Page 104 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2020
P. 104

2020 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           pattern from semi-static to dynamic, so that the indication   For a  UL  CI  based  solution,  the  remaining  part  of eMBB
           pattern  can  be  adjusted  flexibly  according  to  the  service   transmission is dropped by assuming phase continuity of UL
           arrival to obtain a more accurate indication. This can reduce   eMBB transmission cannot be guaranteed. For a UL power
           the false indication and protect the eMBB service. Then, a   control  based  solution,  P  dB  power  boosting  of  URLLC
           resource  occupancy  based  power  control  (ROPC)  is   transmission is assumed in case of overlapping with grant-
           proposed  to  enhance  the  current  BPC  method.  Based  on   based  eMBB  transmission  respectively.  In  our  simulation,
           ROPC, it becomes possible for gNB to dynamically indicate   each PDCCH monitoring occasion occupies one symbol with
           different power control parameters to user equipment (UE)   32 CCEs. When considering reserving some candidates for
           on  different  sets  of  time-frequency  resource,  which  will   eMBB  scheduling,  the  PDCCH  search  space  set
           further ensure URLLC transmission performance and protect   configuration for UL cancellation signaling is assumed as the
           the  normal  eMBB  transmission.  Furthermore,  a  dynamic   aggregation  level  (AL)={1,2,4,8,16}  with  corresponding
           selection of DPCI and ROPC is proposed. Because the scene   candidate numbers {4,4,2,1,1} respectively. The AL of the
           is  complex  in  real  deployment,  each  multiplexing   UL cancellation signaling is selected according to a PDCCH
           mechanism has its own advantages and disadvantages, and a   channel condition with a target BLER requirement. For a UL
           combination  of  them  will  get  more  robust  and  better   cancellation  based  solution,  a  group  common  PDCCH  is
           performance.                                       adopted.  In  addition,  the  additional  signaling  caused  by
                                                              method improvement is carried by the PDCCH.
           The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the
           service  multiplexing  system  model.  In  section  3,  the
           proposed design of DPCI, ROPC and the dynamic selection      slot n      slot n+1    slot n+2
           mechanism  is  described  in  detail.  Extensive  system  level
           simulation  results  are  introduced  in  section  4,  and  the   0  1  2  3  4 5 6  7  8 9 10 11  12 13
           conclusion of this paper is given in section 5.                          eMBB TTI

            2.  SERVICE MULTIPLEXING SYSTEM MODEL                       slot n      slot n+1    slot n+2

           A 5G new radio (NR) uplink system is considered for this
           work,  where  there  are  N  cells,  each  equipped  with  Kr   mini-slot m  mini-slot m+1  mini-slot m+2  mini-slot m+3
           receiving antennas, and randomly distributed M UEs, each   eMBB UE arrival  6  7  8  9
           equipped with Kt transmitting antennas. Each cell includes   URLLC UE arrival  URLLC TTI
           two  types  of  uplink  transmission  UEs:  URLLC  UE  and
           eMBB UE. The number of URLLC UEs and eMBB UEs in     Figure 1 – TTI for scheduling URLLC and eMBB UEs
           each cell is M URLLC and MeMBB respectively, and MURLLC +
           MeMBB = M. The packets arrival for each eMBB UE is FTP   In this system model, the algorithm of the gNB receiver is
           Model 3 with Poisson arrival and the packet size is Bmin~Bmax   MMSE-IRC,  which  adopts  MMSE  criterion  [16].  The
           bytes with Pareto distribution [17]. The packets arrival for   objective  function  is  to  minimize  the  mean  square  error
           each URLLC UE is sporadic with an average arrival rate of   between  the  transmitted  signal  vector  s1  and  the  received
           1 packet per T ms and the packet size is B bytes. In the system   signal vector linear combination W y, as follows:
           model,  users  are  distributed  indoors  and  outdoors  in  a
           random proportion, and o% of users are outdoors and i% of         min     ��     −      � �     −      ��    (1)
           users are indoors, and o + i = 100.                                    
                                                              Where, s 1 is the signal source symbol of a service cell, and y
           A  flexible  frame  structure  is  adopted  for  the  service   is the signal received by the receiver, and W is the Kt×Kr
           multiplexing system model, where URLLC and eMBB UEs   weighted matrix of dimension. When the gradient is used to
           are  scheduled  with  different  transmission  time  intervals   find  the  optimal  solution,  the  information  of  the  known
           (TTIs). As an example in Figure 1, the scheduling granularity   interference channel matrix is fully used, and the MMSE-
           is set to 14 orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM)   IRC weighting matrix can be obtained as follows:
           symbols  for  eMBB and  4  OFDM  symbols for  URLLC  in
           order  to  achieve  a  latency  reduction.  The  monitoring        =      �          +                           +       0      �  (2)
           periodicity of UL cancellation signaling should be equal to                                                                       
           the  URLLC  physical  downlink  control  channel  (PDCCH)
           monitoring  interval,  i.e.  mini-slot  level  [15].  In  frequency   Where, H1 represents the channel matrix from the service cell
           domain, the smallest scheduling unit is the resource block   to the receiver, H2 represents the channel matrix from the
           (RB), which is composed of 12 resource elements (RE).    interference cell to the receiver. Es is the average power of
                                                              the  transmitting  source  symbol,  and  the  noise  power  and
                                                              interference power are I oc and N 0 respectively. When there

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