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ITU-T X.911 (05/2005)

عربي | 中文 | English | Español | Français | Русский
Information technology – Open distributed processing – Reference model – Enterprise language
This Recommendation | International Standard provides:
a) a language (the enterprise language) comprising concepts, structures, and rules for developing, representing, and reasoning about a specification of an Open Distributed Processing (ODP) system from the enterprise viewpoint (as defined in ITU-T Rec. X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3);
b) rules which establish correspondences between the enterprise language and the other viewpoint languages (defined in ITU-T Rec. X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3) to ensure the overall consistency of a specification.
Series title: X series: Data networks, open system communications and security
  X.900-X.999: Open distributed processing
Approval date: 2005-05-14
Identical standard:ISO/IEC 15414:2006 (Common)
Approval process:AAP
Status: Superseded
Maintenance responsibility: ITU-T Study Group 17
Further details: Patent statement(s)
Development history