Committed to connecting the world

TORRES Daniela

Daniela is an environmental engineer and holds a Master of Science in Sustainable Energy Development. She has more than 10 years of experience on environment & climate change projects in the Energy Sector and the Information and Telecommunications Technologies (ICTs) Sector. She has worked for more than 8 years for the Telecom Operator Industry in Europe and Latin America in Green ICT and Environmental projects. She has actively participated in the ITU-T SG5 standardization activities for ICTs, environment and climate change since 2008.  She has been Associate Rapporteur, Editor for the L-1400 series methodologies to assess the environmental impact of ICT Projects and Cities, and Coordinator for Policy & Positioning Working Group of the of ITU-T Focus Group of Smart Sustainable. She has also written several reports on the sustainable management of e-waste, Green ICT KPIs and ICTs and climate change.

At present, Daniela is an independent consultant and entrepreneur on Green ICTs & Smart Sustainable Cities and is studding a Master of City Sciences in Madrid-Spain.