Committed to connecting the world


Frank-van-Outvorst-photo.jpgFrom his interest in the way organizations cope with their information systems and the influence of IT on business performance, Frank developed himself to an expert in the field of business information management and IT management. From this an idea grew to develop a framework for the responsibility area of business information management. This resulted in the Business information Services Library (BiSL), framework for business information management (BIM). The concepts of BiSL have been captured in a book of which Frank is one of the authors. With the international growth of BiSL Frank is still heavily involved with further development of BIM and BiSL. He publishes articles and white papers, give lectures, and develops and delivers workshops and trainings In the field of business information management. With over 20 years of experience as a consultant/trainer/teacher Frank is also involved with ISO/IEC JTC1 SC40 on governance of IT.