have been sent the following categories entitled to participate (ref. CV/Art. 23): 

  • Member States [CV/268]
    • CL-17/41: Invitation on behalf of the United Arab Emirates
    • CL-17/42: Invitation from the ITU Secretary-General 
  • Palestine [Res. 99 (Rev. Busan, 2014)]
  • Observers which participate in an advisory capacity (Annex 2 to Res. 145 (Antalya, 2006)):
    • the United Nations [CV/269A]
    • regional telecommunications organizations [CV/269B]
    • intergovernmental organizations operating satellite systems [CV/269C]
    • specialized agencies of the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency [CV/269D]
    • DM-17/1004: Invitation from the ITU Secretary-General 
  • Observers which do not participate in an advisory capacity (Annex 3 to Res. 145 (Antalya, 2006)):
    • Sector Members referred to in CV/229 (recognized operating agencies, scientific or industrial organizations and financial or development institutions) and CV/231 (regional and other international telecommunication, standardization, financial or development organizations)
    • DM-17/1005: Invitation from the ITU Secretary-General 

General information on organizational arrangements was sent in CL-18/33.

Information on organizational arrangements for Ministers and high-level delegates was sent in CL-18/29.