Page 24 - Methodology for measurement of Quality of Service (QoS) Key Performance Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Digital Financial Services
P. 24

The exact means of time-taking are not prescribed    Each electronic document (data table) is named in
           provided the required time resolution is given. Howev-  a consistent and unique way.
           er, the overall procedure must make sure that time and   This information is also duplicated in the document
           date settings are correct.                           itself. The information shall contain:
             When a DCS is completed (all rows filled in), it is pho-
           tographed and uploaded. Each such upload is logged in   -  A common text identifier (to be defined).
           the general event log. Likewise, if the location of the test   -  Identifier of the team.
           is changed, and at the end of a measurement day, the   -  Date and time of creation (time resolution: min-
           last DCS used is photographed and uploaded.            utes, e.g. hh:mm).
             After the end of a measurement day, the data sheets
           of that day are entered into an electronic file (e.g. Excel   The following table contains file/content types used,
                                                                and their respective file naming rules.
           spreadsheet) by a member of the team.
             For the name of data files, see Data file naming.  6.3.2 Specific file names
             The data file is then uploaded. In addition, a copy of
           the file is made to a suitable data medium (CD or USB   The naming of electronic log files is tentative and us-
                                                                ers of this specification are encouraged to reasonably
           stick, to be kept in a safe place). The file is also kept on   adapt naming conventions to local circumstances.
           the PC.
             If an upload is not possible (if no connectivity for up-  ■  NOTE: Data, location and event log files may con-
           load is available), attempts to upload the file shall be   tain information for different locations and there-
           repeated in a reasonable time pattern, at latest at the   fore have no location name in the file name. In-
           following day.                                         stead, they carry hhmm in case there are multiple
             All DCS originals are collected and kept in a safe   files per day.
                                                                6.4 Campaign logs
           6.2.3 Direct entry into electronic form              Each team maintains a campaign log (paper or elec-
           During testing, the team member allocated for this task   tronic form) where all relevant events are logged with
           enters data directly into a data file. Respective proce-  date/time. Such events are:
           dures are the same as described in the previous clause.  a) Entering and leaving a given location.
             Upload attempts for data files shall be made on the
           following occasions:                                 b) Start, end and possible interrupts of background
           a) The team changes the location, and
           b) At the end of a measurement day, and .            c) Start and end of test activities.
           c) When a time of 4 hours after the last upload has ex-  d) Data logging and transfer related activities (de-
             pired.                                               pending on the mode selected).
                                                                e) Unusual events which occurred during measure-
           6.3 Data file naming                                   ment (e.g. power outages, planned or unplanned
           6.3.1 General file naming
           These generic file naming rules apply to files not specif-  The forms being used should at least include the fol-
           ically listed in sub clause 6.3.2.                   lowing:

          TABLE 6-1: Specific files, naming conventions
           FILE TYPE                     NAMING DEFINITION
           Scanned/photographed log files    TeamName_YYMMDD_LocationName.pdf
           (per location)                Example: Team2_180618_Bubuashie.pdf
                                         YYMMDD should indicate the day to which the log file set refers (this implies that each file
                                         should only contain log files for one and the same day)
           Electronic version of Data Log  DataLog_TeamName_YYMMDD_hhmm.xlsx
                                         YYMMDD should indicate the date of entries (implying that each log file should only
                                         contain data for one day).
                                         hhmm should indicate the earliest timestamp of content. With respect to the paper ver-
                                         sions, this would be the “sheet started” time. If no paper version is used, the time should
                                         be the time of the first item of content.
           Electronic version of Location Log  LocationLog_TeamName_YYMMDD_hhmm.xlsx
                                         For YYMMDD and hhmm, see above.
           Electronic version of Event Log  EventLog_TeamName_YYMMDD_hhmm.xlsx
                                         For YYMMDD and hhmm, see above.

           22 • Methodology for measurement of Quality of Service (QoS) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Digital Financial Services
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