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BataviaBruno Batavia
Coordinator, Central Bank Brazil

Bruno Batavia holds a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) from PUC-Rio and a Master's degree in Public Administration (MPA) from Columbia University.
He is responsible for conducting research and formulation of public policies at the Central Bank of Brazil. Leads studies and projects related to service innovation in payments and digital currencies.
Barry_EichengreenBarry Eichengreen
University of California, Berkeley

 Barry Eichengreen is the George C. Pardee and Helen N. Pardee Professor of Economics and Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley, where he has taught since 1987. He is a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research (Cambridge, Massachusetts) and Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (London, England). In 1997-98 he was Senior Policy Advisor at the International Monetary Fund. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (class of 1997). Professor Eichengreen is the convener of the Bellagio Group of academics and economic officials and chair of the Academic Advisory Committee of the Peterson Institute of International Economics. He has held Guggenheim and Fulbright Fellowships and has been a fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (Palo Alto) and the Institute for Advanced Study (Berlin). He is a regular monthly columnist for Project Syndicate. His most recent books are How Global Currencies Work: Past, Present, and Future with Livia Chitu and Arnaud Mehl (November 2017), The Korean Economy: From a Miraculous Past to a Sustainable Future with Wonhyuk Lim, Yung Chul Park and Dwight H. Perkins (March 2015), Renminbi Internationalization: Achievements, Prospects, and Challenges, with Masahiro Kawai (February 2015), Hall of Mirrors: The Great Depression, The Great Recession, and the Uses--and Misuses--of History (January 2015), From Miracle to Maturity: The Growth of the Korean Economy with Dwight H. Perkins and Kwanho Shin (2012) and Exorbitant Privilege: The Rise and Fall of the Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System (2011) (shortlisted for the Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award in 2011). Professor Eichengreen was awarded the Economic History Association's Jonathan R.T. Hughes Prize for Excellence in Teaching in 2002 and the University of California at Berkeley Social Science Division's Distinguished Teaching Award in 2004. He is the recipient of a doctor honoris causa from the American University in Paris, and the 2010 recipient of the Schumpeter Prize from the International Schumpeter Society. He was named one of Foreign Policy Magazine 's 100 Leading Global Thinkers in 2011. He is a past president of the Economic History Association (2010-11 academic year).
JacquesJacques Francoeur 
Faculty Cyber Executive-in Residence, San Jose State University 

Jacques Francoeur has 30+ years of high tech experience and is currently the Founder and CEO of Spheric Security Solutions, a Silicon Valley-based organization focusing on developing security software solutions to support the management and communication of security.  Jacques is also the co-founder and Executive Director of, a not-for-profit community-based initiative developing a Security Control Syntax Language and Security ontology for the common good of the industry.  Additionally, Jacques is the Cyber Executive-in-Residence at the Lucas College & Graduate School of Business at San Jose State University and is a member of the Dean's Global Leadership Council, and as the Senior Cybersecurity Scientist at the National Transportation Security Center, Mineta Transportation Institute, he focuses on surface transportation protection from cyber threats. Previously, Jacques was a member of Ernst & Young's Information Security Advisory team, Security Center-of-Excellence. Prior to E&Y, Jacques was Sr. Director at Science Application International Corporation (SAIC), where he provided thought leadership in the field of identity and information assurance. Jacques was the co-founder and former Executive Director of the Bay Area CISO Council; a Silicon Valley member-based nonprofit organization of Chief Information Security Officers. Jacques holds Bachelor-of-Applied-Science (B.A.Sc) and Masters-of-Applied-Science (M.A.Sc) degrees in Aerospace Engineering from the University-of-Toronto and the Institute for Aerospace Studies, respectively.  He earned his MBA from Concordia University.
GuptaBejoy Das Gupta
Washington DC-based Chief Economist of eCurrency

Dr. Bejoy Das Gupta has extensive experience in the analysis of economic policy, capital flows, financial sector and country risk. He is an expert on Asia/Pacific, providing advice to central banks, regulators and governments on policy choice and reforms, and to the private sector on investing and managing risk. Dr. Das Gupta is currently the Washington DC-based Chief Economist of eCurrency, after having served as Chief Economist for Asia/Pacific at the Institute of International Finance (IIF). He is also an Adjunct Professor at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. Dr. Das Gupta was appointed Chief Economist of eCurrency in March 2018, before which he was IIF Chief Economist for Asia/Pacific from 2014, preceded by progressively senior positions from 1993. At eCurrency, Dr. Das Gupta leads the engagement with central banks and multilateral organizations. While at the IIF, he managed the economic analysis of the Asia/Pacific region and was one of its spokespersons on digital finance. He has spoken at numerous conferences. After graduating from the London School of Economics, he received M.Phil. and D.Phil. from Christ Church, Oxford. He is a recipient of several prizes, including the AMEX Bank Review Awards in International Economics and Finance in 1988.
Helmy​​Mohamed Helmy
Senior Business Officer - payment systems Dep. Central Bank of Egypt

Mr. Mohamed Helmy is Senior Business Officer - payment systems Dep. at the Central Bank of Egypt. He is an expert in central banking payment systems, retail banking, Financial Inclusion, Mobile Payments and Digital Financial Services. He has more than 15 years of experience in Payment Systems ,Market infrastructure and information technology and diversified experience in areas like project management, strategies, regulations and licensing with major responsibilities for Payment systems strategic planning and reform in Egypt among his roles and achievements within CBE. He is a member of DFS focus group-ITU,DFS working group-AFI,EGFIP Subgroup-AFPI and FIGI Electronic Payments Acceptance Incentives Work stream- World bank. Mr. Helmy holds a BSc degree in communications and computer, an MBA degree in banking , certified PMP and Leader ship & Decision Making(Frankfurt school of finance & management).”
Bilel​​​​Bilel Jamoussi
Chief of the Study Groups Department, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU

Tunisian born, Dr. Bilel Jamoussi is Chief of the Study Groups Department of ITU Standardization Bureau in Geneva Switzerland. Since 2010, he has been leading the bureau’s standards making activities into a new era characterized by rapid convergence and the need for increased collaboration with vertical sectors and partnership between developed and developing countries. Prior to 2010, Jamoussi worked for a Telecommunication equipment and solutions provider for 15 years in Canada and then in the United States where he held several leadership positions and was granted 22 US patents in diverse areas including packet, optical, wireless, and quality of service.  He holds a BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University, USA. He is fluent in Arabic, French, and English and speaks some Spanish and German.
MartinAntoine Martin
Senior Vice President, Head of Money & Payments Studies Function, Research, Federal Reserve Bank New York

Antoine Martin is Senior Vice President and Head of the Money and Payments Studies Function at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Prior to joining the New York Fed in 2005, he was an Economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Mr. Martin’s recent research and policy work has focused on short-term money markets, monetary policy implementation, and payments, including cryptocurrencies and central bank digital currencies. He has published in a number of scholarly journals, among which Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Brookings Paper on Economic Activity, Journal of Monetary Economics, and Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking. Mr. Martin holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Minnesota and a B.A. in Economics from the University of Lausanne.
MendozaJoey V. Mendoza
Lead ePiso Project, eCurrency

Joey has more than 35 years of professional experience in the Telecommunications and Information Technology industries in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and North America. He has spent 23 years working for various companies in mobile telecommunications and digital financial services and innovations and has spent 12 years in Information Technology with IBM, Sun Microsystems, Oracle and Lucent. Joey has spent more than 15 years as an expatriate in various senior management responsibilities in countries such as Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Guam, Saipan, Northern Marianas Islands and Afghanistan implementing digital services and mobile money solution and telecommunications projects, products, and services.  Joey was the chief architect in the successful launch and implementation of G-Cash, the first card-less and cash-less mobile money solution in the world in 2004 with Globe Telecoms in the Philippines. This service won the Best Messaging Service in the World for 2004 which was awarded by the GSMA Conference in Cannes, France in 2005. Joey has worked as the chief advisor and technical consultant for the E-MITRA project of USAID in Indonesia as well as the chief mobile money advisor under the USAID Financial Access in Investing in the Development of Afghanistan (FAIDA) program in Afghanistan.
Joey is a graduate of Management Engineering from Ateneo De Manila University in the Philippines. He is a graduate of the Executive Management for Growing Companies Program in Stanford University School of Business in Palo Alto, California, U.S.A and a graduate of the Telecommunications Executive Management Institute (TEMIC) in Montreal, Canada. Joey is happily married with one son and one daughter.
Edward​​​Edward M. Scheidt
Convenor of ISO TC68 SC2 WG13 Ad Hoc Group 4, Security of International Digital Currencies, Vice chair, ANSI x9 US Financial Standards, Global Security Standards, Chief, scientist, Tecsec

Mr Scheidt is currently the Convenor of ISO TC68 SC2 WG13 Ad Hoc Group 4, Security of International Digital Currencies, Vice chair, ANSI x9 US Financial Standards, Global Security Standards, Chief, scientist, Tecsec. He is the former leader of the US ANSI x9 Accredited Standards x9f data and information security committee. He actively participates in specific x9 and ISO standards, including new directions to advance forms of security across the financial sector domains. He is the head of the US delegation to ISO TC68 SC2 Financial Services, Security and member of the Federal Reserve Security Task Force with adjunct membership in subcommittees of Standards, Identity Management, and Data Protection. He is employed with Tecsec, a security research and solution company providing support to the financial sector and has authored various papers regarding security, including examples such as "The World of Objects: Physical and Virtual" and "Blockchain Permission Model". He has a Master of Science from George Washington University.
​​Said​​Ahmed Said
Vice Chairman of ITU-T SG3, NTRA

Ahmed Said is the Head of Economic Affairs at the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) of Egypt. At present, he is carrying out all the economic related issues in the telecom sector and monitoring the performance of the telecom market and the progress in implementing the cost modeling process and the financial related issues. Mr. Said received his Master of Science in Business Information Technology from University of Middlesex in London, in the year 2001 and he obtained his Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting, from Cairo University in the year 1999. Mr. Said started his career in Mobinil (First mobile network operator in Egypt), followed by TheWayOut (Regional ISP head quartered in Egypt) whereby he reached the position of the business development manager. In 2002 Mr. Said moved to General Dynamics (U.S. based Corporation) as eGovernment and eBusiness Consultant. During this post Mr. Said has managed successfully to manage several telecom and IT projects with the ministry of communication and information technology.In 2004 Mr. Said moved back to TheWayOut as the Head of WayOut Wireless (A Subsidy of TheWayOut Group) whereby he has managed to expand the business of the company in the Middle East region opening 5 new offices in Dubai, Bahrain, Jordan, Oman and Yemen.
In 2007 Mr. Said joined the National telecom regulatory authority as the economic affairs director. Throughout his career at NTRA he gained extensive experience in the field of telecommunications regulations, cost modeling, regulatory economics and Market analysis.Mr. Said was also a member of the implementation team responsible for the development of major regulatory frameworks in the Egyptian telecom market including Access Framework, International Gateway Frameworks and Egypt's national broadband plan and recently the 4G license framework.Mr. Said has represented the Egyptian administration in several conferences & venues including the WTO, GSR, ITU Telecom indicators, WTSA12, PP14, WTSA16 and Arab Tariff Group (Arab League)..etc. Mr. Said is currently the Vice Chairman of ITU-T SG3 where he is leading the work on many topics like OTT, Mobile Financial services and Alternative calling procedures this is beside his active role in leading the restructuring process of ITU-T SG3 whereby he succeeded in adding more questions and expanding the area of study in the SG3. Also Mr. Said was appointed as the Chariman of ITU-T SG3 RG ARB where he lead the Arab member states in starting this regional group and expanded the activities to study a lot of topic that interests the Arab region and positioned the group as an active regional group within SG3. Recently Mr. Said has been also appointed as a Vice chair for the Focus Group on Digital Fiat Currency, leading the regulatory and economic impact working group.
PfeifferOlivier Pfeiffer
Head of Financial and Critical Infrastructures Markets, ID Quantique, Switzerland

Olivier Pfeiffer is head of Finance and Critical Infrastructure markets at ID Quantique. He has more than 10 years' experience in the security industry and more than 20 in network and internet technologies. Prior to joining IDQ he led the business development activities for Swiss IoT companies in the critical infrastructure, logistics and defense industries as well as media protection companies. Earlier, Olivier also co-founded a number of companies active in Internet-centric media technologies in the USA and in Europe. Olivier graduated from New York University (BA and APC in Business management).
Walch​​Angela Walch
Associate Professor at St. Mary’s University School of Law in San Antonio, Texas, and a Research Fellow at the Centre for Blockchain Technologies at University College London

Angela Walch is an Associate Professor at St. Mary’s University School of Law in San Antonio, Texas, and a Research Fellow at the Centre for Blockchain Technologies at University College London. Her research focuses on money and the law, cryptocurrencies, blockchain technologies, and financial stability. Walch's work on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies is internationally recognized, and she speaks at events around the world. Walch has presented her research at Harvard Law School, Stanford University, University College London, and Columbia Law School, among others. Her work has appeared the NYU Journal of Legislation & Public Policy, the Review of Banking & Financial Law, and American Banker, and has been cited in reports by the Financial Stability Board, the OECD, and the European Commission. Walch has been quoted in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, TIME Magazine, Bloomberg, The Washington Post, The Guardian, and the Financial Times' FT Alphaville, along with other media outlets. Before entering academia, Angela practiced transactional law at the firm of Ropes & Gray in Boston and in the Office of the General Counsel at Harvard University. She also practiced in London, where she worked in-house for Sainsbury's and served as general counsel for Brand Events.
WenDavid Wen
Chairman, ITU-T Focus Group on Digital Currency including Digital Fiat Currency

Dr David Wen is the Chairman of ITU-T Focus Group on Digital Currency including Digital Fiat Currency. He is also the co-founder and Chief Scientist of eCurrency. After obtaining his Ph.D from Oxford University, he has worked at NTT Communication Science Laboratory in Japan, before appointed the youngest Associate Professor in Tokyo Science University. When visiting Stanford University as a visiting professor, he decided to apply his research to build solution for challenging and impactful ventures in the real world. He started as a security architect at ActivCard (now HID Global) and was responsible for the design of the Identity Management Solution for the Department of Defense’s Common Access Card (CAC) program. He went on to become the product manager, program manager and Chief Scientist at Fortune 500 companies such as Dell and SAIC, managing the deployment of US Federal Government’s Personal Identification and Verification (PIV) program at NASA, DHS, FDA.  He is one of the main contributors who enabled the most advanced Digital Identity Management solution for the entire US government by the 2008 deadline set by President George Bush in HSPD-12. In September 2011, he co-founded eCurrency Mint Ltd, applying his extensive experience building nation wide security program to the solution of a Central Bank Issued Digital Currency. He helped coin the term Digital Fiat Currency working as the US expert to ISO Technical Committee 68 (SC 2) for digital currency security, and led the establishment of the ITU-T Focus Group on Digital Fiat Currency, working with central banks and telecom regulators from the over 27 developing countries. He is also the founder of Digital Fiat Currency Institute, and one of China’s “Thousand Talent” award winner.