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2020 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

                  of operator knowledge in evaluating virtual reality cue   [31]  T.  Shaleendra,  B.  Wishvamali,  N.  Gunarathne,  S.
                  fidelity,  Computers  and  Electronics  in  Agriculture.   Hareendran, and P. Abeygunawardhana: Simulation
                  Elsevier          160(March)          doi:         T.  Shaleendra,  B.  Wishvamali,  N.  Gunarathne,  S.
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                  Farming  Culture  Based  on  Unity3D,”  IFAC-      Technology and Intelligent Systems, ISRITI 2019,
                  PapersOnLine, vol. 51, no. 17, pp. 637–642, 2018.   (December2019),doi:
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                  Interaction System for Agricultural Tools Museum
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                  Multimedia. doi: 10.1155/2019/2659313. pp. 1-15,   Population  World  for  Learning  and  Training
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                  experience model for thematic tourism: A Port wine   11(9). doi: 10.3390/su11092658, Switzerland. 2019
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                  103–109, 2017.                                     Agriculture  Students  at  the  University  of  Ilorin,
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            [28]   J. Rudowicz-Nawrocka, k. Kudlińska, G. Niedbała and   ACM  SIGGRAPH  International  Conference  on
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                  dairy  cattle  monitoring,  Applied  Researches  in   Industry. doi: 1145/3359997.3365721. 2019.
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            [29]  Z. Zhao, W. Yang, W. Chinthammit, R. Rawnsley, P.   Virtual  Scene  Based  on  Unity3D.  IFAC-
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