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Executive summary of the SG13 meeting

Executive summary of the SG13 meeting of
6-17 February 2017,  
Geneva, Switzerland

This SG13 meeting was the first in the 2017 – 2020 Study Period, the mandate and the list of Questions under study as approved by the WTSA-16 is found in COM 13 – C 1. The meeting agreed on the SG structure to organize the work and on nomination of SG 13 Working Parties Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen, Rapporteurs, Associate Rapporteurs and Liaison Rapporteurs.

Main meeting results

   Study Group structure and Working Parties leadership

WP ​Title ​Questions ​Co-Chairman
​1IMT-2020 Networks and Systems​​6, 20, 21, 22, 23Hans KIM and Luca PESANDO​
Yachen WANG/Brice MURARA​
​2​Cloud Computing and Big Data7, 17, 18, 19​Yoshinori GOTO and Fidelis ONAH​
​Ahmed RAGHY/Juan Carlos MINUTO
​3​Network Evolution and Trust​1, 2, 5, 16 Gyu Myoung LEE and Heyuan XU
Mohammed AL TAMIMI/Maurice GHAZAL

Recommendation approval (Resolution 1 - TAP)

ITU-T Rec. No.


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 Y.2773 (Y.dpiper)         7 COM 13 – R42 New Performance models and metrics for deep packet inspection
See TSB Circular 13 (dated 27 February 2017) ​ ​ ​ ​

Recommendations consented for Last Call (Recommendation A.8 - AAP)

ITU-T Doc. No.


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TD 40 (PLEN/13)


Network intelligence capability enhancement – Requirements and capabilities to support mobile content delivery optimization 
(Y.NGNe-authorized account messaging service)
TD 30 (PLEN/13)New

Next Generation Network evolution - Requirements for supporting authorized account messaging service

​16 TD 42 (PLEN/13)New​The basic principles of a trusted environment in ICT infrastructure
​16 TD 41 (PLEN/13)New​Overview of trust provisioning in ICT infrastructures and services 
​18TD 37 (PLEN/13)​NewCloud computing - Functional Architecture of Network as a Service
​19TD 39 (PLEN/13)New​Cloud computing - Trusted inter-cloud computing framework and requirements
​22 TD 33 (PLEN/13)​NewData Aware Networking (Information Centric Networking) - Requirements and Capabilities
​23 TD 31 (PLEN/13)​NewPolicy Control Mechanism in Multi-connection

 The AAP Last Call period for the consented 8 Recommendations started from the 1 March 2017 (see AAP-7).

Supplement agreed to (Recommendation A.13)

ITU-T Rec. No.


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Y.1900-series Supplement 43
   16 TD 45 (PLEN/13)  New Deployment Models of N-screen services

Organization of the work
The meeting recognized the priorities for study as IMT-2020 networks and systems, cloud computing, big data and trust and implemented that in the SG13 structure for this study period.

Review of Questions of SG13 
Since the Questions for study were developed about 6 month ago, some new trends dictate the adjustments to some of the Question texts. This was done and agreed at the meeting for the following Questions:

  • Q19/13 "End-to-end cloud computing management, cloud security and  big data governance" as in TD 34 (PLEN/13) adding the big data governance study in the text;
  • Q20/13 "IMT-2020: Network requirements and functional architecture" as in TD 35  Rev.2 (PLEN/13) aligning its text with that one of Q21/13;
  • Q21/13 "Network softwarization including software-defined networking, network slicing and orchestration" as in TD 36 (PLEN/13) carefully crafting the network softwarization term into the Question title and description.

Coordination activities

  • In implementing the decision of WTSA-16 to set up the new JCA-IMT2020 under SG13, the ad-hoc group to develop the Terms of Reference (ToR) for this new group was established at the opening plenary of SG13. Ad-hoc was run by the SG13 Vice-chairman, Mr Yoshinori Goto, had one evening session and produced the ToR for JCA-IMT2020 as appear in TD 22 (PLEN/13). Report of the ad-hoc group meeting may be found in TD 24 (PLEN/13). JCA-IMT2020 as one of its task was entrusted to maintain the roadmap of mobile communication studies and activities across three ITU sectors. Its latest version may be found in TD 284 Rev.1 (PLEN/13). It is the continuation of the activity from the previous study period.
  • Per the request of the Joint Rapporteur Group on Cloud Computing Management (JRG-CCM) and its representative in SG13, Q19/13, stated in the report of the last activity of this group, TD 32 (GEN/13), and as reaching the end of its lifetime, it was agreed to discontinue this group. The co-rapporteurs, Mr Emil Kowalczyk (Orange, Poland) and Ms Wang Yanchuan (Chime Telecom), were thanked for their work.

Important decisions (apart of Rec consent/approvals)

  • In response to the WTSA-16 Resolution 92 (IMT-2020) established the JCA-IMT2020 with the Terms of Reference as found in TD 22 (PLEN/13) and headed by Mr Scott Mansfield (Ericsson, Canada) as the chairman supported by Ms Ying Cheng (China Unicom) as vice-chairperson. Its first meeting will be announced in the coming months.
  • Instructed the rapporteurs of Qs 7 and 17 to inspect their deliverables from the perspective of cloud-based event data technology study as requested by the WTSA-16 Resolution 94.
  • In implementing the decision of TSAG July 2016 meeting (TD 10 (PLEN/13)) set up the ad-hoc group on guidance for drafting technical Recommendations led by Mr Wu Tong (China Telecom) and Mr Marco Carugi (NEC, Japan). This ad-hoc will elaborate some directions how to draft the technical Recommendations in ITU-T, TD 29 (PLEN/13) has a first meeting experience reported. The group will meet electronically and have physical meetings alongside SG13 activities. It is supposed to deliver the results of its findings by the first SG13 meeting in 2018.
  • Formally closed the FG IMT-2020 as reaching its lifetime end and accomplishing its mandate. A short notification about this and available outputs of the groups is found in TD 27(PLEN/13). Final report of the FG-IMT-2020 to its parent group may be found in TD 5 (PLEN/13). The FG management team and its chairman, Mr Peter Ashwood-Smith (Huawei, Canada), received thanks in appreciation of their headship.
  • Confirmed that the revised Terms of Reference for the SG13RG-AFR as agreed in April 2016, TD 255 (PLEN/13), remain valid for the current study period.
  • Agreed that all the SG13 Questions will follow the AAP path.

Issues for further elaboration

  • A request to TSAG on assigning the lead SG role on Big Data studies to SG13, see TD 32 (PLEN/13), has been issued complemented by the short report on SG13 achievements to date in the field of Big Data studies.
  • A need in coordination mechanism for studies related to trust in ICT has been identified. It involves SGs 13, 17 and 20. The best way of such collaboration needs to be elaborated, TD 47 (PLEN/13), Annex 3.

External cooperation

  • The JCA-SDN had its regular meeting alongside the SG13 and SG11 meetings, on 9 February 2017. In response to the direction from the WTSA-16 Resolution 77, SG13 confirmed the continuation of the JCA-SDN until the end of 2017 with the up-dated Terms of Reference as found in TD 17 (PLEN/13) and new leadership that consists of Ms Ying Cheng (China Unicom) as the chairman and Mr Scott Mansfield (Ericsson, Canada) as vice-chairman.
  • SG13 developed a short report on its experience with the open source, TD 25 (PLEN/13).
  • SG13 opened the communication channel with BBF and 3GPP to work on FMC in context of 5G, TD 19 (PLEN/13).


  • The meeting confirmed the continuation of Mr Simon Bugaba (UCC, Uganda) as the SG13RG-AFR Chairman and Mr Brice Murara (RURA, Rwanda), Ms Rim Belhassine-Cherif (Tunisia Telecom) and Ms Soumaya Benbartaoui (ARPT, Algeria) as vice-chairmen for the SG13 Regional Group for Africa (SG13RG-AFR).
  • The SG13 meeting confirmed continuation of Mr Marco Carugi (NEC, Japan) as the SG13 Mentor.
  • The meeting agreed to nominate Mr Huan Deng (China Telecom) as Acting Q2/13 Rapporteur to run the Q2/13 sessions on 6 – 8 February in absence of the Q2/13 Rapporteur.

Confirmed holding the workshop  "ITU-T Standardization Work on Future Networks:Towards a Better Future for Africa", on 2 – 3 April 2017 in Cairo, Egypt, back to back with the fifth meeting of SG13RG-AFR. Report of the workshop steering committee about the preparations to date may be found in TD 116 (GEN/13).
Agreed to have a one day workshop on 5G roadshow on 11 July 2017 in Geneva. Mr Yachen Wang (China Mobile) was nominated as a head of the workshop steering committee.

Bridging Standardization Gap
The SG13 Regional Group for Africa (SG13RG-AFR) will continue its work in this study period under the Term of Reference as approved in April 2016. Its fifth meeting of will take place 4 – 5 April 2017 in Cairo, Egypt at the kind invitation of National Telecom Regulatory Authority of Egypt (NTRA). It will be 2 days activity. 
A BSG hands-on training will be offered to the delegates the day before, on 3 April.

Joint information session between the SG13 and ITU-R WD5D on 5G developments took place in the evening of 15 February. Presentations could be retrieved from TD 136 (GEN/13).

Future plans
An important number of interim activities were agreed to. In particular, all SG13 Questions will meet as Rapporteur groups in Geneva on 3 – 14 July 2017.

Next meetings
The Working Parties 1, 2 and 3/13 plenary meetings will be convened on 14 July 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland in order to give consent to the following draft Recommendations and agree on the Supplement, new work items and future plans:

  WP 1/13:

  • Supplement to Y.IMT2020-series, Standardization and open source activities related to network softwarization of IMT-2020
    Y.IMT-2020-mgt-req, IMT-2020 network management requirement
    Y.IMT-2020-mgmt-frame, IMT-2020 network management framework
    Y.FMC-Req, Requirements of IMT-2020 fixed mobile convergence  
    Y.MM-RN, Mobility management framework over reconfigurable networks

WP 2/13:

  • Y.CCIC-arch, Cloud computing - Functional Architecture of inter-cloud computing  

WP 3/13:

  • Y.fsul, Framework to support ubiquitous self-directed learning in the web objects enabled environment           

Next meeting of SG 13 will take place from 6 to 17 November 2017 in Geneva.

Past Executive Summaries: