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Question 5/11

Question 5/11 – Protocol procedures relating to services provided by broadband network gateways
(New Question)
The broadband network gateway is the access point to the provider's IP network for wireline broadband services. It is therefore a key point of control through which the customer services may be configured at the customer site and within the access network. New protocol procedures are required to enable the rapid provisioning of services over customer IP networks, the services to the customer through multiple broadband network gateways and the open networking value added service (VAS).
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
  • What new protocols and procedures need to be specified to enable rapid provisioning of services over customer IP networks?
  • What new protocols and procedures need to be specified to enable service to the customer through multiple broadband network gateways?
  • What new protocols and procedures need to be specified to enable open networking value added service (VAS)?
Tasks include, but are not limited to:
  • Develop service descriptions for the services, which are not described in other SDOs, and define terms as needed
  • Develop new protocol procedures to enable rapid provisioning of services over customer IP networks
  • Develop new protocol procedures to enable service to the customer through multiple broadband network gateways
  • Develop new protocol procedures to enable open networking value added service (VAS)
  • Development of methodology for security testing and test specification for security testing of Protocol procedures relating to services provided by broadband network gateways 
An up-to-date status of work under this Question is contained in the SG 11 work programme
  • Q, Y and H-series
  • 1/11, 2/11 and 4/11 on policy control
  • 3/11, 7/11, 10/11,
Study groups
  • ITU‑T SG 13 and other Study Groups working on NGN and broadband network gateways
Standardization bodies
  • IETF, Broadband Forum
  • Regional SDOs dealing with NGN and broadband network gateways