Page 19 - Methodology for measurement of Quality of Service (QoS) Key Performance Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Digital Financial Services
P. 19

TABLE 4-1: Trigger point IDs for the MoMo P2P model case
           DFS_P2P_AA_100       AA_100    Start DFS app                      enter start USSD command
           DFS_P2P_AE_104       AE_104    Prompt to select TA type           Prompt to select TA type
           DFS_P2P_AA_108       AA_108    Select: Transfer                   enter 1 to select “Transfer Money”
           DFS_P2P_AE_112       AE_112    Prompt to select recipient type    Prompt to select recipient type

           DFS_P2P_AA_116       AA_116    Select: To mobile user             enter 1 to select “to Mobile Money user”
           DFS_P2P_AE_120       AE_120    N/A                                Prompt to select category of recipient
           DFS_P2P_AA_124       AA_124    N/A                                enter 1 to select “to subscriber”

           DFS_P2P_AE_128       AE_128    Prompt to select recipient ID      Prompt to select recipient ID
           DFS_P2P_AA_132       AA_132    Enter B number and continue        Enter B number and continue
           DFS_P2P_AE_136       AE_136    Prompt to select recipient ID again  Prompt to select recipient ID again
           DFS_P2P_AA_140       AA_140    Enter B number again and continue  Enter B number again and continue
           DFS_P2P_AE_144       AE_144    Prompt to enter amount             Prompt to enter amount

           DFS_P2P_AA_148       AA_148    Enter amount and continue          Enter amount and continue
           DFS_P2P_AE_152       AE_152    Prompt to enter reference          Prompt to enter reference
           DFS_P2P_AA_156       AA_156    Enter reference and continue       Enter reference and continue

           DFS_P2P_AE_160       AE_160    Request to confirm transaction appears   N/A
           DFS_P2P_AA_164       AA_164    Confirm                             N/A
           DFS_P2P_AE_168       AE_168    Request for PIN appears            Request for PIN appears
           DFS_P2P_AA_200      AA_200     Enter PIN and confirm              Enter PIN and confirm
           DFS_P2P_AE_210       AE_210    Display TA in progress info        Display TA in progress info

           DFS_P2P_AE_300      AE_300     Display payment confirmation       Display payment confirmation
           DFS_P2P_AE_310       AE_310    Receive A side payment info        Receive A side payment info
           DFS_P2P_BE_320       BE_320    Receive B side payment info        Receive B side payment info

             Example: For the TPID AA_148 (Enter amount and   these two trigger points, T(AA_144, AE_148) in the
           continue), the user-activity starts with TPID AE-144   notation defined in Expressions.  It includes the time
           (Prompt to enter amount). At this point in time, the re-  the user needs to read and understand the prompt, to
           spective prompt appears on the user interface. The du-  perform the action asked for (in this case, to type the
           ration of this sub-phase is the time difference between   amount, and to tap or press a button to confirm/send).

                                  Methodology for measurement of Quality of Service (QoS) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Digital Financial Services • 17Methodology for measurement of Quality of Service (QoS) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Digital Financial Services • 17
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