Committed to connecting the world

SEOB Lee Jun

Jun Seob LEE is a senior researcher at Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), responsible for IoT/M2M standardizations.
He is participating various ITU-T activities on TSAG, SG13, SG16, SG17, IoT-GSI, JCA-IoT, and FG M2M since year 2000.
He had played a major role in developing the first ITU-T Recommendation on IoT, Y.2060, as an editor.
He has worked as the editor for various ITU-T Recommendations such as H.641, H.642.1, H.642.2, H.642.3, F.747.4, X.668 and X.672.
He is working as an editor for IoT standards roadmap in JCA-IoT.