Partner2Connect Annual Meeting

Popov Room, ITU HQ, Place des Nations 1211, Geneva, Switzerland

In-person meeting with a virtual component

Date and Time: Tuesday, 12 December 2023 14:00 – 16:30 CET. Followed by EQUALS in Tech Awards Ceremony and Cocktail Reception

In 2023 the P2C community continued to grow with a strong emphasis on pledge implementation, matchmaking and pledge mobilization through specific campaigns. At the time of this event, the P2C pledge counter showed more than 830 pledges from over 400 entities and more than 36 billion USD mobilized for connectivity projects around the world.

The P2C Digital Coalition held its second Annual Meeting on Tuesday, 12 December (14:00-16:30 CET) at ITU Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The event offered participants the opportunity to engage with high-level representatives and pledge makers from government, industry, civil society, and other sectors. The meeting was held in-person, with a virtual component to allow anyone around the world to follow the progress of the coalition.

At the P2C Annual Meeting attendees could:

  • Discuss the challenges and opportunities for connecting the unconnected; in particular, the 2023 edition of the P2C Annual Meeting featured key elements of the discussions on connectivity for displaced people from the Global Refugee Forum 2023 that took place between 13 – 15 December in Geneva.
  • Learn about the progress made on the implementation of selected pledges submitted through the P2C platform.
  • Celebrate the announcement of new pledges and commitments.
  • Network and share experiences to further advance global digital transformation.

The program was followed by the 10th Annual EQUALS in Tech Awards Ceremony (16:30-17:30 CET), where we celebrated those initiatives, projects, organizations, and institutions around the world that have displayed extraordinary commitment to reducing the digital gender divide. The Awards Ceremony was followed by a cocktail reception from 17:15.

Programme and Panellists

All sessions were available for remote participants who completed their registration.

Event’s Social Media Pack

Highlights of the Partner2Connect Annual Meeting 2022

On 8 December 2022, the first Partner2Connect Annual Meeting was held at the ITU Headquarters in Geneva. With over 700 registered participants, and an almost equal split between physical and virtual attendees, the event marked a very important milestone in the history of the Coalition. On this occasion, representatives from government, the private sector, civil society, academia and international organizations gathered not only to celebrate their commitment and the achievements of the Coalition, but also to report on the progress attained so far with the implementation of their pledges.

The Annual Meeting also embraced the 9th Annual EQUALS in Tech Awards Ceremony,  which celebrated those initiatives, projects, organizations, and institutions around the world that have displayed extraordinary commitment to reducing the digital gender divide.

Watch the highlights from the P2C Annual Meeting 2022 in the video below.