Page 596 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 596

2                                                 Transport aspects

            In an RF-band RoF relay transmission scheme such as that shown in Figures 6-5-a and 6-6-a, the system
            consists of two pairs of RF-band filters, a pair of optical transceivers, and a fibre-optic link. For digital RoF,
            moreover, an ADC and DAC pair is required. On the transmitter side, a received RF signal modulates an
            optical  carrier  using  an  E/O  converter  in  the  optical  transceiver.  The  generated  analogue  RoF  signal  is
            transmitted  over  the  fibre-optic  link.  On  the  receiver  side,  the  received  uplink  RoF  signal  is  optically
            detected using an O/E converter in the optical transceiver. The detected electrical signal, which is the same
            as the modulating RF-band subcarrier signal, becomes the desired RF signal. In this way, RF signals in both
            directions are repeated through the fibre-optic link.

            In an IF-band RoF relay transmission scheme such as that shown in Figures 6-5-b and 6-6-b, the system
            consists  of two  pairs of  RF-to-IF  and  IF-to-RF converters,  two  reference  frequency  generators,  a  pair of
            optical transceivers, and a fibre-optic link. For digital RoF, moreover, an ADC and DAC pair is required. On
            the transmitter side, a received RF signal is frequency down-converted using the RF-to-IF down-converter
            to an IF-band subcarrier signal. The generated IF-band subcarrier signal modulates an optical carrier using
            an  E/O  converter  in  the  optical  transceiver.  The  generated  analogue  RoF  signal  is  transmitted  over  the
            fibre-optic link. On the receiver side, the received RoF signal is optically detected using an O/E converter in
            the  optical  transceiver.  The  detected  electrical  signal,  which  is  the  same  as  the  modulating  IF-band
            subcarrier signal, is frequency up-converted using the IF-to-RF up-converter and a reference frequency to
            the desired RF signal. The characteristics of the reference frequency should be designed to be satisfied with
            the frequency stability of the downlink RF signal. In this way, both directions of RF signal transmission are
            repeated through the fibre-optic link.
            In an I/Q baseband signals relay transmission scheme such as that shown in Figures 6-5-c and 6-6-c, the
            system consists of two pairs of RF-to-I/Q and I/Q-to-RF converters, two reference frequency generators, a
            pair  of  optical  transceivers,  and  a  fibre-optic  link.  For  digital  RoF,  moreover,  an  ADC  and  DAC  pair  is
            required. On the transmitter side, a received RF signal is frequency down-converted using the RF-to-I/Q
            down-converter to I/Q baseband signals. The generated I/Q baseband signals modulate an optical carrier
            using an E/O converter in the optical transceiver. The generated multi-level or analogue baseband signals,
            which are a form of analogue RoF signal, are transmitted over the fibre-optic link. On the receiver side, the
            received  optical  signals  are  optically  detected  using  an  O/E  converter  in  the  optical  transceiver.  The
            detected  electrical  signals,  which  are  the  same  as  the  modulating  I/Q  baseband  signals,  are  frequency
            up-converted  using  the  I/Q-to-RF  up-converter  and a  reference  frequency  to the  desired  RF  signal.  The
            characteristics of the reference frequency should be designed to be satisfied with the frequency stability of
            the downlink RF signal. In this way, both directions of RF signal transmission are repeated through the fibre-
            optic link.

            It is obvious that the RF-band RoF relay transmission scheme can achieve the simplest system architecture,
            compared  with  system  architectures  for  the  other  schemes.  With  the  IF-band  RoF  relay  transmission
            scheme, the requirement on the frequency response of E/O and O/E converters can be reduced, and the
            optical bandwidth efficiency of the analogue RoF system can be improved. Moreover, the I/Q baseband
            signals relay transmission scheme has the advantage that the optical transmission bandwidth required for
            repeating a radio waveform is minimized, while this relay transmission will increase the optical complexity
            because optical I/Q modulation and optical coherent detection will be required. These schemes should be
            adequately selected according to system requirements and installation conditions.

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