Committed to connecting the world


Marcos Allende
Technical Leader and Coordinator, LACChain Global Alliance

Marcos Allende is the Technical Leader and Coordinator of the LACChain Global Alliance. He coordinates the development of the infrastructure and the technical support to blockchain projects. He plays this role from the IT Department of the Inter-American Development Bank, as an IT Specialist. Marcos has published several articles and papers on blockchain and quantum technology and their potential for social impact. As a physicist, prior to joining the IDB he worked for CERN in particle physics.
Emilio Davila
European Commission, Directorate General Connect, Digital Innovation & Blockchain Unit , Head of ICT Standardisation Sector

​Emilio Dávila González has worked since 2013 in the Unit dealing with Innovation and Blockchain within Directorate General for Communication Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT). He is responsible of coordinating ICT standardisation strategies, liaising with Standards Development Organisations active in ICT, and in particular building bridges between research and standardisation and how standardisation contributes to innovation. He is also following up (among other sectors) international standardisation activities on blockchain/DLT in the different standardisation organisations. Mr. Dávila graduated as Telecommunication Engineer in the Polytechnic University of Madrid and holds a Degree in Law from the Spanish Open University.
Fillipe Guerra
Head of Architecture, SIA S.p.

Fillipe Augusto Gomes Guerra lives to create and destroy things!
He is the Head of Architecture of SIA S.p.A and holds a Blockchain Executive Program MA from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan. New Technology solutions and paradigms are the best daily breakfast menu for him. Working and collaborating closely with CEOs, CIOs, Directors and Technical Experts, he aims to merge business success with a promotion of people’s quality of life. He’s the Lead Architect of SIA S.p.A for Blockchain and Innovation projects like Spunta Interbancaria, which is the first Blockchain Project to connect the whole financial system in a Blockchain Network with more than 100 Banks in production in Italy.
After spending more than a decade around the globe working as Lead of Architecture for numerous Multinational companies like ENI S.p.A, Saipem S.p.A , Symantec C.A, ING Bank N.V, and currently SIA S.p.A, Fillipe knows what truly drives new ideas and problem solving – and it’s not only mastering the technology flavor of the week. The trick is to connect with the beating heart of a business as well as the people around it, whom he’s trying to help, and communicate his understanding back to them.
Suzanna Maranhão Moreno
ITU-T Study Group 16 Q22 Associate Rapporteur / Digital Innovation Analyst, BNDES

Suzana Maranhão Moreno is the Associate Rapporteur of "Distributed Legder Technology and E-services" under ITU-T Study Group 16. She was the vice-chair of ITU-T FG DLT (Focus Group on Application of Distributed Ledger Technology). Co-founder of Digital Innovation Lab in the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), which is now the main technical responsible for deploying a national infrastructure to blockchain in Brazil. She is also the Vice-coordinator of Blockchain Action Group at the Brazilian Anti-corruption and Money Laundering Strategy (ENCCLA). orem. Phasellus consequat quam eu elit scelerisque vestibulum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. 
​​Jesus Ruiz
CTO, Alastria

Jesus Ruiz is a member of the board and CTO of Alastria. Alastria is the first and biggest public-permissioned blockchain network with the aim of accelerating the digital transformation of all sectors of the economy. He is also part of the technical governance group of EBSI (European Blockchain Services Infrastructure), the initiative from the European Commission and Member States in order to enhance the provision of cross-border services from public administrations to citizens and businesses.
​Yi Zhan
Research Director, China Mobile Group Design Institute

Yi Zhan is the research director of China Mobile Group Design Institute and a professor-level senior engineer. He is one of the backbone members of the Blockchain-based Service Network Development Association. Yi Zhan has long been engaged in blockchain, cloud computing, big data technology research and has published several articles and papers on blockchain.