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Tariq Alamri received his M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering-Communications from King Saud University in Riyadh. He has been involved in developing and managing national RF exposure standards for wireless base stations in Saudi Arabia, and in ensuring compliance with the standards by wireless operators. He is responsible to manage and supervise the ICT technical studies including the technical aspects of complaints and disputed cases regarding RF radiations.
He is currently Director of Studies and Technology Watch and Project Leader on National Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields and on the Field Measurements Program, Technical and Spectrum Affairs, Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC).
Tariq is also Vice Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 5, Environment and climate change, Chairman of SG5RG-ARB, Associate Rapporteur of Question 7/5: Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) due to radio systems and mobile equipment, ITU-T - SG5 and Member of International Advisory Committee (IAC) of the International EMF Project, World Health Organization (WHO).