Page 88 - ITU Journal - ICT Discoveries - Volume 1, No. 2, December 2018 - Second special issue on Data for Good
P. 88

ITU JOURNAL: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 1(2), December 2018

          then  combined  and  sent  to  the  provincial  health   Table 1 – Barriers in the journey of the dataset on the number
          department  via  e-mail  (leg  3).  Here,  aside  from          of deliveries in healthcare facilities
          being  kept  for  the  tri-monthly  report  to  the
          Ministry(leg  4),  data  is  also  transferred  to  the   Jour-  Barrier          Cause of barrier
          Information  &  Data  Center  (Pusdatin),  which  will   ney
          process  the  data  for  the  province’s  annual  health   num-
          profile and for the Health Ministry data repository     ber
                                                                1       The repeated   The lack of a systemized data
                                                                        loss of data of   collection procedure for hospi-
                                                                        deliveries out-  tals and obstetric gynaecol-
                                                                        side Puskesmas   ogists (ob-gyns), especially the
                                                                                      private ones. At the moment
                                                                                      they are not strictly required to
                                                                                      report delivery records to ei-
                                                                                      ther the municipal health de-
                                                                                      partment or Puskesmas and are
                                                                                      not aware of the importance of
                                                                                      data integration.

                                                                1       Time ineffi-  Competing tasks by the mid-
                                                                        ciency in data   wives. The need for Puskesmas
          Fig. 3 – The journey of the dataset on deliveries in healthcare   collection   midwives to physically visit
                              facilities                                              hospitals and ob-gyns, sort
                                                                                      each delivery data by address,
          Table 1 shows the list of barriers identified along                         and group each birth according
          the  legs  of  the  journey.  Puskesmas,  as  the  most                     to the Puskesmas’ working
          immediate data producers, often find the activity of                        boundary area.
          collecting data from other sources most challenging.   1      Extra burden of   The lack of incentive to reward
          This is due to the absence of obligation for private          carrying out   officers carrying out the ‘addi-
          practices  and  hospitals  to  cooperate  with                data entry for   tional job’ of data entry.
          Puskesmas nearest to their area in providing data on          different appli-
          deliveries.  As  a  result,  each  month  Puskesmas           cations
          midwives must go around these locations to fetch
          and  sort  out  information  manually  (barriers  on   2      Extra task for   The flow of data collection from
                                                                                      hospitals, ob-gyns, and prac-
          Leg 1).  Moreover,  as  the  popularity  of  each             health depart-  tices outside Puskesmas is not
          Puskesmas in the city varies, midwives working in             ment officer to   clear and binding.
          busier  Puskesmas  often  find  it  harder  to  juggle        sort out data
          between  their  main  job  of  serving  patients  and         from all com-
                                                                        munity health
          processing data.                                              centers, private
                                                                        clinics, and hos-
          The dispersed sources of data also affect the control         pitals
          of information in the municipal health department.
          As  they  too  receive  submissions  from  public     3       The inefficiency  - The Ministry and other data
          hospitals, the Maternal & Child Officer must host a           in preparing   users require data to be pro-
                                                                        and delivering
                                                                                      cessed into different tables and
          monthly gathering of Puskesmas’ officers to ensure            data in both   documents
          the distribution of this data. Meanwhile, the need to         physical and   - Trust for digital registry for-
          convert  data  formats  (i.e.  from  physical  to             electronic    mats among Health department
          electronic, and from one table to another) in both            forms         staff is low, so diminishing
          the  city  and  provincial  health  departments  also                       physical formats altogether is
                                                                                      not feasible
          results  in  inefficiency  in  the  monthly  report

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