Page 68 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2020
P. 68

2020 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           structure of the industry, and contributed to the realization of   3.  METHODOLOGY
           high-quality  employment  [4].  In  the  study  on  the  digital
           economy’s  employment effects,  which  is based  on a  non-  This paper adopts the statistical method for measuring direct
           competitive employment input-occupancy-output model, it   employment  and  stimulation  effects  on  economy,  and  the
           indicates  that  industrial  convergence  between  ICT  and   data is obtained from questionnaires on the WeChat platform.
           traditional industries can spur on the economic expansion,   The calculation of indirect employment is conducted through
           leading  to  a  gradual  extension  of  consumption-driven   the expenditure method of the national economic accounting
           employment effects.                                methods,  with  the  data  coming  from  statistics  related  to
                                                              consumption in personal questionnaires. To investigate the
           Meanwhile, the digital economy has a greater influence on   social  and  economic  influences  of  the  WeChat  platform
           the employment of technology-intensive manufacturing and   during the outbreak, we chose to distribute and take back the
           that  of  labor-intensive  and  capital-intensive  sectors,  and   questionnaires between March and April, targeting business
           presents strong employment effects in the producer service   operators and service providers of the platform. Finally, we
           sector, driving the industrial economy of China to transform   managed to collect 1189 effective answers from corporate
           from being labor-intensive to technology-intensive [5].   service providers, 470 from payment service providers, 103
                                                              from applet service providers, 2,186 from official account
           In addition, the increasing convergence of Internet platforms   operators and 946 from applet developers.
           with  other  industries  fosters  new  technologies,  new
           industries and new business formats, and the application of
           new technologies also helps reshape the operation modes of
           traditional  industries  and  traditional  economy,  thus
           contributing  to  social  employment.  David  Autor’s  study
           assumed  that  existing  research  on  the  impacts  of  new
           technologies  on  the  labor  market  have  overplayed  the
           substitution  effects,  arguing  that  the  new  technologies
           haven't  reduced  the  overall  employment,  but  rather
           complemented labor forces while replacing them, boosting
           output  and  labor  demands  and  thus  contributing  to
           employment [6].

           Zhan  Xiaoning  and  Ouyang  Yongfu  pointed  out  in  their
           study  (2018)  that  the  FDI  of  digital  economy,  including
           investment  and  technologies  in  digital,  intelligent  and
           automated  fields,  is  crucial  to  the  upgrading  and
           transformation of traditional industries and the improvement
           of  global  competitiveness,  thus  exerting  an  indispensable   Figure 1 – Employment estimation model
           role in boosting the employment of traditional industries [7].
                                                              3.1    Calculation of the economic impact of WeChat
           With  the  task-based  theoretical  models,  Acemoglu  and
           Restropo explained that apart from the substitution effects on   The economic impact of WeChat mainly refers to the driving
           the  labor  market,  automation,  artificial  intelligence  and   of  consumption  (in  the  same  caliber  as  GDP),  including
           robotics  will  also  create  new  work  tasks  that  require  the   information  consumption  and  the  driving  of  traditional
           laborers’  competitive  advantages,  and  the  capital   consumption.  Information  consumption  refers  to  the
           accumulation and the improvement of automated productive   information  products  and  services  purchased  and  used  by
           efficiency  coming  along  will  also  produce  new  tasks,   residents or governments in the accounting period to meet
           increasing labor demands and thus creating more jobs [8].    personal  or  public  needs,  which  can  be  divided  into
                                                              information  product  consumption  and  information  service
           Wang Mengfei and Zhang Xiwei (2020) proposed that the   consumption.  At  the  same  time,  through  the  Internet
           technological changes brought about by the digital economy   platform,  mobile  payment  and  other  means,  information
           will  reshape  the  conventional  production  mode,  and  that   consumption can greatly drive consumption in other fields,
           intelligent  production  enhances  the  replacement  of   and  promote  the  vigorous  development  of  emerging
           materialized  labor  and  cuts  employment.  Parallel  to  this,   consumption  such  as  online  shopping,  online  take-outs,
           knowledge-intensive industries, such as technological R&D   online  travel,  ride-sharing,  online  education  and
           and algorithm studies, is gradually becoming a new labor-  telemedicine, and create a new ecology of digital economy.
           intensive industry, providing more job opportunities [9].

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