, conferences and meetings of the International Telecommunications Union, Inter-American Telecommunications Commission (CITEL) and OECD meetings. He was also Vice-Chairman of TDAG (2010 – 2014), Co- rapporteur of CITEL preparatory working group for WTSA and WCIT in 2012, Mexican representative in the Governmental Advisory Committee of ICANN (2010 – 2014), member of Committee of Program in LACIGF and member of the Initiative Group for Dialogs of Internet Governance in Mexico.
Bernard Benoit Bio PictureMr Bernard Benoit - General Manager, White Noise / Kudelski Security

With a business education, Mr Bernard Benoit worked for 10 years for the press and for communication agencies in various creative roles. In the late 90’s he started to collaborate on the emerging Internet technologies before taking over a marketing role in the world of IT integration. Over 10 years ago Bernard Benoit joined the Kudelski Group, a global leader in digital security and convergent media solutions for the delivery of digital and interactive content. He has held various positions in relation with service delivery and took over the Procurement department where he was able to contribute to product cost optimization and rationalization. With an entrepreneurial drive, passionate about technology and the value creation through innovation Bernard Benoit created White Noise in 2014, a new product that address the Secure Unified Communication over the top.

Reinhard Scholl Bio PictureDr Reinhard Scholl - Deputy Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB), ITU
Dr Reinhard Scholl is Deputy to the Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB) since September 2002. Previously he has been with Siemens in Munich, Germany and with ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute). He has also served on the ICANN Board. He received a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Illinois, USA.

Chawki Gaddes Bio PictureMr Chawki Gaddes - President, National Authority for the Protection of Personal Information, Tunisia

Mr Chawki Gaddes is the current President of Tunisia’s National Authority for the Protection of Personal Information. He has an extensive background in public law and information and communications technology law. He is a graduate of the Tunisian University in Public Law and International Academy of Constitutional Law. He is also the Secretary General of the Tunisian Association of Constitutional Law. In 2011 he led the ATDC’s observation mission set up by the association during the Tunisian elections.