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Meeting results concerning Recommendations

Actions taken on Recommendations at the 27 May 2010 Study Group 12 plenary

1. Recommendations consented for Last Call (AAP – Recommendation A.8)

1.1 New Recommendations

ITU-T Rec. No. Provisional number Title Question
G.1011 G.RQAM Reference guide to Quality of Experience (QoE) assessment methodologies 13/12

1.2 Revised Recommendations

ITU-T Rec. No. Title Question
Y.1221 Traffic control and congestion control in IP-based networks 11/12
Y.1542 Framework for achieving end-to-end IP performance objectives 11/12

2. Agreed informative texts

  Title Question
P.502 (2000) Amd. 1 New Appendix III: Automated double talk analysis procedure 6/12
P.Imp830 Implementer’s guide for Recommendation ITU-T P.830 : Subjective performance assessment of telephone-band and wideband digital codecs 7/12