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PRADO Antonio

Brazilian economist Antonio Prado assumed the position of Deputy Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) on 1 November 2009, having been appointed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon.
During most of his professional career, Prado has specialized in the analysis of technological changes in industry and their impact on economic development, the labour market and Brazil's industrial relations. Doctor in economy, over the past few years, Prado has focused on antiinflationary and development policies, first as economic advisor to the president of the government seat in the Brazilian Senate (2003-2004), and later as Head Officer for Government Affairs of the Presidency of the Brazilian National Bank for Economic and Social Development, BNDES (2005-2009).

Prado has been board member of the Brazilian Agency for Export Promotion (APEX), the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development (ABDI)and the Celso Furtado Center, among other institutions, including civil society organizations.
Between 1990-2000, Prado was member of the technical board of directors and responsible for the research division at DIEESE, a research center on labour issues in Brazil. There, he prepared statistical surveys on the cost of living and employment and studies on income distribution, racial and gender issues, strategic planning, industrial changes and macroeconomy.

In the nineties, Prado coordinated research projects at the National Council for the Development of Science and Technology and carried out innovative studies on gender and race in the labour market of Brazil's metropolitan areas.
Prado has been professor at the Catholic University in São Paulo, and more recently, at the Rio Branco Institute of Brazil's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He holds a Master's Degree in industrial economics and a PhD in economic development policies from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP).

Prado has published books and articles in Brazil's specialized media.