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Philippe Tuzzolino 2.jpgPhilippe TUZZOLINO, VP Environment, is in charge of Environmental affairs and Climate Change for the Orange Group. He defines the policies  and  supervises the energy consumption and reduction objectives for the Group's global  footprint (Orange is present in 220 countries for business). He is in charge of assessing the company's Carbon footprint  and participated in the Pilot test methodologies for energy consumption and carbon footprint of the ICT-sector for the European Commission-DG CONNECT. He is chairman of the French industry Federation group on strategic metals of the French Government. He is also significantly involved within the ITU-T Study Group "Environment and Climate Change" and actively participates in the preparation of the COP 21 in Paris. Before joining the Orange Group, Mr. TUZZOLINO held several positions on Strategic innovation projects at La Poste and at the French Ministry of Defense.