Page 167 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2021
P. 167

Connecting physical and virtual worlds

           Microsoft Mixed-Reality Toolkit is used to provide  client   1.  Aroaro is a multi-user environment, in  which tools  for
           services.  Data sets, currently  .csv and .json formats,   are   collaboration  have  been incorporated. Collaboration can
           supported allowing connection to cloud and local databases   happen either synchronously or asynchronously. A team of
           and API services. As Figure 1 shows, Aroaro links to several   decision makers can  meet in Aroaro from  geographically
           cloud services, which mainly provide access to data. Data is   distant places. If the session happens with all members being
           reached directly on the machine Aroaro runs on, i.e., a PC or   simultaneously in the virtual environment, then interaction
           HMD  for the VR application,  or  HoloLens  for the AR   will occur in a synchronous manner. Decision makers can
           application.                                       also rely on individual immersive analytics and leave their
                                                              annotations on virtual or real objects of interest so that other
           A cloud relay, Photon, enables multiple users to work on the   team members can continue their tasks later.
           same tasks and interact with objects in the same virtual space
           at the same time. Users from distant, different places can be   2. Aroaro’s virtual reality facility provides a user with total
           present in the same collaboration space viewing the same   spatial immersion and in  doing  so it is hoped  users  gain
           visualizations from different viewpoints and communicating   better understanding  of the data. User interaction with
           synchronously with speech or asynchronously with shared   network data happens as the user “flies into the network”,
           notes.                                             while  being able to explore the  object  with a sense  of
                                                              unconstrained space. The environment is a full  3D
           Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services are used for speech to   visualization  of  Aroaro’s interpretation of abstract data
           text, enabling users to avoid awkward typing on a virtual   contained in a network data set.
           keyboard. Messages sent to the server are returned to the user
           with an interpretation  of the text. Complementing  Azure,   3. Multi-user experience requires a means of communication
           Aroaro uses PlayFab as the back-end tool to provide user   within the virtual space  offered  by Aroaro. Similar to
           management. It is also used to store scene objects.    presence under a collaborative environment, the ability to
                                                              hear other decision makers’ voices can correspond to either
           Aroaro currently runs on HoloLens 1, HoloLens 2, Windows   synchronous or  asynchronous modes. In  Aroaro,  multi-
           Mixed Reality and Android with iOS and Oculus Quest soon   sensory capability is embodied into the audio tool, which
           to be released. An alpha version of Aroaro for Android is   contemplates the ability  for  users to leave recordings  on
           available at  designated objects in the virtual space for their collaborators
           HoloLens  2 is a  particularly welcome enhancement to   to listen to some time later.
           HoloLens 1, which can track the movement of hands and
           eyes allowing the user to virtually move the objects by using   4. The combination and utilization of  features that take
           the fingers.                                       advantage of the opportunities listed above facilitate a higher
                                                              level of  engagement. This  is of particular importance to
           Heroku is  used to  host the  code that calculates network   decision-making supported  on network data visualization,
           measures such as centrality  and other degree-based  node   which is the business task of interest studied in this paper.
           properties.  Using a cloud-based approach with  Heroku
           allows Aroaro to offload the processing from the XR client.    Increasingly, more business activities and processes as well
                                                              as human  organizations and business structures can be
                      4.  IMMERSIVE ANALYTICS                 described as networks. Increasingly too, organizations need
                                                              access to information contained in the connectivity
           According to Dwyer et al. [8], Immersive Analytics (IA) is   properties of a network, as recorded in a network data set. It
           “the use  of engaging,  embodied analysis tools to support   is important to realize this type of data set is inherently richer
           data understanding and  decision  making.” Immersive   and more complex than a data set where, a priori, there is no
           analytics builds upon  several  features such as data   seeming  relation  between the entities/subjects/names that
           visualization,  visual analytics, virtual  reality, computer   make up the data set.
           graphics, human-computer interaction to  support  data
           understanding, and either individual  or collaborative   Aroaro has been endowed with a facility that allows the user
           decision-making. IA is a new technology  that uses head-  to display the connectivity information inherent to a network
           mounted VR/AR or hand-held equipment to provide  new   data set as a graph that “floats on the virtual space”. We have
           kinds of display and interaction technologies such as sensor   chosen to use known measurements of node centrality, which
           technologies as well as machine learning [9].      are pre-computed when the  network  data set is stored in
                                                              Aroaro for the first time. Such measurements constitute the
           4.1   Opportunities afforded by IA                 building blocks of the analysis to be carried out by decision
                                                              makers able to access the network data visualizations module
           We find it adequate to introduce IA to Aroaro as it offers   of Aroaro.
           opportunities  beyond traditional analytics such as those
           identified in [7]: situated analytics, embodied  data   4.2   IA in the context of network data visualization
           exploration, collaboration, spatial immersion, multi-sensory
           presentation and engagement. Let us highlight how Aroaro   We argue network information is becoming of heightened
           takes on some of these opportunities.              strategic importance to  many  business organizations.

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