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Question 4/11

Question 4/11 – Signalling requirements and protocols for bearer and resource control in emerging telecommunication environments
(Continuation of Questions 4/11 and 5/11)


Separation between transport and services is one of the essential characteristics of next-generation networks (NGN). This requires new types of signalling and control interactions between these layers to enable, e.g. session servers and application servers to control transport resources and associated QoS, in real time. Another essential characteristic of the NGN is its support of session terminals and user mobility. During the 2009-2012 study period, ITU‑T SG 11 has developed a series of resource control protocols for these purposes. It is expected that the study of resource control and signalling requirements and protocols continues and expand to new ITU‑T study area such as ubiquitous sensor networks (USN), cloud computing, smart grid, Internet of things (IoT), future networks (FN), machine-to–machine (M2M) communications, etc.
The behaviour of the traffic which is generated by new services, such as the service enabled by USN, is very different from the traffic generated by existing NGN services. Accordingly, the architecture to control such new traffic may become more complicated. Bearer signalling requirements are closely related to resource control mechanisms and protocols. This implies that the collocation of experts for both bearer and resource control provides higher efficiency and flexibility during the 2013-2016 study period.
Recommendations in force for which the Question is responsible: Q.1970, Q.1990, Q.2630, Q.2761-2764, Q.2920, Q.2931 and Q.2932.1, Q.3150/Y.1416, Q.3151/Y.1417, Q.3300, Q.3301.1, Q.3302.1, Q.3303.0, Q.3303.1, Q.3303.2, Q.3303.3, Q.3304.1, and Q.3304.2, Q.Sup51.
 Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to: 
  • What signalling requirements and protocols are required for bearer and resource control involving new types of transport protocols and transport networks (e.g. USN, cloud computing, smart grid, IoT, FN and M2M communication)?
  • What new recommendations are required to support bearer and resource control for new application areas such as unicast/multicast flows for IPTV service, home networking, and mobility?
  • What new recommendations are required to support handover control for mobility?
  • What new recommendations are required to support security of bearer and resource control and signalling?
  • What new functional architecture and protocol enhancements are required to support bearer and resource control for services and applications of public interest, such as emergency call handling and disaster relief?
  • What new Recommendations are required to support signalling of quality of service (QoS) information, traffic management?
  • What enhancements to existing recommendations are required to provide energy savings directly or indirectly in information and communication technologies or in other industries? What enhancements to developing or new recommendations are required to provide such energy savings?
Tasks include, but are not limited to:
  • develop signalling requirements and protocols for new bearer services to support traffic of new applications based on future network architectures;
  • develop signalling requirements and protocols for admission control coordination;
  • develop signalling requirements and protocols for bearer and resource control and traffic management supporting unicast/multicast flows for IPTV service;
  • develop signalling requirements and protocols for QoS signalling and traffic management;
  • develop signalling requirements and protocols for bearer and resource control supporting home networking;
  • develop signalling requirements and protocols to support handover for seamless session mobility;
  • develop signalling requirements and protocols for interaction among bearer and resource control domains;
  • develop specifications of interfaces to adjacent layers with relevant ITU‑T SG Questions/groups;
  • enhance the existing bearer and resource control and signalling related Recommendations;
  • Study and develop recommendations to identify requirements for service dependent bearer control and signalling related mechanisms;
  • develop protocol implementation conformance statements (PICS) for selected protocols.
An up-to-date status of work under this Question is contained in the SG 11 work programme
  • H.248, Q.1950, Y.1541, Y.1221, Y.2111, I.555, Q.1970, Q.1990, Q.263x-series, Q.29xx-series, Y.2121
  • 1/11 on signalling and control architecture
  • 2/11 on application and session control and signalling
  • 7/11 on network attachment control and signalling
Study groups
  • SG 15 on transport and ASON technologies, especially on transport network architectures (Question 12/15) and management and control of transport systems and equipment (Question 14/15)
  • SG 16 on multimedia aspects
  • SG 17 on security aspects
  • SG 13 on NGN architecture, especially on project coordination and release planning for NGN, principles and functional architecture for NGN (Question 2/13) and requirements and framework for QoS for NGN (Question 6/13)
Standardization bodies
  • Other regional and national SDOs dealing with NGN, USN, cloud computing, smart grid, IoT, FN and M2M