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WTIS 2014 - Documents

Presentations and speeches (pdf format)

Opening ceremony
Prime Minister, Georgia
​Deputy Secretary-General, ITU Opening speech by Houlin Zhao, ITU Secretary-General Elect
​Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development, Vice-Prime Minister, Georgia
​Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITUOpening speech by Brahima Sanou, Director of ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau
​Chairperson of the Commission, Georgian National Communication Commission 
​First Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development, Georgia
Ministerial roundtable: the post 2015 development agenda and future priorities for ICT for development (ICT4D) policy
​University of Manchester, United KingdomICTs, Policy and the Post-2015 Development Agenda
​Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Jordan
​First Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development, Georgia
Deputy Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Namibia
Undersecretary for Information and Strategic Planning, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Egypt
Statistician General, South Africa
Special Advisor on Post 2015 Development Agenda, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
Big Data for development and the future of ICT measurement       
Dialogic ​Big Data for ICT measurement
United Nations Statistics Division Big Data for Official Statistics
Statistics Netherlands ​Using new (big) data sources
Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford ​Information geographies: new data sources for monitoring ICT trends, participation, and representation
Telefonica Research Big Data for Social Good
Facebook ​Presentation from Facebook
Measuring competition, regulation and affordability of ICT services
Imperial College London
Alliance for Affordable Internet
O​ffice of Electronic Communications, Poland
Telecommunications Management Group
Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunications, Costa Rica
Current and future work on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators
National Markets and Competition Commission, Spain Report of the Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators (EGTI) Meeting
National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications, Romania Data Collection in Romania
Uganda Communications Commission, Uganda Measuring m-Banking services in Uganda
Positium ​Mobile positioning data for fast statistics
Current and future work on ICT Household Indicators
Center of Studies for Information and Communication Technologies, Brazil​Report of the work of the Expert Group on ICT Household Indicators (EGH)
​ITU and GSMA Intelligence ​Towards improving mobile phone metrics
Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong, ChinaBarriers to ICT use
National Observatory for Telecommunications and the Information Society, SpainInformation Society Indicators : Security,usage of Internet and barriers for mobility in Spain
Side-event: ICT Access & Use by Households & Individuals Survey 2013 - Presentation
Data quality, big data, open data
Consultant to ​ITUITU Data Quality Assurance Framework
​Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan ​Efforts for Big Data and Open Data in Japan
​World Bank ​Open Data: World Bank’s Experience
​e-Government Center, Moldova ​Moldova’s experience with Open Data Initiative
International Coordination of ICT Measurement - 10th Anniversary of the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development                   
DevStat, Spain 
Research ICT Africa
WSIS+10 Multistakeholder Preparatory Platform and ITU Council Working Group on WSIS
In​stituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía, Mexico
Measuring the Information Society Report 2014 
Statistician General, South Africa​Keynote: The tetralemma of statistics, communications technology and power: Challenges of the Post 2015 Agenda
​ITUMeasuring the Information Society Report 2014
Panel discussion on the ITU ICT Development Index (IDI)
Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Jordan
First Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development, Georgia 
Undersecretary for Information and Strategic Planning, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Egypt
Korea Association for ICT Promotion, Republic of Korea
​​Side-event: ICT in Public Access Center Survey 2013 - Presentation
Presentation of Chair’s summary and conclusions
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication, Japan
Closing ceremony
First Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development, Georgia
Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU 
Chairperson of the Commission, Georgian Communications Commission, Georgia
Deputy Executive Director, National Statistics Office, Georgia