Page 785 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 785

Transport aspects                                              2

                                                Figure 10-15 – Bit generator

            Two bits from the scrambler shall be mapped to each subcarrier, including DC. The two bits corresponding
            to DC shall be overwritten with 00.
            For a modulator that uses an IDFT size = 2N, 2N bits shall be generated by the scrambler every symbol (b0 b1
            b2 ... b2N−2 b2N−1) in each transmission direction. The first two bits (b0 b1) shall correspond to subcarrier 0, the
            next  two  bits  (b2  b3)  to  subcarrier  1,  etc.;  bits  (b2i  b2i+1)  shall  correspond  to  subcarrier  i.  Bits  shall  be
            generated for all N subcarriers, not just those being used for transmission. Bits generated for subcarriers
            that are not in use shall be discarded.
            At the beginning of operation, all registers of the scrambler shall be set to a certain 11-bit initial value
            (seed). Two modes of scrambler operation are used: reset mode and free-running mode.
      Reset mode

            In the reset mode, the scrambler shall be initialized (reset to the required seed) at the beginning of every
            symbol period. Therefore, the same 2N bits will be generated for each symbol, and each subcarrier will be
            assigned  the  same  two-bit  pseudo-random  number  for  rotation  of  its  constellation  point  in  successive

      Free-running mode
            In the free-running mode, the scrambler shall not be reinitialized at the beginning of each symbol period,
            but  instead  shall  continue  running  from  one  symbol  to  the  next.  Practically,  this  means  the  scrambler
            generates 2N bits that are allocated to symbol s. The next 2N bits from the scrambler are then allocated to
            symbol s+1, etc.

            In the downstream direction, the scrambler shall advance during all  Mds symbol positions and shall not
            advance during other symbol positions. In the upstream direction, the scrambler shall advance during all
            Mus symbol positions and shall not advance during other symbol positions.

            10.3    Precoder (downstream vectoring)

            10.3.1  Overview
            Figure 10-16  provides  an  overview  of  the  functional  model  for  the  inclusion  of  downstream  FEXT
            cancellation precoding at the DPU for all lines in the vectored group, as a generalization of Figure 10-1 from
            a signal processing perspective. The model shows an array of the downstream symbol encoders (which
            represent the data, sync, pilot or initialization symbol encoders shown in Figure 10-1) and the modulation
            by the IDFT functional blocks of the FTU-Os, with the FEXT cancellation precoder inserted between the
            symbol encoders and the modulation by the IDFT blocks.
            The  VCE  of  the  vectored  group  learns  and  manages  the  channel  matrix  per  vectored  subcarrier,  which
            reflects the channel characteristics of the managed group of lines. In the functional model in Figure 10-16,
            the  channel  matrix  for  each  vectored  subcarrier  is  of  size  NN  where  N  is  the  number  of  lines  in  the
            vectored group.

            From the channel matrix, a VCE derives a FEXT precoder matrix, which is used to compensate the FEXT from
            each line in the vectored group. In the functional model in Figure 10-16, this is shown by a matrix of FEXT

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