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Information and Training Session on ITU Methodologies for Assessing the Environmental Impact of ICT
Geneva, Switzerland, 12 April 2012 Contact:
12 April 2012
14:00 - 14:10​

Opening remarks:

  • Reinhard Scholl, Deputy Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU
14:10 - 14:30​
Brief overview of SG5:
14:30 - 15:30​

Recommendation L.1400:

  • Jean Manuel Canet, Rapporteur Q18/5 Methodology of environmental impact assessment of ICT
    [ Presentation ]  

Recommendation L.1410:

  • Jean Manuel Canet, Rapporteur Q18/5 Methodology of environmental impact assessment of ICT
    [ Presentation ]
15:30 - 16:00​ Q&A
16:00 - 16:15​ Coffee break
16:15 - 16:45​
Recommendation L.1420:
  • Gilbert Buty, Editor, Q18/5 Methodology of environmental impact assessment of ICT
    [ Presentation ]
16:45 - 17:15 Q&A
17:15 - 17:30

Closing remarks:

  • Ahmed Zeddam, Chairman ITU-T Study Group 5 ​