Committed to connecting the world

Episode #1: DLT Interoperability

The first episode of the series focused on DLT Interoperability. With the increasing number of DLT networks being formed, the issue of interoperability has become increasingly relevant and the definition of key points through standardization should play an important role in the direction of a global-scale adoption. The episode aimed to discuss what can be  learnt from historical events from the Internet formation and analyse the role of governance as an enabler of trust. The discussion also considered the problems of DLT interoperability from the technical perspective and a possible framework for DLT interoperability.
Participation in the meet-up was open to ITU Member States, Sector Members, Associates and Academic Institutions and to any individual from a country that is a member of ITU who wished to contribute to the work. This included individuals from the DLT technology and service providers, research institutions, United Nations agencies, regulators, other related professionals, and also members of international, regional and national organizations.

Opening Remarks
Standardization Bureau, ITU
ITU-T Study Group 16/
Director, Dept. of Industry and Standards (West Europe), Huawei

Suzana Maranhao  (Moderator)
  ITU-T Study Group 16 Q22 Associate Rapporteur/
Digital Innovation Analyst, BNDES
Talk 1:  Towards an Interoperability Architecture for Blockchain Autonomous Systems ​ ​ ​
Connection Science & Engineering
Co-Founder and CTO
Sila / Connection Science Fellow
Talk 2: The three dimensions of DLT interoperability
ITU-T Study Group 16 Q22 Rapporteur
Secretary/ General of TBI
Member of TBI Interoperability
Working Group/
 Blockchain Scientist, WeBank
Co-chair, TBI Interoperability Working Group / Director of Quality and Standards, Hangzhou Qulian Technology Co., Ltd
Talk 3: New Work Item on DLT Governance and Technical interoperability Framework - Phase 1 | Governance
Multiledger, Brazil



