Work item:
Optical fibre and cable for space division multiplexing transmission
[Carried to next study period]
Approval process:
Type of work item:
Technical report
Equivalent number:
IEC TC86: SC86A, WG6/SC86B, WG3/SC86C
Supporting members:
NTT, CLPAJ, KDDI, NEC, Fujitsu, CommScope, CAICT, YOFC, China Unicom, Corning, Prysmian, BT, Sterlite, Heraeus
Technical report for optical fibre and cable for space division multiplexing (SDM) transmission is established for analysing the current state of technical maturity, clarifying technical and commercial aspects, and highlighting characteristics with related technologies and network configuration/installation/operations towards developing a future cost effective network and ecosystem utilizing SDM fibre and cable technologies. Classification and definition of existing SDM optical fibre and cable technologies are described. Geometrical, mechanical and optical property of various SDM optical fibres are analysed. Examination of potential application areas are investigated taking into account the relationship with various SDM fibre and cable technologies. Furthermore aspects on how to use SDM fibres in anticipated applications are being addressed, including considerations on connector & splicing technologies and how to imbed in current optical system technologies. Purpose is to establish a clear and agreed upon roadmap for SDM optical fibre and cable technologies including the related technology such as test method, connectivity, maintenance and so on.
Proposed table of contents is as follows:
1. Introduction
2. Scope
3. References
4. Terms and abbreviations
5. Background of SDM
6. SDM optical fibres
6.1 Classification of SDM optical fibres
6.2 Property of SDM optical fibres and cables
6.3 Implementation of SDM optical fibres and cables
7. Application area
7.1 Considerable application area of SDM optical fibre and cable
7.2 Relationship with type of SDM fibre and cable
8. Standardization objective
8.1 Definitions
8.2 Properties
8.3 Test methods
8.4 Related technology
9. Relationship with other standards
Historic references:
ITU-T A.5 justification(s): |
First registration in the WP:
2020-05-19 14:33:21
Last update:
2022-01-18 17:04:44