Nominated Projects

Category 17 — AL C10. Ethical dimensions of the Information Society (20 Projects)


Agen Damai is a collaborative digital campaign that aimed to create a peaceful narrative in the digital platforms, by ‘flooding’ it (mostly social media) with positive content, in order to debunk the rapid spread of negative contents. The digital campaig… more »

Anti Hoax Public Campaign

Objectives: - To educate public about digital literacy - To enhance the public awareness about hoax and disinformation Result achieved: - The public awareness about hoax keep encreasing. - More institutions making partnership with Mafindo since its estab… more »


Reach for Change Foundation is a children’s rights non-profit organization, headquartered in Sweden, with the mission to unleash the power of social entrepreneurship to create a world where all children reach their full potential in accordance with Agend… more »


CONECTADAS is a network of female leaders in telecommunications, broadcasting and ICT, which is born out of their common concern noticing the scarce inclusion and participation of women in management positions and decision-making, not only in the private… more »

Denuncia Vial (traffic complaints)

“Denuncia Vial” (traffic complaints) is a mobile app that aims to strengthen collaboration that includes neighbors in conflict resolution to help improve the City of Buenos Aires. The application is integrated with miBA login, a unique authentication sys… more »

Digital Grassroots Ambassadors Program

Digital Grassroots (DIGRA) is a youth and female led initiative aimed at promoting internet governance awareness in order to promote digital inclusion in underserved communities. We work with young people between the ages of 14 and 29 through the Digital… more »

Digital Shakti

Digital shakti was undertaken by CyberPeace Foundation in partnership with Facebook and the National Commission for Women. In Phase 1 of the project, workshops on Digital Literacy and Online Safety were conducted for women across 6 states in various scho… more »

e-Donation Application

The e-Donation application is an appealing and intuitive web-based solution that allows Saudi Aramco employees to provide any amount of donations to various charities of their choice. This application is integrated with the payroll and financial systems,… more »

Escuela TIC Familia

Telefónica, through the Telefónica Foundation, has developed the Escuela TIC Familia program, aimed at training parents on ICT, entrepreneurial and employment skills in order to help productivity as well as assist parents and caretakers in being effectiv… more »


Online gender based abuse is a huge barrier that prevents women from participating fully in public life. Glitch was founded in 2017 by Seyi Akiwowo, after she faced horrendous online abuse when a video of her speech at the European Parliament went viral.… more »

ICT and Media: Efficient tools for youth to Counter Violent Extremism

The Internet and ICT has become embedded in every aspect of our day- to-day lives and the way we interact with others. Notwithstanding the positive impact of the internet and ICT on peoples lives, it is also being negatively used for bigotry, racism, ex… more »

Intersectional Accessibility

Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) is Norway’s third largest university and is unique in a national context due to its wide range of professional programs and a strong focus on social welfare and value creation in Norway and Europe. OsloMet is alread… more »

Klik Dengan Bijak

Klik Dengan Bijak Programme takes a holistic approach on awareness and education on internet safety and security by promoting a shared culture or responsibility with families, schools, industry, government and others in the community, all playing their p… more »

Miss Lambe Hoax – Government’s Counter Hoax Program

Miss Lambe Hoax is an icon that is created by MCIT. Miss Lambe Hoax becomes government's brand ambassador to fight against hoax/disinformation. Every week, Miss Lambe Hoax will greet netizen to explain about hoax that is being viral in society. Miss Lamb… more »

MIV (Malaysia ICT Volunteers) with School

The MIV with School is a program that Malaysian Communications & Multimedia Commission (MCMC) collaborated with the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) where train the trainer workshops on the positive, safe and ethical internet usage are organized for … more »

Mujeres en STEM Visibilization

Linda Patiño is a engaged journalist that addresses gender issues in technology field. As part of the Take Back The Tech Campaign she was a 25under25 awardee of ISOC in 2016. Sharing the interest for communities from her work as subeditor of Technology i… more »

Sistema Integrado de Servicio a la Ciudadanía

The Integrated Citizen Service System, We are with you! It is a citizen service strategy that brings the community closer to the educational services offer in Bogotá easy, without intermediary, travels and rows. We are convinced that by facilitating the … more »

Social Responsibility Bank

The Social Responsibility Bank (SRB) is an electronic system that aims to frame the social responsibility institutionally; to deposit IAU employee’s contributions in varied channels of social responsibility in the form of bank assets and simultaneously c… more »

State of the Community Survey

Each year, Portland Women in Technology (PDXWIT) captures important data about the tech industry, independent of company, group or association affiliation. Our goal is to deeply understand what it is like for people in the community and to identify theme… more »

White paper : mixity and digital efficiency

"Digital Ladies & Allies"​ aims to promote diversity in tech by increasing the number and the visibility of women in this industry, from their early age, through multiple initiatives in France and abroad. Thanks to the collective power of influence of th… more »