Committed to connecting the world

About APSC

Advisory standards cooperation panel (Advisory Panel for Standards Cooperation on Telecommunications related to Motor Vehicles - APSC TELEMOV) was created as a result of the Workshop on Standardization in Telecommunication for Motor Vehicles and intended as a cooperation group on all aspects of standardization related to telecommunications within and for motor vehicles.

This is meant as an open forum to bring together the leading international standardization organizations as well as industry consortia, as partners engaged in advancing ITS and vehicular telematics standards.

The goal is to strengthen cooperation amongst the SDOs involved in the industry, to improve information exchange between organizations and avoid duplication of efforts as well as to identify open issues in standardization activities and stimulate cooperation on how and where to best address those open issues.

Further details are contained in TSB Circular 225.

Terms of Reference


  • The APSC is a cooperation group on all aspects of standardization related to telecommunications within and for motor vehicles.
  • The APSC should strengthen the cooperation amongst the SDOs involved in the industry, improving information exchange between organizations and avoiding duplication of efforts.
  • The APSC should identify open issues in standardization activities and stimulate cooperation on how and where to best address those open issues.
  • The APSC should facilitate coordination, as far as possible, for the aspects involving responsible bodies within different organizations.
  • The APSC shall focus on technical aspects taking into consideration, as far as possible, regulatory, economic, usability and sociologic issues.
  • The APSC shall support activities to increase awareness and application of the existing standards.
  • The APSC will not have the power of decision but may prepare proposals and on request provide advices for SDOs and relevant partners.

Membership and organization

The Management Team comprises representatives of SDOs and industrial consortia.

The APSC will be open to all interested parties, dealing with research, manufacturing and standard development for telecommunications for motor vehicles as well as telecom operators and service providers.

The members to the Management Team will be nominated by the relevant organizations and will have the opportunity to invite participants as required to ensure the relevance and the continuity of the work.

Working methods

The APSC should exchange and share information and should meet regularly (through conference call or e-mail), and possibly meet face-to-face, taking advantage of expert’s presence in related technical standardization meetings.

ITU-TSB will provide the Secretariat to APSC.

The APSC should establish and maintain a dedicated open ftp site (or website) with information on existing standards and standardization activities.

The Management Team will have an annual physical meeting, where the Report on the activities will be introduced and the action plan revised.