Alejandro Adamowicz Director of Technology for LATAM, GSMA Alejandro is from Argentina and has a degree in Electronic Engineering from the National Technological University, a Masters in Business Administration from the University of CEMA and postgraduate qualifications in Marketing from the University of California. He has extensive experience in the field of ICT, holding various management positions with Telefónica group before joining the GSMA, including Director of Marketing, CEO of Terra Argentina and VP of Wholesale Business, Regulation and Strategy for Argentina. Before that Alejandro worked at NEC and in a range of technology and service companies. His areas of expertise are developing technological businesses and designing strategies in the ICT field.
Jorge Aguado Secretary of Policy and Planning of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation
Jorge Aguado has a Degree in Industrial Engineering (ITBA). While he was working in the private sector, he was Marketing Manager for South America at IBM and Marketing Manager at Dell. He began his career in the public sphere in 2011 as Head of the Special Projects Unit “Comprehensive Digital Education Plan”, were he was in charge of S@rmiento BA Plan, the One-to-One Model in Buenos Aires. Between 2012 and 2015 Jorge leads the General Direction of Educational Technology of the Buenos Aires City Ministry of Education. In 2015 he took over as Undersecretary of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation of Argentina and since august 2017 he is Secretary of Planning and Policy of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation being responsible for driving the policies defined by the Ministry. For this purpose, the Department of Planning and Policy identifies the demands and needs of the society; designs programmes and tools to address sectorial and social problems, and promotes the approach of science, technology and innovation to society. |
Guillermo Anlló UNESCO
He currently serves as Senior Programme Specialist, Science and Technology Policy and Capacity-Building, at the UNESCO Regional Office for Science in Latin America and the Caribbean, based in Montevideo, Uruguay. In this position he manages UNESCO´s regional activities in fields such as: Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policies, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education, Science Communication, Gender and STEM, STI information, Promotion of Basic and Engineering Sciences, Science-Policy-Society linkages, Science Diplomacy. He was Vice- Minister of Technology and Innovation, at the first Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry of the Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (2016-2107); previously, he was a researcher and professor at the Faculty of Economics UBA, Argentina (2011 – 2015). From 2002 to 2011, he worked as specialist at ECLAC UN Buenos Aires office, as Innovation Policy Specialist, doing research and assessing govern agencies mainly in agriculture innovation, producing various analytical reports. Before joining ECLAC he had worked in Argentina with RICYT, the Ibero American Network on Science and Technology Indicators, as a researcher and as professor at the National University of Quilmes and other universities in Argentina and Latin America, and as a consultant to various National and International agencies, (IADB, OIT, UNICEF, WIPO, OPS, World Bank). He has published numerous papers related to Science, Technology and Innovation policy and Bioeconomy, in national and international peer reviewed journals, book chapters, and research reports. He has also presented several papers at international conferences and congresses, and has conducted training and capacity-building seminars and workshops worldwide. |
Sebastián Bellagamba
Internet Society Sebastián Bellagamba is the Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean for the Internet Society (ISOC). Prior to joining the ISOC, Sebastián worked in the Internet Service Providers industry, founding and running several ISPs in Argentina and also managing regional Latin America operations. He was also the President of the Argentine Internet Industry Association (CABASE). Sebastián also has an extensive career on international Internet-related organizations, having been a member of LACNIC’s Auditing Committee, Chairman of the Argentine Chapter of the Internet Society, and Chairman of the Argentine Chapter of the IPv6 Task Force. He was also a member of ICANN’s Address Supporting Organization Council, being the Chairman of this Council in the year of 2006 and 2007. Sebastián is an Argentine citizen, living in Montevideo, Uruguay |
Pablo Bello CEO, ASIET
Pablo Bello Arellano is the Executive Director of the Inter American Association of Telecommunications Companies (ASIET) and the Telecommunications Studies Center for Latin America. Pablo is a prominent expert advisor on economic regulation and telecommunications. He is an Economist from the University of Chile and has an MBA from the ESADE Business School. He worked for the Chilean Government from 1997 to 2010. From 2002 to 2006 he worked as Head of the Division of Regulatory Policy and Studies of the Telecommunications Sub-Secretariat and during the Presidency of Michelle Bachelet (2006-2010) he was the Telecommunications Vice Minister. He was part of the Global Commission on Internet Governance, international commission in charge of writing the ‘One Internet’ report. He is now member of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group - MAG - for the Global Internet Governance Forum - IGF for the second consecutive time.
Lidia Brito Director, Regional Office, UNESCO
Lidia Brito, a forest engineer, with a Master and Doctorate in Forest and Wood Science from Colorado State University in the USA, was born in Mozambique, and have been part of Eduardo Mondlane University staff since her graduation in Forest Engineering in 1981. She has held senior positions in Mozambique such as Head of the Forestry Department from the Faculty of Agronomy (1997-1998), Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Eduardo Mondlane University (1998-2000), Minister for Higher Education, Science and Technology (2000-2005), and Advisor for Strategic Planning and External Relations of the Mayor of Maputo City (2005-2008). She joined UNESCO in November 2009 as Director for Science Policy and Sustainable Development at the Natural Science Sector, in Paris, and currently she is the UNESCO Regional Director for Science in the Latin-America and Caribbean region. Her areas of expertise range from forestry and sustainable management of Natural Resources to Higher Education, Science and Technology policies and programmes as part of public policies for sustainable development. She has chaired several commissions and task teams in particular in Higher Education, and STI for Sustainable Development. She co-chaired the Scientific Organizing Committee for Planet Under Pressure Conference in London, a major conference for the preparation of Rio+20, and she has been a member of several international Boards such as African Foresters Forum Governing Board, CHET Board, Stockholm Environmental Institute Governing Board, Bioversity Governing Board among others. Currently she is part of the organizing committee for the 2nd Open Science Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean (CILAC 2018). |
Bernardo Calzadilla-Sarmiento Director, Department of Trade, Investment and Innovation, UNIDO
Dr. Bernardo Calzadilla-Sarmiento is Director of the Department of Trade, Investment and Innovation at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, UNIDO. Prior to this, Dr. Calzadilla was Director for the Technical Assistance and Training Services at the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as well as the Secretary of the ISO Policy Committee on Developing countries matters (ISO DEVCO). With more than 25 years of international experience as a senior quality and standards expert, his involvement includes working in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Born in Bolivia, Dr. Calzadilla holds a Master’s Degree in industrial and process organization and a Doctor in economics, from the Vienna University of Economics and Business in Austria.
Guilherme Canela Counsellor of information and communication for MERCOSUR, UNESCO Guilherme Canela holds the position of UNESCO Montevideo Communication and Information Adviser for Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) and Chile. Currently, he is the Regional Coordinator of the UNESCO Initiative for the Promotion of Democracy and Freedom of Expression in judicial systems in Latin America. He has a B.A. in International Relations from the University of Brasília (UnB) and a Master’s Degree on Political Science from the University of São Paulo (USP). He was research consultant for the United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders and for the Ayrton Senna Journalism Award. Jointly with Solano Nascimento he published the book Access to information and public policies social control. He actively participated in the process of discussion and implementation of Access laws in Brazil, Paraguay and acted as an international observer in the Uruguay Open Government process. Photo: Alessandro Currarino. El Comercio, Perú |
Norberto Capellan
President, Cicomra Norberto Capelin is currently President of CICOMRA (Chamber of Information Technology and Communications of the Argentine Republic). In addition, he is Vice President of the Dr. Manuel Sadosky Foundation and is member of the Board of Directors of the Argentine Chamber of Commerce and Services. Previously, he held the position of General Manager of Comsat International in Argentina and was President and General Manager of UNISYS Sudamericana. He also worked as a consultant for local and multinational companies and for associations both in Argentina and in other Latin American countries. Capellán, is an Electronic Engineer, graduated at the National Technological University and has completed Executive Development studies at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. During his career, he has participated in diverse activities and seminars related to technology, management and business development in Argentina, other countries in Latin America and the United States.
Héctor Carril Vice Chairman, Study Group 20 ITU: IoT, Smart Cities & Communities Ingeniero en Telecomunicaciones egresado de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, con experiencia adquirida en empresas de servicios telecomunicaciones fijo y móvil, en empresas proveedoras de equipos, en organismos de regulación nacional e internacional y cámaras empresarias. Alto conocimiento del negocio de las telecomunicaciones y su regulación en todas sus facetas con una gran capacidad de negociación con empresas y gobiernos nacionales de Latinoamérica y provinciales y municipales de la Argentina. Amplia experiencia en Organismos Internacionales de TICs. Actualmente es Vicepresidente Comisión de Estudio 20: IoT y Ciudades y Comunidades Inteligentes. (Período 2017-2020), Presidente del Grupo Regional para América Latina de la Comisión de Estudio 20. (Período 2017-2020), Miembro del Comité Asesor Internacional del programa de Radiaciones No Ionizantes de la Organización Mundial de la Salud en representación de la UIT-T. Se desempeña como Consultor del grupo ITMA: Impacto de las Tecnologías en el Medio Ambiente en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Asesor para la relación con Organismos Internacionales de Telecomunicaciones y docente de la materia de grado electiva: “La UIT y los Organismos Internacionales de Telecomunicaciones” en la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. En la UIT ocupó las siguientes posiciones, Miembro del Consejo de Administración, Vicepresidente Asamblea Mundial de Radiocomunicaciones, Vicepresidente del Grupo Asesor de Radiocomunicaciones, Vicepresidente del Centro de Excelencia para la Región América, Vicepresidente de la CE5: Medio Ambiente y Cambio Climático, Presidente del Grupo Regional para América Latina y el Caribe de la CE5, Consultor en diversos proyectos de la Unión. |
Juan José Cazila CISCO
Juan is one of Cisco's top Sales engineers in Global Account Segment, he is currently responsible for the top global customers in Americas, he has worked for more than 25 years in data communications, smart networks and software, has worked also for 8 years in Europe, and is an active member of the IEEE, Juan is currently Chair of the PAR2510, where he is working in standardize the certification process to guaranty the data quality of the IoT world, to make more efficient and reliable the decision into the analytical systems.
Jorge Cella National Technology Officer, Microsoft Argentina
Jorge Cella has been working in Microsoft for over 21 years, currently serves as Philanthropy Lead and National Technology Office for Microsoft Argentina.
Within Microsoft Cella developed a wide career where he worked in other positions as the manager of corporate sales, lead product marketing, and technology diffusion. He studied agronomy at the Catholic University of Argentina and currently studies for public Accountant at the National University of Quilmes. |
Guillermo Cicileo Head of Security, Stability and Resiliency, LACNIC
Guillermo Cicileo se desempeña actualmente como Responsable del Programa de Seguridad y Estabilidad de Internet de LACNIC. Es miembro del board de LACNOG y Coordina la Task Force de Capacitación. Forma parte del comité de evaluación de Foro Técnico de LACNIC, habiendo integrado el comité de evaluación dell FLIP6 - Foro Latinoamericano de IPv6 desde 2007 a 2017. Hasta 2015 se desempeñó como Coordinador General de la RIU, red de las universidades nacionales de Argentina. Ha participado activamente de la creación de RedCLARA (Cooperación Latinoamericana en Redes Avanzadas), siendo miembro de la Comisión Técnica inicial del proyecto. Como parte de su trayectoria, dirigió la primera conexión de Argentina a Internet2 y Redes Avanzadas, así como la incorporación del país a la RedCLARA. Su actividad laboral ha estado ligada a las redes IP a nivel nacional e internacional, desempeñándose en esas áreas durante más de 15 años. |
Pablo Denis Smart City Advisor for the Smart and Sustainable Programme of the Municipality of Maldonado, Uruguay Pablo Denis is an Advisor in Smart Cities for the City of Maldonado for Smart City certification at Swiss-It Technologies where he is also working as a Project Manager for the AWS projects related to IoT sensors. Prior to joining Swiss-IT Technologies, Pablo worked as a Project Manager for the National Airborne Digital Data Acquisition project at where he worked on strategic management and software platform (SDI) architecture. He was the Operations and Innovation Unit Director at the Technical University of Uruguay where he worked on IT technical infrastructure architectures. He was also the Geospatial Project Architect at the Swiss Federal Office of Topography of the Swiss Federal Defense Department where he worked on IT Automation solutions. In addition, Pablo worked as a Technical and software development manager at IT4Net as well as a Technical Assistant manager at Ecole Technique et des Métiers de Lausanne (ETML). Pablo is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Geomatics at the National University of La Plata, Argentina. He holds a post-graduate degree in strategic management and a bachelor’s degree for software engineering. |
Sabrina Díaz Rato President, Fundación PuntoGov
President of Fundación PuntoGov, an NGO dedicated to creating social and economic value for sustainable development through technology, innovation and public-private ecosystems.
Presidenta de Fundación PuntoGov, ONG dedicada a crear valor social y económico para el desarrollo sostenible por medio de la tecnología, la innovación y ecosistemas público-privados.
Julián Dunayevich Nationa Director, NIC.Ar, Argentina
Licenciado en Ciencias de la Computación, egresado de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales de la UBA, fue profesor de Redes de Información en esa universidad y Coordinador General del Proyecto “Red de Interconexión Universitaria” durante la década de los 90. Anteriormente, en los años 80, fue uno de los pioneros en lo que respecta a las primeras conexiones en Internet en Argentina y contribuyó al desarrollo de la red en toda la región, fundando junto con otros referentes LACNIC, el Registro de Direcciones de Internet para América Latina y Caribe. Además, es especialista en informática en áreas de gobierno y se desempeñó como Subsecretario en la Agencia de Sistemas de Información de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Consultor General para el proyecto del Diseño del Plan Estratégico de Gobierno Electrónico y Director de Tecnología del Portal Educativo Educ-ar. |
Vinícius de Faria Silva Planning and Budgeting Analyst, Ministry of Planning, Development, and Management of Brazil (MPDG), Brazil
Vinícius de Faria Silva is a Planning and Budgeting Analyst of the Ministry of Planning, Development, and Management (MPDG) of Brazil. Currently, he is also the Innovation and Strategic Information Coordinator of the ITC Secretary of MPDG. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science from the São Paulo University. He had worked for more than 10 years in the private sector in Brazil, Germany and United States. In addition, he also worked for the public sector for more than 7 years.
Alejandro Garro
Adviser, SETIC, Argentina
Born in Argentina, he is a technologist specialized in sustainable innovation processes. Currently, he advises the Information Technology and Communications Secretariat of Argentina, and has worked in technology companies such as Hewlett Packard and Globant. He is coordinating the implementation of the BigData national observatory, which aims to monitor the big data ecosystem in Argentina. In recent years, in the private sector, he promoted the use of open hardware and software for the purposes of IoT technological developments for commercial, educational, social and scientific purposes. In the 90's he collaborated with the then Secretary of Communications in the design of public policies for the Internet under the program “argentina.internet.todos" |
Silvana Giudici Vice President, Enacom
Silvana Giudici, es Vicepresidenta del Ente Nacional de Comunicaciones (ENACOM). Fue coordinadora de la Comisión para la Elaboración del Proyecto de Ley de Reforma, Actualización y Unificación de las Leyes N° 26522 y 27078. Presidió la Asamblea Plenaria de la Comisión Interamericana de Telecomunicaciones (CITEL), realizada en Buenos Aires en marzo de 2018. Desde 2017 representa a la República Argentina ante la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE) en el Grupo de Trabajo sobre Infraestructura y Servicios de Comunicación. En 2015 fue electa Legisladora de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. También fue Diputada Nacional durante los periodos 2003-2007 y 2007-2011 representando a la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Presidió la Comisión de Libertad de Expresión de la Cámara de Diputados de la Nación durante dos períodos. Tuvo una larga trayectoria ocupando varios cargos en el Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. En 2011 creó la Fundación LED (Libertad de Expresión + Democracia) organización sin fines de lucro, dedicada a la protección y difusión del derecho a la libertad de expresión en la República Argentina y en Latinoamérica. Miembro activo de la organización Mundial de Parlamentarios contra la Corrupción (GOPAC). Es autora de diversas publicaciones entre ella “Libertad de Expresión, madre de todas las libertades”. |
Oscar González Undersecretary of Regulation, Argentina
Lawyer and Attorney, studied at the National University of Córdoba, Argentina, and completed a Master of Law at the University of Maastricht (The Netherlands). Since 2016, he has been the Undersecretary of Regulation in the Information and Communications Technology Secretariat, under the Ministry of Modernization of the Argentine Republic, responsible for the formulation of proposals and projects related to regulations, the regulatory frameworks of telecommunications, ICT, satellite services and postal and logistic services. Previously, he served as a member of the Board of Directors of Empresa Argentina de Soluciones Satelitales S.A. (ARSAT), participating in the design and implementation of the ARSAT satellite system and the Argentinean satellite policy. At the international level, he has participated in various forums, meetings and international, regional and sub-regional conferences, among which there is the 1994 Plenipotentiary Conference of the ITU; the Assembly of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) of 1994, the first World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC), held in the Argentine Republic, also in 1994 and, as an advisor and consultant in the private sector, in the World Radiocommunication Conference of the ITU, in 1997. He chaired the ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference 2017 (WTDC-17), held in Buenos Aires (Argentina). |
Juan Manuel Haddad Telefónica Juan Manuel Haddad is the Regulatory and Competition Affairs Manager in Movistar Argentina. He is a lawyer that specializes in digital transformation in the legal departments.
Antonio Harris CABASE, Argentina
Anthony Harris is currently the Executive Director of the Cámara Argentina de Internet. - CABASE. He has a background of 39 years working with International telecommunication companies, and was one of the founding members of CABASE. He is the project leader of the .lat registry in Uruguay, a new generic top level domain that serves as an Internet identifier for Latin America. In CABASE, he leads the IoT initiative, which is spearheaded by the IoT Coordination Center and Marketplace, the instrument for assembling the IoT ecosystem in Argentina, and for bringing together demand and supply related to this new industry. He is very active in international fora such as ICANN, ITU, LACNIC, KAIST, Industrial Internet Consortium and Riot of N.C.(U.S.A.).
Hector Huici Secretary of ICT, Argentina
Hector Huici was born in Buenos Aires, married with three children. He is a Lawyer (UBA, 1989) with a Magister Degree in Administrative Law (Universidad Austral, 1992). From 10 December 2013 to 18 January 2016, he was a legislator in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires for the PRO party. Before that, he devoted himself to the private practice of law with particular focus on the energy and telecommunication sector. He was a partner at the M&M Bomchil law firm between 2005 and 2013. With regards to experiences in the public sector, he worked at the former National Telecommunication Commission and the Energy Secretariat. He teaches in public and private universities at both graduate and postgraduate level. Additionally, he is the author of numerous articles on his specialty for local and foreign media. |
Andrés Ibarra Minister, Ministry of Modernization and Communications, Argentina
He was born in Argentina in March 1957, he is married and has four children. Andrés Ibarra was appointed the Minister of National Modernization in December 2015. Previously, he had been serving as the Minister of Modernization for the City of Buenos Aires since 2011, as well as the Secretary of Human Resources for the Ministry of the Treasury. Before that, he served as a Deputy Secretary of Education for the City Government’s Ministry of Education. Some of his finest work has been during his tenure as General Manager of the Boca Juniors Football Club, Corporate Commercial Director and Marketing Director of the Argentinian Postal “Correo Argentino S.A.,” and Financial, Commercial and Human Resources Director at motorways company “Autopistas del Sol.” After receiving his Bachelor's Degree in Economics, he graduated from Stanford University with a postgraduate degree in the Executive Program in Strategy and Organization. He has developed programs as a professor at the Catholic University of Argentina, giving lectures both around the country and abroad. Together with President Mauricio Macri, he authored the books “Pasión y Gestión” and “Buenos Aires para los Argentinos, Ciudad Inteligente que Construye Futuro.” The latter reflects the modernization process of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. |
Mauricio Idiart Director of the Business Solution Unit, Huawei
Especialista Senior en Sistemas de Telecomunicaciones e Infraestructura IT aplicados a la Seguridad Publica en proyectos de Ciudades Seguras (Safe City) y Smart Cities. Especialista en Soluciones Integrales de Redes de Comunicaciones e Infraestructura IT aplicados a Gobiernos. Consultor Senior de Huawei Tech Investment Co Ltd en Argentina, liderando los equipos de IT & Comm junto a expertos en el sector público, brindando apoyo al Departamento de Ventas para alinear la cartera técnica de la compañía con las necesidades reales de los clientes, realizando el nexo entre las políticas públicas y la tecnología de Huawei. Proyectos en Curso: Implementación de una Suite de Seguridad Publica para el Ministerio de Justicia y Seguridad de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Conectividad y tendido de fibra óptica a escuelas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Proyecto Barrios Carenciados de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires utilizando la tecnología e-LTE, JJOO de la Juventud 2018. Experiencia: CIO del Ministerio de Seguridad en Argentina, liderando los equipos de Diseño de TI, Técnicos de TI, Desarrolladores de Software y Soporte Tecnológico. Participación en numerosos eventos del sector como orador y panelista tales como “Policing in the age of Social Networking” – San Francisco, CA, USA, “Security Council meeting” October 1st – Howard Johnson Hotel – Pilar, Bs As, Argentina, “Practical Course of Criminal Investigation” – September 17th – CABA, Argentina. Otras empresas en las que se ha desempeñado ATOS, Siemens. |
Octavio Jiménez Associate, Smart Cities, IBI
Octavio Jimenez has over 7 years of experience on fields related to transport analytics and transport demand modeling. His experience ranges from demand and micro-simulation models to Project Management and Business Development for the LATAM Region. Octavio has worked indistinctly for the public and private sectors, always focusing on providing a holistic approach for both sectors. He has also worked on several interdisciplinary transport projects in Mexico and Central America, particularly in Panama City, where he was actively involved in the diagnosis and future growth trends for the Metropolitan Area. Recently, he participated as a Project Manager for the Municipal Development Master Plan, in the component of Smart City for the Municipality of San Pedro Sula, Honduras. He has also hosted a number of sessions related to Smart Cities initiatives in the USA, Mexico and Central America. |
Valeria Jordan
Economic Affairs Officer, UN ECLAC
Valeria Jordán (Bolivian, 1973) is an economic affairs officer at the Division of Production, Productivity and Management of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNECLAC) in Santiago, Chile. She holds a MBA from the Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile (2005). Mrs. Jordan started her career in 1999 at the Bolivian Telecommunications Regulatory Agency, where she served as analyst of market competition. In 2006, she joined ECLAC to work on ICT4D. She has contributed to the development of ICT Indicators and the implementation of two ECLAC-European Commission regional projects on the information society (@LIS). Currently, she manages an ECLAC-Google project for measuring the digital economy in Latin America. Her main fields of interest are ICT infrastructure, policies to foster digitalization and IoT connectivity. She provides inputs for the design and implementation of the Latin America digital agendas (eLAC) and the development of a regional digital market. She has contributed to the following ECLAC publications Data, Algorithms and Policies. Redefining the Digital World (2018), From the Consumer Internet to the Industrial Internet. The New Digital Revolution (2016), Broadband in Latin America. Beyond Connectivity (2013), Fast-Tracking the Digital Revolution Broadband for Latin America and the Caribbean (2010). |
Nieves Macchiavelli Prometea
Maria de las Nieves Macchiavelli is a lawyer from the University of Buenos Aires. She is a specialist in Administrative Law from the University of Belgrano and in Constitutional Law from the University of Salamanca, Spain. She also has a Magister in Administration of Justice by the Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome. She currently serves as General Secretary of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the City of Buenos Aires, having in charge of the Judicial Secretariat, obtaining in the year 2017 Quality certification in management systems under IRAM ISO 9001-2008 standards. She is a professor in different Universities and has participated in numerous conferences as a lecturer. She has also published several works on public and administrative law.
Maria de las Nieves Macchiavelli es abogada por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Es especialista en Derecho Administrativo por la Universidad de Belgrano y en Derecho Constitucional por la Universidad de Salamanca, España. La Dra. también tiene un Magister en Administración de Justicia por la Universidad Unitelma Sapienza de Roma .Actualmente se desempeña como Secretaria General del Ministerio Público Fiscal de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, teniendo a su cargo la Secretaría Judicial, obteniendo en el año 2017 la certificación de calidad en los sistemas de gestión bajo Normas IRAM ISO 9001-2008. Es profesora en diferentes Universidades y participó en numerosos congresos en calidad de disertante, además tiene publicados diversos trabajos de derecho público y administrativo. |
Juan Pablo Martín Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN)
Juan Martín is an electronic engineer from the University of Buenos Aires, and currently pursuing a PhD in signal and image processing. He is also the Director of “Communications Research Group” and a professor at “Facultad Regional San Nicolás” of “Universidad Tecnológica Nacional” from Argentina. Juan Martín is a former member of the Aviation Cloud Focus Group of ITU-T, He remains to be an active member of Working Party 5B of ITU-R and fills the role of Associate Rapporteur for Questions 2/20 of ITU-T Study Group 20 “Internet of Things, smart cities and communities”. In additional to being the author of many scientific papers on telecommunication topics, he is also the Team leader of the first Argentinean University satellite project with more than 15 years of experience working in the telecommunications field, specializing in project management, radio-frequency systems, data networks, and satellite systems. |
Mateo Martinez Director, Krav Maga Hacking SRL, Uruguay
Mateo Martinez hold a master’s degree in information security and Computer System´s Engineer. He also holds several international certifications: CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) de (ISC)2, C|EH (Certified Ethical Hacker) de EC-Council, ISO 27001 Lead Implementer de PECB, and ISO 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager & ITIL. He specializes in Incident Response at the University of Leon in collaboration with the OAS and INCIBE and has completed the Executive Certificate in Strategy and Leadership in Cybersecurity at Florida International University. He is a professor of "Ethical Hacking and Incident Response" and of "Software Security" at ORT Uruguay University since 2014. He was the Information Security Manager for all Latin America for Tata Consultancy Services and has worked for companies such as PwC, Accenture, McAfee, Indra, among others over the course of his career. He is currently the director of the company KMH, a cybersecurity company.
Hugo Miguel
Undersecretary of Planning, Argentina
Hugo holds a Bachelor of System, specialized in Telecommunications. He is a retired Officer of the Argentine Navy, oriented in Submarines. Hugo is a specialist in Communications and Electronic War. On top of that, he is also an operational analyst graduated from the Management Development Program of the IAE (Universidad Austral, Argentina). He has more than 20 years of experience in the management of IT and Telecommunications projects at the national and International level, both in the Public and Private sector.
Hugo is a professor of the University of Defense in different academic units. He is also a postgraduate professor in money laundering and terrorism financing at UBA (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina). Additionally, he is a guest professor at UCA (Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina) and UADE (Universidad Argentina de la Empresa). He currently serves as Undersecretary of Planning in the Information and Communication Technologies Secretariat, Ministry of Modernization. He is Vice-Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 17: Security, of the International Telecommunication Union. He was also appointed Vice-Chairman of the Telecommunications Development Advisory Group (TDAG) during the last World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-17). He is a member of the GAC (Governmental Advisory Committee) of ICANN, the body that regulates domains and assignment of network addresses on the Internet as well as a member of the G20 Drafting Committee in the area of Technology and Digital Economy. |
Valeria Milanes Director, ADC
Valeria Milanes is Digital Programme Director in Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC), based in Argentina. She is an IT Law specialist post-graduated from the Buenos Aires University. She obtained a certification on Privacy Law and Policy from the University of Amsterdam´s Institute for Information Law. She is a lawyer with ligitation experience as well as a researcher and speaker on privacy, data protection, freedom of expression matters in national and international conferences. ADC´s digital team has carried out coordinated national and regional (Latin America) researches and reports on data protection systems, private sector practices related to personal data, biometrics, digital evidence, gender violence online, among others. She is involved in international advisory and steering commitees, like ICDPPC 40th, CSISAC (2017-2019), C20 2018, IGFLAC (2015-2017) |
Valentín Muro La Nación
Mr. Valentin Muro studies philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires and is currently researching the rise of anti-science in public discourse. He is interested in the concept of hacker ethics and passionate about the maker movement. Mr. Muro is a writer for the daily newspaper ‘La Nación’ with a weekly column dedicated to examining technology and its philosophical and political ramifications. He is also a contributor to ‘Cómo funcionan las cosas’ (How Stuff Works), a weekly newsletter devoted to promoting the exploration of curiosity and understanding how things work.
Mariela Rocha NIC.Ar, Argentina
Mariela Rocha es Ingeniera en Sistemas de Información de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional de Argentina y en la actualidad es coordinadora general de tecnología en NIC Argentina. Fue directora de Redes de Interconexión Universitaria Asociación Civil, organización que nuclea la totalidad de las Universidades Nacionales de Argentina. Formó parte del comité de evaluación del Foro Latinoamericano de IPv6. Se desempeñó entre los años 2006 y 2011 como Chair del Foro Latinoamericano de IPv6 y de la IPv6 Task Force de América Latina y el Caribe. Ha dictado numerosas capacitaciones sobre IPv6 para Universidades de Argentina, Proveedores de Servicios y otros organismos tanto públicos como privados. También se ha desempeñado como expositora sobre el tema en la región en diversos eventos, como la Escuela de Gobernanza de Internet, LACNIC/LACNOG, IPv6 tours y otros. Es co-autora del libro "IPv6 para Todos", un proyecto de Internet Society, Capítulo Argentina, cuyo material fue editado en múltiples idiomas y distribuido en Latinoamérica y otras regiones del mundo. Es co-autora también del libro “IPv6 para operadores de Red”, también con Internet Society, Capítulo Argentina. Desde sus inicios se ha abocado a las nuevas tecnologías y a la ingeniería de redes, fundamentalmente en el ámbito académico. Comenzó a trabajar con IPv6 en el año 2003, participando en workshops y capacitaciones de la FIU (Florida International University), cuando se desempeñaba en la Red Teleinformática Académica (RETINA), donde contribuyó a consolidar el despliegue de IPv6 en la red nacional. Lleva 20 años de experiencia en administración de redes IPv4 e IPv6, coordinando equipos de trabajo y como líder de diversos proyectos, tanto a nivel nacional como latinoamericano. |
Mariana Rodríguez Zani Convergencia Latina
Mariana Rodriguez Zani is the director of Convergencia Research and Convergencia Latina. She co- founded Grupo Convergencia, the most prestigious company in providing information and latest insights on the ICT sector in Latin America and Argentina. She is responsible for directing the company’s contents and businesses while leading the research unit ‘Convergencia Research’. She has a degree in advertising at the National University of Lomas de Zamora, Argentina, and an MBA at the Torcuato Di Tella University, Argentina. She also holds a postgraduate degree in European Business from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Esteban Russell,
Lawyer, Specialist in Telecommunications, Argentina Esteban Russell is a partner of Orlanski & Russell, a legal firm that specializes in Telecom & Media Law, Technology Regulation and Antitrust Law. Esteban was a Legal Manager at Movistar Argentina, Legal Counsel of the Secretariat of Communications, Legal Counsel of the National Communications Commission and Legal Counsel of Claro Argentina. As for his experience in the financial field, he was Chief of Cabinet of the Secretariat of Finance and later on, Undersecretary of Finance of Argentina. In 2015 was appointed as Alternative Judge of the National Chamber of Appeals for Comercial Matters.
Neil Sahota IBM Master Inventor and World Wide Business Development Leader in the IBM Watson Group, IBM
Neil Sahota (萨冠军) is an IBM Master Inventor and World Wide Business Development Leader in the IBM Watson Group. With 15+ years of business experience, he works with clients and business partners to create next generation products/solutions powered by Watson. Prior to this role, he was a Thought Leader Consultant and Practice Leader in IBM Global Business Services where he was responsible for the sales and delivery of complex consulting engagements spanning business strategy, new product development, revenue optimization, process improvement, and business and system integration. His work experience spans multiple industries including healthcare, life sciences, retail, travel and transportation, energy and utilities, automotive, telecommunications, media/communication, and government. Moreover, Neil is one of the few IBMers selected for IBM's Corporate Service Corps leadership program that pairs leaders with NGOs to perform community driven economic development projects. For his assignment, Neil lived and worked in Ningbo, China where he partnered with Chinese corporate CEOs to create a leadership development program. He also actively volunteers with nonprofits for event management, fund raising, grant reviews, and site visits. Neil is an active member of the UCI Alumni Association and serves on the Board of Directors for the Orange County Marathon, supporting their work with the OC Kids program in fighting childhood obesity. |
Andrea Valsagna Municipality of Santa Fe, Argentina
Andrea Valsagna is the Secretary of Strategic Development and Resilience and Chief Resilience Officer (CRO) for the City of Santa Fe city, Argentina. She was the former Secretary of Communication for the Municipality of Santa Fe (2007 - 2017); during her management, she developed the press team, the Image and Institutional Communication Program, the Citizen Service System and the Risk Communication Program, among others.
She has extensive experience teaching about risk management and crisis communication, specially related to water risk in Santa Fe city; also in institutional communication for civil society organizations. She has a degree in Social Communication, earned at the School of Science Education from the Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Additionally, she attended postgraduate courses in University Management and Institutional Image.
Andrea was Director of Institutional Communication at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral. While working at this institution, she was also founder and director of the newspaper and contributed to science magazines, radio and TV shows. She also has research experience in institutional communication and corporate image, politics communication, and university extension. Moreover, she is an expert in media production and direction, and the design of communication campaigns strategies. She has more than 10 years of experience in political campaigns. |
Celedonio von Wuthenau Director, Government Relations, Latin America, Nokia
Celedonio von Wuthenau is Director, Government Relations – Latin America of Nokia, based in Buenos Aires (Argentina). Nokia creates the technology to connect the world. Powered by the research and innovation of Nokia Bell Labs, we serve communications service providers, governments, large enterprises and consumers with the industry's most complete, end-to-end portfolio of products, services and licensing. Celedonio is involved in the development of the relation with government representatives and public officials and works in collaboration with Nokia´s LAT leaders to advance the company’s information and communications technology policy agenda throughout the region. Before he took this position, Celedonio was CALA Public Affairs Director – Americas Region at Alcatel-Lucent, Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean with the CDMA Development Group (CDG), Public Affairs Director at Lucent Technologies for South America excluding Brazil and International and Institutional Manager of the National Commission of Communications (CNC), Argentina’s telecom regulator authority. He has a rich background in external relations and public affairs in Latin America. Celedonio, born in Buenos Aires, married and with three children, is Bachelor in Public Administration and Political Sciences of the University of Cuyo (Mendoza, Argentina) and Ph.D in Political Sciences of the University of Mainz (Germany). |
Lorena Zicker Country Manager, Intel
Lorena has a Degree in Advertising from the University of Palermo, with 20 years of experience in the technology industry. She joined Intel in 2013, as Head of Education segment for the Southern Cone. Since 2015 she is General Manager of Local Operations and since this year she is also the Sales Director for Americas Territory. She is responsible for carrying out the strategy of the company in the region, working collaboratively with the technological ecosystem of each country, contributing to the adoption of innovative solutions. Previously, she always developed her career in technology companies as Acron, BenQ, Prima and AMD, managing Marketing and Sales areas in Distribution Channels. Before joining Intel Team, Lorena was Distribution Channel Manager for Latin America at AMD, based in United States. In 2017, she was recognized with other 15 women, with the distinction “Women to Watch Argentina 2017”, recognition that is given to a selected outstanding executive women in several countries of the world. |