I-CoDI Capacity Building 100 Day Journey

Capacity Building Approach

At the current stage, I-CoDI employs two main approaches to capacity building:

a) Using the capacity building framework of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Alliance for Digital Development and its playbooks for accelerating the achievement of five strategic objectives, which can be accessed through the website of the Alliance.

b) Utilizing the I-CoDI 100 Day Journey resource guide, a program designed to foster agile methods to accelerate projects, in addition to the I-CoDI Train the Trainer workshops on how to employ the resource guide that are available for I-CoDI Focal Points and respective ITU colleagues upon request.

I-CoDI 100 Day Resource Guide

The I-CoDI Approach is based on a resource guide and a toolkit aimed for prospective facilitators of the I-CoDI 100 Day Journey within ITU global and regional offices. It is a reference document for I-CODI facilitators trained into the methodology. 

The guide summarizes the essential information related to the I-CoDI 100 Day Journey (i.e the methodology) and provides practical tips to accompany the I-CoDI facilitator on their mission. 

The 100-Day I-CoDI Journey is a structured process to accelerate innovation, inspire and enable intense collaboration, continuous innovation, as well as fast and disciplined execution.   

For more information, feel free to contact us via email at innovation@itu.int.