Page 53 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 7 – Terahertz communications
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 7

          power and efficiency of another device technology    As an example, the minimum energy of the TX array
          supports the requirements.                           is  plotted  in  terms  of  the  number  of  elements  in
                                                               Fig. 2. A total overhead power consisting of the RFU
          A  notional  link  between  a  BS  and  UE  can  be
          mathematically analyzed to understand the digital    and LO is assumed to be 100 mW. Additionally, we
          beam-former  power  consumption.  As  more           assume the PA gain is 20 dB. Using current state-of-
          channels  are  added,  the  digital  beam-former     the-art numbers for the DC to RF efficiency of the
          increases  the  RFU  and  DAC  power  linearly.      modulator and the PA, 1% and 10%, respectively,
          However, the PA output power decreases given a       the base station (EIRP = 75 dBm) is optimized for
          fixed EIRP constraint.                               more than 1000 elements. Moreover, the minimum
                                                               power is around 220 W. As expected from (2), the
          By  adding  the  power  consumption  of  the  RFU    output power per PA is around 10 dBm based on the
          (which includes DAC and IF signal generation) and    overhead of 100 mW and the efficiency of 10%. On
          the  LO  power  (which  includes  LO  distribution,   the other hand, if the PA efficiency is improved to
          multiplier, buffer and mixer power consumption),     40%, the number of elements reduces (by roughly a
          an  optimization  is  found  based  on  basic  circuit   factor  of  2)  but  the  optimum  PA  output  power
          parameters  for  the  PA  (drain)  efficiency  and  the   increases to around 16 dBm.
          overhead of the per-element RF upconversion.
                                                               On  the  other  hand,  the  UE  (EIRP  =  45  dBm)  is

                              η MOD EIRP                       minimized for 32 elements at a total power of 7 W
                 N OPT  = √                          (1)
                          η PA G ANT (P RFU +P LO )            and  output  power  per  element  again  of  10  dBm.
                                                               This is the same as the BS  since the assumptions
          Minimum  energy  is  found  when  the  PA  power     in (2) do not change between the BS and UE in this
          consumption    offsets   the   overhead   power      exercise. With improvements in the PA efficiency,
          consumption for the RFU and DAC.  Not only is the    the number of elements decreases to 16 elements
          power consumption significantly reduced, the size    and  the  overall  power  is  around  3  W  and  the
          of  the  array  can  be  reduced  by  a  factor  of  two   average power per element is again 16 dBm. The
          through the smaller number of elements. When we      critical  insight  is  that  improvements  in  efficiency
          consider this optimization in terms of the number    also  increase  the  average  output  power  demands
          of  elements,  the  optimum  output  power  per      per element.
          element is
                                                               While  these  power  consumptions  for  the  array
                 P OUT,OPT  =  η PA  (P RFU  + P )     (2)     might  seem  high,  considering  that  the  BS  MIMO
                                                               beam-former  could  support  more  than  100  users
                            η MOD
          Consequently,  the  optimum  output  power  is  a    (load factor of ¼), the power is amortized by the
          fraction of the DC power consumed in the RFU and     throughput  to  each  user.  If  each  user  receives  a
          LO based on the PA efficiency.                       10Gb/s QPSK stream, the overall energy efficiency
                                                               of each BS beam amounts to around 200 pJ/b which
                                                               is  comparable  to  the  energy  efficiency  of
                                                               communications at lower frequency bands. Notably,
                                                               the UE achieves similar energy efficiency.
                                                               Consequently, the PA requirements in the BS or UE
                                                               are  not  excessively  different  nor  are  they
                                                               particularly onerous from the standpoint of design
                                                               compared to LmmW. Most interestingly, the design
                                                               demands higher output power per element as the
                                                               efficiency improves and suggests examination of the
                                                               device technologies for the TX PA. For the purposes
                                                               of further analysis, we will consider a peak power of
                                                               20  dBm  as  a  target  per element  output  power  to

                                                               account for the PAPR.
           Fig.  2  -  Optimization  of  the  number  of  elements  under   3.   POWER AMPLIFIER CONSTRAINTS
           different EIRP conditions demonstrating the output power
           per element in dBm and the total array power consumption   The  Power  Added  Efficiency  (PAE)  and  output
           in dBW. (Assumes GANT = 5 dB).                      power  are  directly  related  to  properties  of  the

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