Pledges announced at the Partner2Connect web dialogue development series

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The pandemic increased the digital divide between African countries and other regions.

We are focused on enabling more of the poorest and hardest to reach communities in the world – including in four of the world’s Least Developed Countries – to access digital society.

However, no organisation can solve this challenge alone – it requires a multi-stakeholder approach, which is why we are strongly supportive of the Partner2Connect approach.

Joakim Reiter
Chief External and Corporate Affairs Officer
Vodafone Group

To succeed in the digital economy, you need to have the right skills. That’s why we’ve pledged to train and certify 10 million people with in-demand digital skills by 2025.

By combining Microsoft technology with partnerships with governments and nonprofits, we can help create opportunity for people around the world.

Brad Smith
President and Vice Chair

Through partnerships, we can connect the unconnected and advance digital development.

Financial pledge

Ghana is committing €155 million to supplement universal service funds to boost basic telephony services in rural areas and narrow the digital divide. As part of the project, 2016 cell sites will be built across the country and about 3million Ghanaians will be connected by 2023. This is the first phase of our Rural Telephony and Digital Inclusion Project and a similar amount will be committed for the second phase once this is completed.

Policy pledge

Ghana pledges to innovate in its approach to rural connectivity by providing open and free spectrum usage, regardless of technology or entity to enable anyone in any rural locality to use the Rural Telephony network.  As part of the project, more than 6,000 villages across the country , and 3 million Ghanaians will be connected by 2023. This is our National Roaming policy.

H.E. Ursula Owusu-Ekuful
Minister for Communications and Digitalisation
Government of Ghana

For GIZ, a human-centric, inclusive approach to digital transformation was always at the heart of what we were and are doing.

That is the reason we are honored to join the Parter2Connect Digital Coalition to convene stakeholders with a shared vision to mobilize and unlock impactful actions and resources.

Björn Richter
Head of Digital Transformation Cluster of Global and Sector Programmes
GIZ, Government of Germany

The transformational potential of digital financial inclusion is enormous.

By synergizing the strength of Airtel Payments Bank and Airtel’s digital infrastructure, we aim to take digital banking services to the doorstep of every Indian citizen and advance digital financial inclusion in the country.

Gopal Vittal
Managing Director and CEO
Bharti Airtel

At Evercomm, we believe a successful sustainability movement needs to be supported by a strong digital initiative.

By joining the Partner2Connect Digital Coalition, we aim to get more youth and grassroots organizations involved and collectively contribute toward Asia’s sustainability development progress.

Ted Chen
Co-Founder & CEO
Evercomm Singapore

Digital systems that are inclusive, safe, and trusted are critical to ensure people benefit from technology.

That’s why the Digital Impact Alliance is honored to partner with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Digital Public Goods Alliance Secretariat, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the United Nations Development Programme to align and mobilize diverse stakeholders and resources globally around a shared vision to strengthen digital public goods—open technology designed and governed in service of citizens.

Only by working together can we build a more promising future for all.

Kate Wilson
Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL)

The Government of the Dominican Republic is committed to close the digital connectivity gap to face the innovation and social inclusion challenges of the 21st Century.

Amparo Arango
Director, Telecommunications Development Fund
Government of the Dominican Republic

As part of the Partner2Connect Digital Coalition, IDB commits to help the Latin America and the Caribbean regions develop an enabling digital ecosystem to increase investment in connectivity infrastructure, design appropriate regulatory frameworks and
upgrade regulatory public procurement systems and processes.

The IDB pledge will invest in people to advance meaningful connectivity for all.

Benigno López Benítez
Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

As part of our advocacy pledge to Partner2Connect, we will be teaming up to rally youth leaders from around the world by launching a video campaign between young leaders and advocates who will share why they believe youth centred digital inclusion should be a priority.

We hope our campaign ushers new voices and visibility for the Partner2Connect Digital Coalition!

Sinead Bovell
Shalin Jyotishi
Researcher, Writer and Policy Strategist
New America

We believe that creating affordable connectivity through local entrepreneurship is the key to sustainable digital development.

Rivada is proud to pledge $112 million toward creating an equitable marketplace for satellite capacity by establishing the Open Access Platform for the ITU Partner2Connect Digital Coalition so that no one is left offline.

Declan J. Ganley
Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer
Rivada Networks

Dubai Cares pledges to align its Ed-Tech and digital learning strategy with the RewirEd Global Declaration on Connectivity for Education and the recently announced Framework for Global Education Transformation.

By 2025, we aim to reach up to 5 million learners and teachers through targeted programs and initiatives that will provide necessary skilling, capacity building, connectivity and galvanize global commitments towards connected technologies to enable progress towards human development.

H.E. Dr. Tariq Al Gurg
Chief Executive Officer & Vice-Chairman
Dubai Cares

ICT investments foster economic growth, improve access to healthcare, provide education, and modernize agriculture.

USAID’s Digital Invest will leverage $3.45 million in grants to unlock $335 million of investment capital that will improve digital financial services for women and expand internet access in communities traditionally overlooked by the digital economy

H.E. Bathsheba Nell Crocker
Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations Office and other international organisations in Geneva
United States of America