Page 101 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2021
P. 101

                                               AUGMENTED REALITY

                                     Dhananjay Kumar , Panchalingam Srinidhy , Ved P. Kafle 2
                         1 Department of Information Technology, Anna University, MIT Campus, Chennai, India
                           2 National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Tokyo, Japan

                              ABSTRACT                        In augmented reality, virtual objects need to be projected into
                                                              the real world in such a manner that they appear to be aligned
           Home interior design  is often a  challenging and  time-  with real-world objects.  Interior design  with  augmented
           consuming task due to several  mismatches  between  the   reality  implemented on  smartphones  has the  potential to
           selection of interiors in a shop and their composition in a   provide new opportunities for designers, as well as end users.
           target room. One of these mismatches is a lack of knowledge   Therefore, designing and developing a system model for the
           in relation to the target room and to other interiors when an   creation of a home interior layout-based application brings
           item is seen in a shop. In this paper, we propose to design   the developer a step closer to a real-world experience. When
           and develop a system model by which users can virtually try   shopping for interior fittings, customers would be able to use
           out various settings of home interiors by using marker-less   an app to determine their best fit and size by virtually trying
           Augmented  Reality  (AR).  To minimize the latency of  the   the items before their purchase [2,3]. This can pave the way
           system, we apply the hybrid approach of combining an AR   for revolutionized shopping [4]. This would help eliminate
           framework with a Simultaneous Localization And Mapping   common errors in judgement, and also save time and money
           (SLAM) algorithm, where the 3D feature points are updated   for the store and the customers. AR can help customers make
           dynamically,  thereby  avoiding  occlusion when multiple   informed decisions by purchasing products provided as the
           interiors are  placed on the  real-world  view.  Dimension   system supports the look and aesthetic of the product before
           scanning is deployed to provide accurate live-size scaling to   they actually buy it.
           the  real-world  environment whereas  transformations are
           handled efficiently by means of a touch gesture recognition.   The  AR  with  3D model for the interior  design needs  to
           The proposed system model for home interior design can be   consider the features to accomplish it on a target device with
           easily  implemented as a mobile  application.  The   a vibrant 3D prototype. The convenience and efficiency of
           performance evaluation  through experiments  shows  that   the AR-based  solution needs  to consider  the cooperation
           with the SLAM algorithm, the average response time of the   between the designer and consumer [5]. A projection-based
           proposed system improves by 43%. The proposed system is   augmented reality [6] delivers digital information to users
           intended to meet the requirements of virtual and augmented   within a stationary  context. Target objects and  users can
           reality services specified by ITU-T Study Group 16.    move around in the environment, but the zone in which AR
                                                              experiences take place is limited to the fields of view of both
            Keywords – Augmented reality, home interior, occlusion,   the fixed projector and the supporting camera for tracking. A
                         marker-less AR, SLAM                 3D  map  system uses  projection-based AR  [7]  for interior
                                                              design and virtual installation of products, where the user can
                          1. INTRODUCTION                     interact with the projection since the device uses a spatial
                                                              user interface that can detect depth variations and can hence
           According to a market research report [1], the market value   use the application.  Although  projection-based  AR can
           of Augmented Reality (AR) applications in mobile devices   produce a realistic view, it requires sophisticated hardware
           is expected to grow from $7.6 billion in 2020 to $29.5 billion   like a projector camera with mounted servomotors, which
           by 2025.  The increasing use  of  mobile  augmented reality   restricts its usability and accessibility to common users.
           applications in e-commerce and retail has been fueled by the
           interest of giant hardware/software  companies  in  AR  app   Marker-less  augmented  reality  does  not  require  prior
           development. However, to provide the real-time experience   knowledge of the user’s environment to overlay virtual 3D
           to users based on an augmented reality platform, there are   content into a scene and hold it to a fixed point in space. It
           still several  design challenges  due to  the limitations of   places virtual  3D objects in  the physical  environment
           computational  capacity  and user interaction in  mobile   depending on the  environment’s real features rather  than
           devices.                                           identifying the markers. This differentiation eliminates the

           978-92-61-33881-7/CFP2168P @ ITU 2021           – 39 –                                   Kaleidoscope
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