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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​2nd Joint ITU/WHO Workshop on Digital COVID-19 Certificates

Friday,  26 November 2021

​13:00 - 13:20Opening Remarks 

Master of Ceremony: Bilel Jamoussi
Chief of Study Groups, TSB, ITU & Xiaoya Yang​, Conselor, ITU-T Study Group 17
​13:20 - 14:30​Session 1: Experience, best practices and solutions of digital COVID-19 certificates and certificate-based services

This session will share experiences and best practices and to explore solutions on digital COVID-19 certificates and certificate-based services, including implementation of WHO specification on DDCC:VS and DDCC:LR​.

Moderator: ​​Garrett Mehl​Director AI and Unit Head, Public Digital Health Technology, ​​Digital Health and Innovation Department, WHO​
​14:30 - 14:40​​
Coffee Break 
14:40 - 15:50​Session 2: Identity binding and trust networks for digital COVID-19 certificates and certificate-based services

This session will look at identity binding issues and identify requirements on internationally interoperable trust networks for digital COVID-19 certificates and certificate-based services. This session aims to raise awareness of importance of federated trust and privacy preserving technologies.

Moderator:  Jae Hoon NahITU-T Study Group 17 WP4 Chair & Rapporteur | Special Fellow Researcher, Security Research Laboratory, ETRI, South Korea
15:50 - 16:00
Coffee Break 
​16:00 - 17:00
​Session 3: Key standards to support implementation of COVID-19 certificates and services

This session will identify ITU and other SDO’s standards which can support implementation of digital COVID-19 certificates and services.

Moderator: Masahito Kawamori, ITU-T Study Group 16 Q28 Rapporteur | Project Professor, Media and Governance School, Keio University, Japan
​17:00 - 17:10
Coffee Break 
​17:10 - 17:50
Session 4: Round table – Gaps and directions for future standardization

This session will identify gaps and propose directions for future standardization related to COVID-19 certificates and service.

ModeratorHeung Youl Youm​, Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 17 | Professor, Department of Information Security Engineering, Soonchunhyang University​, South Korea;
​17:50 - 18:00Closing Remarks 
