Committed to connecting the world

ITS Subject Areas
ITS Service Domains matched to SDO Workgroups
ITS Service Domain ISO
Traveller information
Provision of both static and dynamic information about the transport network to users, including modal options and transfers.
WG 10   WG 4      
Traffic management and operations
The management of the movement of vehicles, travellers and pedestrians throughout the road transport network
WG 9   WG 5      
Vehicle services
Enhancement of safety, security and efficiency in vehicle operations, by warnings and assistances to users or control vehicle operations.
WG 11
  WG 8      
Freight transport
The management of commercial vehicle operations; freight and fleet management; activities that expedite the authorization process for cargo at national and jurisdictional boundaries and expedite cross-modal transfers for authorized cargo.
WG 7   WG 2
Public transport
operation of public transport services and the provision of operational information to the operator and user, including multimodal aspects.
WG 8   WG 3      
services delivered in response to incidents that are categorized as emergencies.
WG16   WG 14
WG 15
Transport-related electronic payment
Transactions and reservations for transport related services.
WG 5
WG 8
  WG 1
WG 3
Road transport related personal safety
Protection of transport users including pedestrians and vulnerable users.
Weather and environmental conditions monitoring
Activities that monitor and notify weather and environmental conditions.
Disaster response management and coordination
Road transport based activities in response to natural disasters, civil disturbances, or terror attacks
    WG 15      
National security
Activities that directly protect or mitigate physical or operational harm to persons and facilities due to natural disasters, civil disturbances, or terror attacks
    WG 15      
For greater details of ITS Services see
ISO/IEC 14813-1
Service Related Technologies            
Architecture WG 1   WG 13 TC ITS   SG16
Quality and Reliability Requirements           SG12
ITS Database Technology WG 3          
Automatic Vehicle Identification WG 4   WG 12 TC ITS    
Dedicated Short Range Communications WG 15   WG 9 TC ITS    
Wide Area Communications/Protocols and Interfaces (incl CALM, US DSRC, Japan DSRC, Probe Data) WG 16     TC ITS    
Ergonomics and Human Factors   WG 13 WG 10      
Multimedia Communications           SG16
SG12 (Q4/12,Q12/12)

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