Page 20 - Methodology for measurement of Quality of Service (QoS) Key Performance Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Digital Financial Services
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5 END TO END DFS KPIS                              5.3  Money Transfer Completion Time (MTCT)
                                                              5.3.1 Functional description
           5.1 KPI abbreviations and reference                Time to complete a money transfer.
           The Table 5-1 below is a quick-reference index between
           KPI abbreviations, basic types, and the respective KPI   5.3.2 Formal definition
           definitions.                                       Using the primary success definition, i.e. the summariz-
             The abbreviation is given for easier reference; it also   ing SMS are not considered.
           provides a way to add the actual test case type descrip-  This value is determined from the time between the
           tion in a similar way as in other KPI definitions. For ease   activation of the used case until the completion of the
           of reading—because the present document only deals   transfer as indicated by the primary success indicator; it
           with the P2P MoMo case—the core abbreviation is used.
                                                              is therefore only valid for a successful transaction.
           Full abbreviation: DFS-<Test case type>-<KPI abbrevi-  As the overall time contains human interaction, the
           ation>                                             technical definition excludes such times, but adds a typ-
                                                              ical time assumed to express the respective portion of
           Example: DFS-P2P MoMo-MTCR
                                                              the use case.
           All definitions are using the trigger point codes defined
           in clause 4.2.                                        MTCT = T(AE_104, AE_300) – MTHI + TTHI
                                                              MTHI stands for the measured and TTHI for the (as-
           5.2 Money Transfer Completion Rate (MTCR)
                                                              sumed) typical time for all human interaction in this use
           5.2.1 Functional description                       case.
           Probability  that  a  money  transfer  can  be  completed   The meaning of this expression is “take the measured
           successfully.                                      overall duration of the transaction, eliminate times
                                                              caused  by  actual  human  interaction  (which  can  vary
           5.2.2 Formal definition                            from instance to instance) and replace them by a gener-
                                                              alized (typical) value).
           MTCR =  ratio between the number of successful in-   The special case TTHI=0 stands for the ideal (prac-
           stances of the use case, and all valid attempts to per-  tically unreachable) case where data is entered so fast
           form the use case.
                                                              that the duration becomes negligible.
           With AA_100 as indicator for a valid attempt (successful
           activation of the DFS function) and AE_300 as success   5.3.3 Specific definition
           indicator, the expression becomes (see Expressions)  MHTI can be expressed in terms of trigger point time-
                                                              stamps as follows:
              MTCR = R (AE_300, AA_100)
                                                               MHTI = T(AE_t04, AA_108) – T(AE_112, AE_116) – AE(120,
           5.2.3 Specific definition                           AA_124) – T(AE_128,AA,_132) – T(AE_136,AA_140) – T(AE_
           Using the primary success definition, i.e. the summariz-  144,AA_148)-T(AE_152,AA_156)-T(AE_160,AA_164)
           ing SMS are not considered.

           TABLE 5-1: KPI abbreviations and full names
           ABBREVIATION    TYPE                REFERENCE
           MTCR            Rate/Probability    Money Transfer completion rate
           MTCT            Time                Money Transfer completion time
           MTFPR           Rate/Probability    Money Transfer False Positive Rate
           MTFNR           Rate/Probability    Money Transfer False Negative Rate
           MTFTRR          Rate/Probability    Money Transfer Failed Transaction Resolution Rate
           MTASSR          Rate/Probability    Money Transfer Account Stabilization Success Rate
           MTAST           Time                Money Transfer Account Stabilization Time
           MTLR            Rate/Probability    Money Transfer Loss Rate
           MTDR            Rate/Probability    Money Transfer Duplication Rate

           18 • Methodology for measurement of Quality of Service (QoS) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Digital Financial Services
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