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Guidelines for Children on Child Online Protection

Guidelines for Children on Child Online Protection
Year: 2013
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This publication refers to the Guidelines prepared in the context of the Child Online Protection (COP)1 Initiative in order to establish the foundations for a safe and secure cyberworld not only for today's children but also for future generations. They are issues facing all persons under the age of 18 in all parts of the world. However, a young internet user of seven years of age is very unlikely to have the same needs or interests as a 12 year old just starting at High School or a 17 year old on the brink of adulthood. At different points in the Guidelines we have tailored the advice or recommendations to fit these different contexts. Whilst using broad categories can act as a useful guide it should never be forgotten that, in the end, each child is different. Each child's specific needs should be given individual consideration. While local and even national initiatives certainly have their place, the Internet knows no boundaries, and an international cooperation will be the key to our success in winning the battles ahead.

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