Committed to connecting the world

Murli Dhar Tiwari

Dr. Murli Dhar Tiwari completed his B.Sc., M.Sc. and D.Phil. Degrees from Allahabad University.  In 1973 he joined HNB Garhwalphoto 1Dr1  M D  Tiwari Director IIIT-A download.jpg
University, India as a Lecturer, subsequently he became Head of Physics Department of the same University.  In 1984 he joined University Grants Commission, New Delhi as a Principal Scientific Officer and after working for a decade on senior position there he moved to All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi as a Senior Advisor in 1994.

In 1995 he joined MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, India as a Vice Chancellor. During 3 years of his tenure he managed a number of Professional Courses at this University which was adjudged First University in all Universities in performance appraisal in three consecutive years.  He is also Founder Chairman of U.P.State Council of Higher Education. He has enjoyed prestigious fellowships like Alexander-von-humboldt Fellowship and visited abroad several times for academic endeavours.

Dr. Tiwari established the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad (IIIT-A) in 1999.  Since then he is working there as a Director.

He has published about 150 research papers in refereed journals, supervised 12 Ph.D. students and has written/edited about 12 books published by publishers of International repute.

Dr. Tiwari has also worked on prestigious positions such as President of Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi. At present he is Chairman, Electronics and Technology Division, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, Chairman of several bilateral science and technology programmes of Government of India.To promote science education and research in the country, Dr. Tiwari is organising Conclave of Nobel Laureates since 2008 every year and the same is being done in 2012.  This is a unique programme and is contributing a lot for awareness and interests of young brilliant students for science education & research.

At present his interests are Information Technology in general – Wireless Sensors, Human Computer Interaction and Application of IT in untaped Non-conventional Energy in particular.