Committed to connecting the world

World Telecommunication Development Conference 2014


Statement by Ms. Khédija Ghariani, Secretary-General, Arab Information and Communication Technology Organization (AICTO)



The role played by ICT for sustainable development is today a fact, and the immediate impact of Broadband on economic recovery and growth, and namely on employment opportunities have never drawn so much attention.

In this respect, the Arab ICT Organization (AICTO), has launched the ‘Arab Youth Empowerment Network’ (AYENET) to help the Arab youth develop their entrepreneurship and innovation skills, and assist them in launching pilot projects in ICT or using ICT.

Within this project, an annual Forum is organized including a conference, practical workshops, and an award for best projects.

The topic of the 2nd international Forum on “Empowering Arab Youth through ICT – job opportunities”, was " Broadband, catalyst for the Arab youth creativity within technological incubators,

Broadband is also a major enabler for women, helping them to play an active role in their societies, providing them with large opportunities and increasing their employability, thus alleviating the gender digital divide.

In this respect, AICTO is currently working on ‘Arab Women Empowerment through ICT’ aiming at reducing the gender digital divide considered as a development gap, and help women benefit from ICT opportunities namely through e-work, with a special focus on rural areas.

Broadband, namely m-Broadband enables the development of e-services very important namely in rural areas in the : e-health, e-agriculture, etc..

In this respect, AICTO has launched the ‘ICT for a sustainable Agricultural Development project in the Arab region”, thus contributing to the achievement of the “Arab Food Security Program”.

Indeed, Agriculture is facing globally many issues and challenges such as climate change, water crises and shortages which have a negative impact on food safety & security in the Arab region in spite of e many enablers to reach the sustainable agricultural development.

The access to Broadband is becoming a universal service contributing to the improvement of the living conditions of individuals, unless significant investment is provided through an adequate and innovative Public Private Partnership.