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How are the informal FTP areas structured?

The informal FTP areas structure comprises three main folders:
  • docs - The docs folder contains the mirror of meeting documents from DMS. This folder is Read Only to ITU-T members and is managed by TSB and IS. This area will be archived in place at the end of the study period.
  • exchange - The exchange folder is the working area where the Study Group participants can upload and exchange files/documents. This area is organized by the official Study Group structure. ITU-T members have Read+Write access from the Working Party (wp) folders. This area will be archived in place at the end of the study period.
  • temp - The temp folder is the informal area where the Study Group participants can upload and exchange files/documents. This folder is Read+Write for ITU-T members. This area will be deleted at the end of the study period.
A detailed description of the structure of a Study Group's informal FTP area is available in the Electronic Working Methods (EWM) page of the Study Groups.