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Breakout Discussions by Focus Areas

Popov Room, ITU HQ, Place des Nations 1211, Geneva, Switzerland

In-Person Meeting with a virtual component

Date and Time: Thursday, 8 December 2022, 14:00 – 15:30 CET

Session description

In a very interactive and “hands-on” session, in person attendees of the P2C Annual Meeting discussed pledges, key challenges, synergies and opportunities for scale and collaboration. Attendees were split according to Focus Area Pillars and the discussions were led by respective ITU Experts who ensured that further coordination, support, and integration with ITU projects is provided.


Alex Wong

Chief Special Initiatives, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU


Jenny Arana

Digital Inclusion Officer at the Digital Society Division, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU

Sofie Maddens

Head of the Regulatory and Market Environment Division, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU

Vladimir Daigele

Senior Programme Officer at the Future Networks & Spectrum Management Division, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU

Hani Eskandar

Head of the Digital Services Division, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU