Committed to connecting the world


Tareq Amin
Representative Director, Executive Vice President and CTO, Rakuten Mobile, Inc.

As the first Chief Technology Officer of the newly-established Rakuten Mobile, Inc., Tareq Amin is leading the design and roll-out of the company’s next-generation cloud-native mobile network in Japan.  With a career in the mobile network industry of almost two decades, prior to joining Rakuten in 2018, Amin was a key contributor to the transformation of the mobile industry in India as Senior Vice President of Technology Development and Automation for Reliance Jio. Prior to that, he served as Vice President of Carrier Solutions for Huawei and as Senior Director of National Planning & Performance at T-Mobile. Amin holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Physics from Portland State University in Oregon.
​​ Salih Ergut
 Turkcell 5G R&D
Dr Salih Ergut has more than 15 years of experience in the telecommunication domain in academia and industry. He has worked for vendor and operator companies in the sector including Ericsson Wireless (San Diego, CA), Ericsson Silicon Valley, Aware (Boston, MA), Nextwave (San Diego, CA), Turk Telekom Group (Istanbul, Turkey) and is currently working at Turkcell 5G R&D team in Istanbul, Turkey. He received his BS in Electrical Engineering from Bilkent University (Ankara, Turkey), MS in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Northeastern University (Boston, MA), and PhD in Electrical & Computer Engineering from University of California San Diego (La Jolla, CA). His research interests include wireless communications, machine learning, big data technologies, 5G technologies, SDN, NFV, and IoT.
Mostafa Essa 
AI and Data Analytics D.E., Digital Transformation T.D, Digital Transformation Director, (Vodafone) 

Mostafa RAN AI and Data Analytics Vodafone distinguished engineer is a globally recognized authority in Digital Transformation and RAN strategy, design and optimization, applying AI/ML to new tools via using new innovative AI concept. He is also Chairman for ITU Network 2030, co-chairman in ITU FGML5G WG1, ETSI POC rapporteur chair and Board Member advisor for The AUC. Distinguished Engineers community consists of 15 world class members (Professors and Highest standard Engineering experts worldwide), shaping the future of the technology worldwide by researches and technical consultancies. Mostafa holds a BSc in Electronics & Telecommunication and is undertaking MSc in Nano-technologies & Artificial Intelligence. He holds 3 patents, the 4th in progress and has authored/contributed to numerous publications and participation regarding AI, Cognitive Networks in ITU-ETSI-GSMA.
Paul Harvey
Rakuten Mobile

​Paul Harvey completed his PhD in computing science at the University of Glasgow, funded by the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. In general, his research was focused on distributed systems, specifically, parallel computing and runtime adaptation. Dr Harvey was previously a JSPS Fellow at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo, Japan, working on self-adaptive systems for heterogeneous devices and applying formal methods. Prior to this, he researched high performance computing for the European Union, curriculum development for the Scottish government, and engaged research collaborations with international partners. Dr Harvey is currently research lead in the Autonomous Networking Research and Innovation Department, Rakuten Mobile Inc. He is researching evolutionary-driven autonomous networks, edge computing, and coordinating international research collaborations.
Paul Patras
Associate Professor/Reader in the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

Paul Patras is an Associate Professor in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh, where he leads the Mobile Intelligence Lab. His research crosses the boundary between network engineering and data science. His team has been pioneering several applications of AI to the analys, security, and management of next generation mobile systems. Paul is also co-founder and co-CEO of Net AI, a university spin-out whose mission is to put mobile network management on autopilot
Qi Sun
Senior Researcher, China Mobile

Dr. Qi Sun is a Senior Researcher in China Mobile Research Institute, Co-chair of O-RAN WG2, Chairman of ITU-T Focus Group on Machine Learning for Future Networks including 5G (FG-ML5G) Data formats & ML technologies Group. She has been working on the key technology and standardization of 5G radio access network. Now her research interest focuses on wireless big data and AI for 5G and future RAN architecture, protocol and algorithm design. She has filed more than 50 patents, published more than 30 SCI/EI papers, and won the award of ESI top 1% highly cited paper
​​Prakaiwan Vajrabhaya
Research Outreach & Promotion Lead, Rakuten Mobile

Dr. Prakaiwan Vajrabhaya received her PhD in Linguistics from the University of Oregon, USA. She was a Researcher (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) at RWTH Aachen University, Germany. She is currently the Research Outreach & Promotion Lead of the Rakuten Mobile Innovation Studio, Japan
Cao Xi
Senior Researcher, AI and Intelligent Operation Center, China Mobile Research Institute

Dr. Cao Xi is a senior researcher of AI and Intelligent Operation Center at China Mobile Research Institute (Beijing, China). He received his PhD of Information and communications engineeringin from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Wuhan, China). He has worked in China Mobile Research Institute for more than 12 years, and has been engaged in the R&D projects covering radio access network from 2G to 5G, autonamous network, SON (Self Organizing Network), MDT (Minimization of Drive Tests), small cells. He is the editor of ITU-T Recommondation Y.3173, rapporteur of 3GPP TR 28.810 and TS 28.100, project leader of Intelligent Network Project in 5G eMBB Program of GTI (Global TD-LTE Initialtive).
Liya Yuan
Open Source & Standardization Engineer, ZTE

Liya Yuan is an open source & standardization engineer in ZTE, focusing on the field of AI for telecommunication network. She is currently the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) chair of AI project Adlik, which is incubated in Linux Foundation AI Foundation. She also takes an active part in ITU-T standardization activities and is the main editor of ITU-T FG ML5G specifications on "Serving framework for ML models in future networks including IMT-2020".