Committed to connecting the world

Rapporteur Meetings
WP Question Date Place / Host Subject Documents
2/13​ 3/13​ 21 – 25 November 2011** Geneva, Switzerland

Terms of Reference:

  • For IoT-GSI: Y IoT-overview, Y.MOC-Regts, Y.EHM-Regts, Y.SCN and IoT-GSI work plan
TD 254 (PLEN/13)​
2/13​ 3/13​ 21 – 25 November 2011 Geneva, Switzerland
Terms of Reference:
TD 254 (PLEN/13)​
5/13 7/13 21 – 25 November 2011** Geneva, Switzerland
Terms of Reference:
  • To deal with mainly the on-going draft Recommendations and living list items, but are not limited to

TD 251R2 (PLEN/13)

2/13​ ​12/13 ​30 November - 9 December 2011 ​Seoul, Korea (TTA)
Terms of Reference:
  • SUN related matters and other ongoing Q.12/13 Recommendations
4/13 17/13 6, 7 and 8 December 2011 E-meeting
Terms of Reference:
  • Resolve outstanding technical issues in clause 8
  • Make overall editorial improvements
TD 250 (PLEN/13)​
3/13 22/13 5 - 9 December 2011 E-meeting
Terms of Reference:
  • Progress the work on draft Recommendation Y.MM-VPN​​
TD 249 (PLEN/13)
5/13 21/13

6, 7, 8 am December 2011
(supported by E-meeting facility)

Seoul, Korea / ETRI
Terms of Reference:
  • Improvement of Y.SUN overview and others
TD 251R2 (PLEN/13)
3/13 9/13 19-21 December 2011 China
Terms of Reference:

Progress the work on draft Recommendations:
  • High Priority: Y.MC-ARCH
  • Medium Priority: Y.MC-Streaming , Y.MC-URM, Y.MC-ID and Y.MC-eMMTEL
TD 249 (PLEN/13)
2/13 3/13 6 – 17 February 2012*, ** Geneva, Switzerland
Terms of Reference:
  • All draft Recommendations under development in Q.3/13, Q.3/13 living list items, but not limited to this.
  • Plan for consent of Y.IoT-overview (tentative) and Y.MOC-Retqs (tentative).
TD 254 (PLEN/13)
4/13 4/13 6 – 17 February 2012* Geneva, Switzerland
Terms of Reference:
  • Advance all study items under the responsibility of Q.4/13
  • Sharpen the Q.4/13 Question text
TD 250 (PLEN/13)
3/13 5/13 6 – 17 February 2012* Geneva, Switzerland
Terms of Reference:
  • Progress draft Rec. Y.IPTV-IDF and Y.MCC-arch in view of consent
  • Progress draft supplement Y.iptv-mcast in view of its approval
  • Progress the work on other draft recommendations and supplements under Q.5/13 responsibility

TD 249 (PLEN/13) 

5/13 7/13 6 – 13 February 2012** Geneva, Switzerland
Terms of Reference:
  • Q.7/13 will deal with mainly the on-going draft Recommendations and its living list items, but are not limited to. The issue of the future of Q.7 for the next study period will be also dealt with. The joint meetings may occur to coordinate Q.7’s work with other relevant groups if necessary.
TD 187R2 (WP5/13)
5/13 7/13 6 – 17 February 2012* Geneva, Switzerland
Terms of Reference:
  • Q.7/13 will deal with mainly the on-going draft Recommendations and living list items, but are not limited to. The joint meetings also may occur during the NGN-GSI event to coordinate Q.7’s work with other relevant groups
  • Q.7/13 will also join IoT-GSI in the same timeframe
TD 251R2 (PLEN/13)
3/13 9/13 6 – 17 February 2012* Geneva, Switzerland
Terms of Reference:
  • Progress the work on draft Recommendations Y.MC-ARCH in view of its consent
  • Progress the work on draft Recommendations Y.MC-Streaming, Y.MC-URM, Y.MC-ID and Y.MC-eMMTEL
TD 249 (PLEN/13)
1/13 10/13 6 – 17 February 2012* Geneva, Switzerland
Terms of Reference:
  • Progress the work on the new Draft Recommendation Q.1741.8 “IMT-2000 references to Release 10 of GSM evolved UMTS core network”.
TD 238 (PLEN/13)
2/13 12/13 6 – 17 February 2012*,** Geneva, Switzerland
Terms of Reference:
  • 8 draft Recommendations (Y.ipev, Y.UbiNet-hn, Y.NGN-Web, Y.iptvintwVoD, Y.WoT,, Y.SUN-context, Y.SUN-content), the current Q.12 living list items (Annex B of Q.12 report, TD 271R1/WP2/13) and Q.12 work items (Annex C of Q.12 report, TD 271R1/WP2/13), but not limited to this.
  • Plan for consent  of Y.UbiNet-hn, Y.NGN-Web, Y.WoT.
TD 254 (PLEN/13)
5/13 19/13 6 – 17 February 2012* Geneva, Switzerland
Terms of Reference:
  • To consent draft Y.dsnarch and Y.dsntocf
  • To progress drafts Y.dsncdf, Y.Dsnmmtel, Y.dsn_sec_req, and Y.Dsnrf
TD 251R2 (PLEN/13)
5/13 20/13 6 – 17 February 2012* Geneva, Switzerland
Terms of Reference:
  • To consent Y.PTDN- routing
  • To progress draft Recommendation: Y.iSCP-arch, Y.PTDN-T-interface, and Y.PTDN-M-interface
  • To discuss other related Recommendations
TD 251R2 (PLEN/13)
5/13 21/13 6 – 17 February 2012* Geneva, Switzerland
Terms of Reference:
  • To progress the work according to the current work programme
TD 251R2 (PLEN/13)
3/13 22/13 6 – 17 February 2012* Geneva, Switzerland
Terms of Reference:
  • Progress the work on Y.MMC, Y.MM-VPN and Y.MM-WAU in view of consent
  • Progress the work on Y.MMS, Y.MM-WAW, Y.MobileP2P and Y.MM-MD
TD 249 (PLEN/13)
2/13 24/13 6 – 17 February 2012* Geneva, Switzerland
Terms of Reference:
  • Y.iptvbs, Y.iras, Y.gms,Y.son-ngn, Y.miptv-scen,Y.nscreen-sc and new work items
  • Plan for consent  of Y.son-ngn, Y.iptvbk​​
TD 254 (PLEN/13)
1/13 25/13 6 – 17 February 2012* Geneva, Switzerland
Terms of Reference:
  • to coordinate the works relating to FN, IPTV, MM and NGN
  • to update FN, IPTV, MM and NGN Roadmaps
TD 238 (PLEN/13)
4/13 16/13 13 – 17 February 2012* Geneva, Switzerland
Terms of Reference:
  • Advance the work on all study items under the responsibility of Q.16/13,   including the joint work with other Questions, with ETS documents designated as the highest priority item
  • Hold joint meeting with Q.19/13 (to advance the Y.dsn_sec_req work)
  • Sharpen the Q.16/13 Question text
TD 250 (PLEN/13)
4/13 17/13 13 – 17 February 2012* Geneva, Switzerland
Terms of Reference:
  • Complete Y.dpireq for determination
  • Advance the work on Y.dpifr
  • Sharpen the Q.17/13 Question text
TD 250 (PLEN/13)
1/13 15/13 2 – 4 April 2012 Kampala, Uganda
Terms of Reference:
  • Work Supplement on “Scenarios and requirements in terms of services and deployments  for IMS and IMT in developing countries ”
  • Preparations for possible conclusions taken by developing countries with regard to TSB circular letter 64
  • Liaison statement  preparation if necessary

A workshop on “Developments regarding telecommunication network architectures and services” will take place on 2 April 2012 in association with this meeting.

TD 238 (PLEN/13)
2/13 3/13 3 - 9 May 2012 ** Geneva, Switzerland
Terms of Reference:
  • Y.IoT-overview, Y.MOC-Reqts, Y.SCN, Y.EHM-Reqts and IoT-GSI work plan
TD 254 (PLEN/13)


* as part of NGN GSI event.

**as part of IoT GSI event.
as part of IPTV GSI event.