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ITU Workshop on Bridging the Standardization Gap
Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012 Contact:




Syyang Chertoi, Director General of ICT Center , Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications

2000, manager of technical division at Enterprise of Telecom Lao
2002, manager of mobile and transmission division at ETL
2004, manager of int’l Division at ETL
2007, Acting Director General, Department of Telecommunications, National Authority of Posts and Telecommunications.
2010 Director General, Department of Telecommunications, National Authority of Posts and Telecommunications.
2011 Director General, Department of IT, National Authority of Posts and Telecommunications.
End of 2011 Director General of Research Center of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

Bachelor of Telecommunications in Germany
Master of Business Administration in Vietnam
​Byoung-Moon Chin, Vice President of TTA

Byoung-Moon Chin received his B. S. Degree in Electrical Engineering in 1976 and M. S. Degree in Computer Engineering in 1983 each from Seoul National University and Ph. D. degree in Computer Science in 1996 from KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology). He served as a director in several research divisions of ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) from April 1980 until March 2001.

He was managing director of Standardization Department of TTA (Telecommunications Technology Association) from 2001 to 2012. He has been served as a Q.23 Rapporteur of ITU-T SG 7 from 1996 until 2000 and a vice chair of ITU-T SG 17.from 2001-until 2008. He also involved in the activity of 3GPPs as a HoD of TTA and, for the regional standardization, he was served as a chairperson of MMCG (Multi-Media Coordination Group) in ASTAP (APT Standardization Program) forum from 1998 until mid of 2000.
BRDawadi.jpg​Babu Ram Dawadi, Asst. Director, Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA)

Currently doing Masters of Public Administration with the aim to properly use ICT in Public Administration has completed his bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering in 2003 and M.Sc. in Information & Communication Engineering in 2008 from Institute of Engineering (IOE), Tribhuvan University Nepal. Mr. Dawadi had started his career as an Asst. professor at Department of electronic and computer engineering, IOE, Pulchowk Campus and worked in the same post for almost five years with additional posts he handled as network and system administrator and Deputy Director at Center for Information Technology (CIT), IOE Pulchowk Campus. He is the senior research operator at AI3/SOI-ASIA IPv6-only Network research project WIDE University Japan. He is currently on the post of Asst. Director at Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA) with responsibilities to look after Telecom Quality of Service (QoS) and Interconnection, Network and Cyber Security and its standardization for Nepal. He is the focal point for international coordination and communication at NTA. He served as a project coordinator and country focal person at the research based ITU mission program for NTA in 2011. Prior to his post, He also served as a consultant network specialist of “World Bank” office renovation project at Kathmandu. He has attended several research meetings, training and workshops abroad.
Phavanhna Douangboupha, Deputy Director of Administrative, Legal and Cooperation Division, Planning and Cooperation Department, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications

She first joined the public sector in 2005. She was first with the National Authority of Science and Technology (and now it is known as Ministry of Science and Technology).
She is now working with Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MPT), Lao PDR, which has recently been established in September 2011. She is currently holding the title of Deputy Director of Cooperation Division, Department Planning and Cooperation and she is also responsible for International division of LaoCERT of MPT. Before joining the international cooperation teams, she used to work at e-Government center Research and Development Division (R&D) as an Acting Director of Division. Before that she was an Acting Director of division at Database and Information Division, e-Government center.
She holds Masters degree in Information Technology from Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), New York, USA under Fulbright Scholarship Award. While studying in the USA she was granted the Global Leadership Certificate from the Leadership Institute of RIT. She receives Bachelor degree in Engineering (Computer) from the University of Newcastle, Australia. As for training she attended training on Project Manager for e-Government promotion at Okinawa International Center in Japan.
Apart from her experiences working with the public sector in Lao PDR. She also has some experiences working with the IT Industry in the States, Australia, and Lao PDR.
Recently this year she was invited to make a presentation at two international events: one on IQPC Cyber Security for Government Asia and the other one at ITU-ASEAN Forum on Promoting Effective and Secure Social Media in KL, Malaysia.
​Takashi Egawa, ITU-T SG 13

Takashi EGAWA received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. from the University of Tokyo in 1989 and 1991, respectively, and joined NEC Corporation in 1991. As a research engineer he studied network resilience, QoS, and active networks, and worked as a visiting researcher at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich from 1999 to 2000. He participated standardization activity from 2005. Since then he has served ITU as the chairman of Focus Group on Future Networks, a vice chairman of Focus Group on Focus Group on Disaster Relief Systems, Network Resilience and Recovery, and a Rapporteur of Question 21 (Future Networks) of Study Group 13.
gfishman.jpg​Gary Fishman, former TSAG Chairman, USA

Mr. Fishman is currently President of Pearlfisher International, a telecommunication standardization consulting company.  His previous work experience with Bell Laboratories, AT&T, Lucent and Alcatel-Lucent includes digital transmission, system engineering, optical fiber, economic studies, communication satellite services, regulatory filings, marketing and technical standardization.  

He has participated in domestic and international standards bodies since 1984, including chairing the ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) and membership in World Standards Cooperation comprising top management of ISO, IEC and ITU-T. In 2006, Mr. Fishman created the TSAG Young Delegates Group to facilitate the effective participation and training of new participants, mostly from developing countries, to the ITU-T.   He has presented numerous seminars and workshops on capacity building for international standardization.

Mr. Fishman has served on the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) International Policy Committee, ANSI Executive Standards Council and ANSI Patent Group, and has participated on ANSI delegations to the Pacific Area Standards Congress and the ISO General Assembly.  Mr. Fishman is a founding member and currently Vicechair of the US ITU Association (USITUA).
hashitani.jpgTakafumi Hashitani, ITU-T Study Group 5, Q.18 Associate Rapporteur

Takafumi Hashitani joined Fujitsu Laboratories  Ltd., Japan in 1986. He has some experiences working leader of national projects on “ICT’s utilization and methodology of environmental impacts”. He has moved to the headquarters and has worked as a senior director in charge of the LCA since 2008. He has run “ICT and Climate Change Working Group” as a leader in the Telecommunication Technology Committee since 2009. Also, he has contributed ITU-T activity as an associate rapporteur of Q18 at SG5 since 2009.
ZHossain.jpgZakir Hossain, Director, Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC)

​Mr Hossain is currently working as Director, Engineering & Operations Department of Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission. He did his graduation in telecommunication engineering in 1999. He joined as Director in BTRC in July 2010. After graduation till joining in BTRC, he was involved in the communication planning and management of Bangladesh Army. With his knowledge in field and static communication, he is currently responsible to monitor the operational and regulatory compliance of all Gateway and Infrastructure provider and QoS of different licensed telecom service provider in Bangladesh. He is also involved in the preparation of different draft licensing guidelines in BTRC.
gfishman.jpgKihun Kim, Deputy Director, Standards Collaboration Department, TTA

Kihun Kim received his M.S degree in telecommunication policy from Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea. Since 2001, he has been in charge of a national R&D project of fostering International standardization expert, a project of bridging standardization gap for developing countries, a standardization consultation program for developing countries.

He has been also in charge of cooperation with global and regional standards organizations, coordination of various international standardization meetings, such as APT Standardization Forum, China-Japan-Korea standards collaboration meeting, Global Standards Collaboration meetings, etc.

He was rapporteur of accessibility and usability working group of APT Standardization Forum (ASTAP) and has participated in APT ASTAP, APT Management Committee, ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, ITU-T WTSA, etc as a national delegation.
okweon.jpgOsang Kweon, Chief, Korea Communications Agency

​Osang Kweon is a Chief of Broadcasting & Telecommunication Department at Korea Communications Agency (KCA) which is one of the government subsidiaries.  Mr. Kweon analyzed and proposed various projects concerning government policies and business strategies on communications, such as mobile broadband, mobile TV promotion plan, etc.  He also served as policy consultant to Korea Communications Commission (KCC) on current convergence issues.
clangtry.jpgColin Langtry, Chief, Study Groups Department, BR, ITU

Colin Langtry is the Chief of the Radiocommunication Study Groups Department (SGD) in the International Telecommunication Union. SGD Counsellors and administrative assistants provide the Radiocommunication Bureau support for Radiocommunication Assembly and Study Group activities, including Working Parties and Task Groups.
ITU-R Study Group activities address the full range of radiocommunication services and focus on the following topics:
• efficient management and use of the spectrum/orbit resource by space and terrestrial services;
• global standardization of the characteristics and performance of radio systems;
• recommended practices for the operation of radio stations;
• radiocommunication aspects of distress and safety matters.
ITU-R Study Groups also carry out preparatory studies for World and Regional
Radiocommunication Conferences.
Mr. Langtry’s prior experience includes working as the Counsellor for ITU-R Study Groups 5 and 8 supporting their studies on amateur, fixed, mobile and radiodetermination services, responsibility for the Text Editing and Publications Division of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau and, before joining the ITU, managing the spectrum planning activities in the Australian spectrum management agency.
cslee.jpgChae Sub Lee, Chairman ITU-T Study Group 13

Chae Sub LEE has been working in the telecoms standardisation field for over 20 years. He has been involved in ITU-T standards development for the ISDN, GII, IP-based networks, NGN and IPTV. He served ITU-T activity as a vice-chairman of SG13 from 2001 till 2008. He shared his role as a Vice-Chairman of ITU-T IPTV Focus Group since July 2006 and as a Chairman of NGN Focus Group from June 2004 till November 2005.

He is now Chairman of ITU-T SG 13 which is a lead group of standard development on NGN, IPTV, USN/RFID, ITS, Ubiquitous Networking, FMC, Future Networks and Cloud Computing for the study period 2009 ~ 2012.
​Youngseok Lee, Director, KT

Youngseok Lee has more than 15 year of extensive experiences as IP Network Engineer at KT R&D Laboratory. As key accomplishments, he successfully deployed KT NGN, and he was a key architect of KT IPTV network. He has been a network consultant to escalate KT commercial IP network (KORNET) as Top ISP BB in the world. He is responsible for design, deployment, and engineering of KT’s IP network, and recently he is focusing on KT Smart Network project. He was an active member of ITU-T IPTV FG and now he has an interest in IETF’s CDNi WG.
Vijay Mauree, Programme Coordinator, ITU/TSB

Vijay received his first degree in Computer Science with Electronic Engineering from University College London, UK and his Masters degree in Information Technology from Imperial College, Science and Technology, UK. He is also the holder of an MBA from Cranfield School of Management in UK.

In June 2010 he joined the ITU-T Policy and Technology Watch Division in Geneva where he is responsible for the implementation of projects under Bridging the Standardization Gap programme and undertaking research on emerging ICT standardization activities for production of Technology Watch reports. He has already published two such reports on ICT as an enabler for Smart Water Management and the Optical World. He is also co-ordinating the work of the new Focus Group on Bridging the Gap: From Innovation to Standards which was set up this year.
Sameer Sharma, Senior Manager, ITU Regional Office, Asia-Pacific

He is currently Senior Advisor at ITU Regional office for Asia-Pacific, Bangkok, responsible for South Asia covering India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, and Maldives where he is responsible for providing technical assistance to the countries for development of ICT including creating conducive policy and regulatory framework.

He has assisted several countries in migration from legacy networks to Next Generation Networks, designing Broadband Policy Framework for several countries including wireless broadband master plans for Vietnam Samoa Myanmar and Nepal.

He is also responsible for assisting countries on cyber security issues and developed framework for establishment of CIRT. Before joining the ITU, he held several senior positions such as Advisor, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), Malaysia. He has also served as General Manager, Corporate Strategy in Celcom Malaysia Berhad.

He also worked as Director TRAI, India with extensive work on convergence and regulatory issues in Indian telecom sector. He also has extensive experience in television and radio broadcasting including satellite and microwave communications.

He actively contributed to Study Groups in ITU-T and ITU-D for several years. He was chair on Mobile Termination Rates in ITU-SG3 (2005-2007) and Chair on Economic aspects of IP Telephony 2001 and had undertaken field projects as ITU Expert.

He has been chair and panel speaker in several international conferences and has contributed to several international articles and publications including ITU-D publications. He has organized Sub regional Ministerial Forum, Regional Forums and International Training Programs and Heads of Regional Regulators Roundtables.

He has been awarded by ITU with a medal of excellence for performance in 2009.​