Committed to connecting the world

Digital Inclusion Success Stories

African School of Physics 2014

ITU supported young men and women’s participation in the third biennial School of Fundamental Physics and its Applications, ASP2014, by providing 10 scholarships for participants and through the attendance of ITU Secretary General Dr. Hamadoun Touré.  This event took place at the Université Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD) in Dakar, Senegal, from August 3 to August 23, 2014 and was in line with ITU’s target to encourage girls and young women to take up STEM studies and careers and contribute to overall technological capacity building among African youth.


Digital Inclusion in Vanuatu

​Successful digital inclusion initiatives in ITU Member States can serve as practical inspiration for others who are motivated to carry out similar projects in their own countries.  In this video, Doreen Lango shares the story of her successful digital inclusion project in Vanuatu along with some key advice for replicating her model for a self-sustaining, community-based telencentre project in other countries. thumb_video_2.png


Connecting Schools as Community Centres in Nicaragua

​ITU developed a project, beginning in 2009, in Nicaragua, comprised of a National Connectivity Plan (developed in conjunction with the Government) and five pilot projects to connect schools.  These projects included, for example, providing equipment to schools and training of trainers.  Despite the enormous challenges associated with providing access to remote locations, the efforts paid off and, within a few years, Nicaragua connected hundreds of additional schools. thumb_video_3.png

Girls in ICTs

ITU Members, through Resolution 70- PP 2010, created “International Girls in ICT Day” to be held every year on the 4th Thursday of April, to encourage girls to take up ICT studies and careers and become creators of technology.  From 2011 through this year, more than 8,000 events held in 166 countries have empowered over 300,000 girls, making them aware of the possibilities that the ICT sector can offer in terms of education and future job opportunities. 

The following videos share the story of successful Girls in ICT Day celebrations:


































​Digital Literacy for Women at the Bottom of the Pyramid

In collaboration with, ITU promoted digital literacy for women at the bottom of the development pyramid by training over 1,000,000 women in basic technological skills.  Digital literacy opens the door to a vast array of opportunities for women, providing for their economic and social empowerment. 

This impact map shares the inspiring stories from women who participated in this initiative around the world.











The following video shares Mryna Padilla’s inspiring story of how ICT can transform the lives of those who embrace it.  Ms. Padilla is an extraordinary entrepreneur and an example of the opportunities digital literacy can provide for disadvantaged women around the world.  thumb_video_8.png