Committed to connecting the world

Past meetings

WP Question Date Place / Host Subject Documents Invitation Status
​3/13 ​12/13 15-16 May 2013 ​Beijing, China / China Mobile Terms of Reference:
To review the document of Y.dsnrf
To discuss the contributions about the draft Recommendation Y.dsncdf according to received contributions and meeting discussions.
To discuss the contributions about the draft Recommendation Y.dsnmmtel according to received contributions and meeting
​TD 28 (PLEN/13) Invite Held
1/13 1/13 24-29 April 2013 Seoul, Korea / TTA Terms of Reference:
Progress Y.gms, Y.ufn-sc, Y.fsul,Y.nscreen-sc etc.
TD 35 Rev.1 (PLEN/13) Invite ​Held
​3/13 ​11/13 29 ​April to 3 May 2013 E-meeting ​Terms of Reference:
Q11/13 will deal with Y.SUN-context, but are not limited to.
TD 28 (PLEN/13)​ Invite

GoTo details​
​3/13 ​16/13 ​29 ​April to 3 May 2013 ​E-meeting Terms of Reference:
Q16/13 will deal with Y.energyMRM and SUN- content with high priorities, but are not limited to.
​TD 28 (PLEN/13) Invite

GoTo details
​3/13 ​14/13 9, 10 May 2013
​E-meeting Terms of Reference:
Progress the work on SDN
TD 28 (PLEN/13)​ Invite Cancelled
​2/13 ​7/13
​13-16 May 2013
13:30-16:30 Geneva time
(with conferencing support)
Terms of Reference:
Advancing the work on Y.dpifr (Framework for Deep Packet Inspection)
​TD 23 Rev.2 (PLEN/13) Cancelled​
​1/13 ​1/13* ​17-27 June 2013 ​Geneva, Switzerland Terms of Reference:
Progress, but not limited to: Y.gms, Y.ufn-sc, Y.fsul,Y.nscreen-sc.
TD 35 Rev.1 (PLEN/13) Held​
1/13​ ​2/13* ​17-27 June 2013 Geneva, Switzerland Terms of Reference:
Progress all ongoing Q2/13 work items, any other Q2/13 relevant input
TD 35 Rev.1 (PLEN/13) Invite ​Held
1/13​ ​3/13* 17-27 June 2013​ ​Geneva, Switzerland Terms of Reference:
Progress the work on Y.NICE arch,, Y.NICE-awareness-arch, and other new work items.
TD 35 Rev.1 (PLEN/13) ​Invite Held​
​1/13 ​4/13 ​19-21 June 2013 ​Geneva, Switzerland Terms of Reference:
Progress the Draft Recommendation Q.EPC-R10, Q.1741.9 and Q.1742.11
TD 35 Rev.1 (PLEN/13) Invite​ Held
​2/13 ​6/13 20-21 June 2013 ​Geneva, Switzerland Terms of Reference:
dvancing the work on Y.rTF, and Y.CDNi-QoS
​TD 23 Rev.2 (PLEN/13) ​Invite Cancelled
​2/13 ​7/13 24-27 June 2013 ​Geneva, Switzerland Terms of Reference:
Advancing the work on Y.dpifr, Y.SupTerm, Y.SupApp, and Y.dpimec
​​TD 23 Rev.2 (PLEN/13) ​Invite Held​
​2/13 ​9/13 ​​17-27 June 2013 ​Geneva, Switzerland ​Terms of Reference:
Advancing the work on Y.MM-MD, Y.MMS, Y.MM-WAW and Y.MobileP2P
​​TD 23 Rev.2 (PLEN/13) Invite Held​
​2/13 ​10/13 ​​17-27 June 2013 ​Geneva, Switzerland ​Terms of Reference:
Advancing the work on Y.MC- eMMTEL, Y.MC- IAS, Y.MC-URM, Y.MC-MPT
​​TD 23 Rev.2 (PLEN/13) Invite Held​
​2/13 ​17/13 24-28 June 2013 ​Geneva, Switzerland ​Terms of Reference:
Progress the work of the high priority draft Recommendation Y.daas;
Review Question Work Plan and modify it as needed;
Finalize the scope of new Work Items agreed during February 2013 meeting
​​TD 23 Rev.2 (PLEN/13) Invite Held​
​2/13 ​​18/13 24-28 June 2013​ ​Geneva, Switzerland ​Terms of Reference:
Progress the work of the high priority draft Recommendations Y.cciaas, Y.ccnaas and Y.ccic;
Review Question Work Plan and modify it as needed;
Finalize the scope of new Work Items agreed during February 2013 meeting
​​TD 23 Rev.2 (PLEN/13) Invite Held​
​2/13 ​19/13 ​17-28 June 2013​​ ​​Geneva, Switzerland Terms of Reference:
Progress the work of the high priority draft Recommendation Y.e2ecslm;
Review Question Work Plan and modify it as needed;
Finalize the scope of new Work Items agreed during February 2013 meeting
​​TD 23 Rev.2 (PLEN/13) Cancelled
​3/13 ​11/13* ​17-27 June 2013 ​​​Geneva, Switzerland Terms of Reference:
Q11/13 will deal with Y.SUN-context, but are not limited to.
TD 28 (PLEN/13)​ Invite ​Held
​3/13 12/13​ ​​17-27 June 2013 ​Geneva, Switzerland Terms of Reference:
To review the document of Y.dsnrf
To discuss the contributions about the draft Recommendation Y.dsncdf according to received contributions and meeting discussions.
To discuss the contributions about the draft Recommendation Y.dsnmmtel according to received contributions and meeting
TD 28 (PLEN/13)​ Invite Held​
​3/13 ​13/13 ​​17-27 June 2013 ​Geneva, Switzerland ​Terms of Reference:
Progress these on-going draft Recommendations: Y.PTDN-M-Interface, Y.PTDN-T-Interface, Y.PTDN-OAM, Y.PTDN-QoS, Y.PTDN-interworking
Propose possible new work items
TD 28 (PLEN/13)​ Invite ​Held
​3/13 ​14/13 ​​​17-27 June 2013 ​Geneva, Switzerland
Terms of Reference:
Progress all Q.14/13 works with other SG13 activities
TD 28 (PLEN/13)​ ​Invite Held​
​3/13 ​15/13 ​​​17-27 June 2013 ​Geneva, Switzerland Terms of Reference:
Progress of Y.FNDAN
Progress of Y.FNID-config
​TD 28 (PLEN/13) ​Invite Held​
​3/13 ​16/13 ​17-27 June 2013 ​Geneva, Switzerland Terms of Reference:
Q16/13 will deal with 5 draft recommendations (Y.energyMRM, Y.FNsocioeconomic, Y.SUN-content, Y.SUN-cdf, Y.FNterm), the current living list items of Q16/13, but are not limited to
​TD 28 (PLEN/13) ​Invite Held​
​1/13 ​5/13** 9 September 2013 ​Algeria / ARPT Terms of Reference:
Progress the Supplement on “Scenarios and requirements in terms of services and deployments for IMT and IMS in developing countries”
Prepare a document summarizing the findings of a gap analysis on the current status and trends of IMS and IMT in customer user needs, technology, market, and standardization requirements, if any, from a view point of developing country telecom networks.
Discuss any contributions that will come in on the subject
TD 35 Rev.1 (PLEN/13) ​Planned
​1/13 ​2/13 16-20 September 2013​ ​E-meeting Terms of Reference will be selected at the interim Q2/13 meeting in June 2013. TD 35 Rev.1 (PLEN/13) ​Planned
​3/13 ​14/13 ​End of September 2013 ​TBD Terms of Reference:
Progress the work on SDN
TD 28 (PLEN/13)​ Invite
* also as part of IoT GSI event.
** collocated with the inaugural meeting of SG13 Regional Group for Africa
Place / Host



​26 September – 1 October 2013

​Seoul/Korea / TTA
Terms of Reference:
  • To progress the work on draft Supplements Y.nscreen-sc, Yun, Y.fsul and new work items.
9 September 2013
Algiers, Algeria
Terms of Reference:
  • Progress the Supplement on “Scenarios and requirements in terms of services and deployments for IMT and IMS in developing countries ”
  • Prepare a document summarizing the findings of a gap analysis on the current status and trends of IMS and IMT in customer user needs, technology, market, and standardization requirements, if any, from a view point of developing country telecom networks.
  • Discuss any contributions that will come in on the subject
TD 35 Rev.1 (PLEN/13)
​Invite ​Held
16–20 Sept. 2013, 7:30 - 13:30 Geneva time
(with GoTo Meeting support)
Terms of Reference:
  • Progress the work on draft Recommendations Y.MIPTV-Reqts, Y.EHM-Reqts, Y.Gw-IoT-Reqts, Y.IoT-common-reqts and new work items
TD 35 Rev.1 (PLEN/13),
TD 57 Rev.1 (WP1/13)
​Invite ​Held
2-6 September 2013
(with GoTo Meeting support)
Terms of Reference:
  • · To advance the work on draft Recommendations Y.dpifr, Y.dpimec and Supplements Y.SupTerm and Y.SupApp
TD 84 Rev.1
​Invite ​Held
12 September 2013
Beijing, China
Terms of Reference:
  • To advance the work on draft Recommendations Y.MC-MPT, Y.MC-IAS, Y.MC-eMMTEL
TD 106 (WP2/13)
​Invite ​Held
29 August - 6 September 2013
Seoul, Korea / TTA
(with GoToMeeting support, if need be)
Terms of Reference:
  • Q11/13 will deal with with high priorities and other draft recommendations, but are not limited to.
TD 78 (WP3/13)
12 September 2013
Beijing, China / China Mobile
Terms of Reference:
  • To discuss the contributions about the draft Recommendation Y.dsnmmetl and Y.dsncdf according to received contributions and meeting discussions
TD 75 (WP3/13)
Invite ​Held
2-4 September 2013
Seoul, Korea / TTA
Terms of Reference:
  • Progress the work on SDN
TD 96 Rev.1 (WP3/13)
​Invite ​Held
29 August - 6 September 2013
Seoul, Korea / TTA
(with GoToMeeting support if need be)
Terms of Reference:
  • Q16/13 will deal with Y.SUN-cdf with high priorities and on-going draft recommendations, but are not limited to.
TD 85 (WP3/13)
​Invite ​Held
* collocated with the inaugural meeting of SG13 Regional Group for Africa