Committed to connecting the world

Cesar Augusto Hernández SUAREZ

Cesar Augusto Hernández SUAREZ is an Electronic Engineer, specialized in Network Interconnection, with a Master’s Degree in Information and Communication Sciences from the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas and a Ph.D in Engineering from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Full-time faculty professor at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, subscribed to the courses of Technology in Low and Medium Voltage Electric Systems of the Technological Faculty. Senior researcher of Colciencias, head of the research group SIREC (A1) and member of the research groups Armos (A1) and Smart Internet (A), where he leads the research on cognitive systems and networks and technological applications that contribute to improve the vulnerable communities’ quality of life. He has published patents, research books and scientific articles in national and international journals.​